3-19-19 PC Minutes



March 19, 2019 7:00 PM

Present:  Kitchenmaster, Cook, Flint, VanDooren, Davis, Turner, Hart, Kelvin Potter, Dale McGoron, Herm Rollin, Terry Libera, Elizabeth, Rod and Kel McElroy, Matthew Key.

Absent: None.

Call to Order at 7:00 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Corrections/Additions to Agenda:  None.

Approval/Corrections to PC Minutes of 01/15/2019:  Motion Cook, second Davis to approve 

  minutes of 01/15/2019.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  None.

New Business:  Review Master Plan, Commercial & Industrial, pg. 2-7 through 2-10 & 3-4.

SLU Rollins, Auto Repair.  SLU application submitted by Steve Rollins-Rollins Auto Sales-5567 S M-52, parcel #33-04-04-09-300-018- for a vehicle service and repair shop at Rollins Auto Sales [Exhibit 1].  Secondary preliminary review, dated March 14, 2019, by Zoning Administrator Hart [Exhibit 2] and correspondence with Landplan [Exhibit 3} reviewed by PC.  Maintenance Agreement with ICDC required.  Explanation by Herm Rollin on need for mechanic due to increase in business.

Motion Cook, second Flint to receive the SLU application for Steve Rollins as complete and schedule a public hearing for April 16th, 2019 at 7 PM.  PASSED.

Rezone application for Matthew Key-5200 M-52, parcel #33-04-04-16-400-013- from A-1 to B-1 to have an auto repair facility [Exhibit 4].  Review for application completeness by Zoning Administrator Hart [Exhibit 5], dated 3/15/2019 discussed by PC.  Warranty Deed showing Matthew and Amber Key as owners submitted.

Motion Flint, second Cook to receive the application as complete and schedule a public hearing, for rezoning, for April 16th, 2019 at 8 PM.

SLU Potter, Saw Mill.  SLU application submitted by Kelvin Potter- Corey Rd- parcel #33-04-04-14-100-015- for a sawmill [Exhibit 6].  Review of application not complete [Exhibit 6]

Leave Kelvin Potter at 7:50 PM.

Addressing junkyards.  Discussion by PC in regards to how to proceed with addressing junkyards/blight.  Consensus to look at sample ordinances from surrounding areas, as well as the Township Board addressing the issue.

Concerns/Comments, PC, ZA, Consultants:  Hart showed preliminary plan of Jorgensen Dairy facility, explained it was in the planning stages at this time.

Public Comment:  Dale McGoron commented on junkyards as it is described in the Zoning Ordinance.

Adjournment:  Motion VanDooren, second Flint to adjourn meeting.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Glenda Turner Matt Flint

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895