Township Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes 12-17-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 12-19-2024

December 17, 2024                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met on December 17, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present: Nathan Lott, Marcy Shepler, Sheri Rambo, Ty Hull, Jean Coe.  Also, present Fletcher Reed

Absent: None.

Call to order at 7:01 PM by Supervisor Lott followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda: Motion Rambo second Shepler to allow Glenda to work along with Shepler.

Approval of agenda:

Action on November 12, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the Board of Trustees meeting minutes of 11/12/2024.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #6470 – #6519 in the amount of $48457.96.  PASSED {5-0}.


Presentation/Public Comment:  None


Unfinished Business:

*Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2024-01. Motion by Supervisor Lott to adopt Ordinance second by Rambo to adopt Ordinance 2024-01. Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Shepler, Lott, Hull, Coe. No-None. Passed (5-0)


New Business

*Locke Township Master Plan draft. Reviewed by Planning Commission December 3, 2024, Public Hearing Scheduled for February 18th 2025@ 7pm. Planning Commission recommends release of Master Plan for public review.

William & Works will send Master Plan to reviewing agencies pending clarifications.

Motion Shepler, second Hull to send Master Plan draft to reviewing agencies.

Roll call vote: Yes-Shepler, Lott, Hull, Coe. No- Rambo. Passed (4-1)

*Proposal from William & Works, dated December 3, 2024 to prepare Locke Township Zoning Ordinance update $18,000 in approximately 9 months. Begin update approximately April 2025.

Motion Lott, second Shepler to accept Williams & Works proposal to prepare Locke Township Zoning Ordinance update as stated in December 3, 2024 letter at an estimated cost of $18,000 and a time frame of approximate time frame of 9 months. Proposal passed (5-0)

* Appointments to Planning Commission, Nomination by Lott to appoint Ty Hull to an ex officio township board member term expiring 11/20/2028. Motion by Rambo, second Coe to accept appointment. Nomination of Dorothy Hart to a partial term expiring 12/31/2025, motion by Rambo second by Hull to accept appointment. Nomination of Duane Pinckney to a 3-year term expiring 12/31/2027, motion by Shepler, second Rambo to accept nomination.

Dorothy Hart and Duane Pinckney. Nomination by Lott, second Rambo.

Zoning Board of Appeals permanent position available and NIESA alternate representative position available.

*Clerk Shepler appointed Glenda Turner as Deputy Clerk. Motion Lott, second Coe to approve the appointment of Glenda Turner as Deputy Clerk. Passed (5-0)

*Treasurer Rambo appointed Michelle Soliz as Deputy Treasurer. Motion Lott, second Shepler to approve the appointment of Michelle Soliz as Deputy Treasurer. Passed (5-0)



*Clerk-Nov rev/exp report distributed and reviewed. Attended December 11th MTA workshop/training for elected officials and attended December 12th Fahey, Schultz Attorney’s free Newly Elected Officials Workshop.

*Treasurer- Oct Treasurers Revised Report – Nov Treasurers report distributed; Attended MTA Webinar 11/13 onboarding new officials. 1042 tax bills/newsletters mailed.

*Trustee- Coe attended December 11th MTA workshop/training for newly elected officials

*Trustee- Hull could not attend December 11th MTA workshop/training for newly elected officials. Will look into online options.

*Supervisor- Nov rev/exp report. December 3rd submitted Bloom PA 116 apps to MDARD. Attended December 11th MTA workshop/training for newly elected officials.

*Zoning Administrator- Nov report summary with building & trades permits update.


Public Comment. None


Discussion items.

*Township Hall Rental Agreement to be discussed at future meeting.

*Attorney – anticipate Atty Hitch will retire this year. Request for proposal will be sent to potential legal services providers asking for written submission outlining experience, processes and costs.

Cost of Living (COLA) for 2025 salaries and wages (2.5%) to be discussed at another time.


Communications, seminars, etc.

*MTA Annual Educational Conference in April

Any Other Business/Board member comments:

Discussion on Locke Township Resolution 2024-12 to support Local Control and Claim of Appeal against Michigan Public Service Commission Order. Motion Shepler, second Rambo to support appeal.

Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Shepler, Lott, Hull, Coe. No-None. Passed (5-0)

Adjournment:  Motion Shepler, second Hull to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Meeting adjourned at 8:56 by Supervisor Lott.



Marcy Shepler

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 11-12-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 11-14-2024

November 12, 2024                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met on November 12, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present: Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Nate Lott, Ty Hull, Nick Keck, Bert Gale, Deanna Davis, Fletcher Reed, Spencer Crandall (Z-solutions).

Absent: None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on October 8, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, second Rambo to approve the Board of Trustees meeting minutes of 10/08/2024.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6436- #6469 in the amount of $21,173.54.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Hearing called to order at 7:02 PM.  Explanation and procedure of Public Hearing given by Supervisor Hart.  Purpose of the Public Hearing is to receive public comment on proposed

Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2024-01.

No public comment.

Public Hearing closed at 7:03 PM.

Presentation/Public Comment:  Presentation from Bert Gale (AGS) with explanation on Agreement to amend terms of contract with Locke Township.  AGS entered into original agreement with Locke Township in 2005 and has not raised charges for the service of construction code inspections since 2005.  Gale explained that services have went up 75% since 2014.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept and adopt agreement to amend Terms of Contract with AGS effective January 1, 2025.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Shepler, Davis, Hart, Turner, Rambo.  No-None.   PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business:

*2025 Regular meetings, 2nd Tuesday of month @ 7 PM (except as noted).  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve meeting dates for 2025.  PASSED {5-0}.

New Business

*Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2018-02. Review of 20241104 e-mail from Atty Hitch re: firearms on cemetery property discussed.  Clean copy of Cemetery Ordinance to be at December board meeting for action.

*Approval of MTA workshop/training for elected officials, mileage, trustee extra meeting wage & books, Dec 11th in Lansing, $150 reg. ea.  Nate, Marcy, Jean & Ty.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve the MTA workshop training for elected officials, mileage, trustee extra meeting wage & books, Dec 11th in Lansing.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval-Trustee Shepler 10/16  MTA webinar ‘In the Transition’ extra meeting wage $30 and Clerk Shepler mileage-Fahey, Schultz Atty 12/12 Free Newly Elected Officials Workshop.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve Trustee Shepler 10/16  MTA webinar ‘In the Transition’ extra meeting wage $30 and Clerk Shepler mileage-Fahey, Schultz Atty 12/12 Free Newly Elected Officials Workshop.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval-Treas Rambo 11/13 $25 registration.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve 11/13 $25 registration fee.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Appointment of Jim Benjamin as temporary Sexton if/when Ed Fuller goes to Florida.  Consensus to appoint Jim Benjamin as temporary Sexton.

*Action on two PA116 Applications submitted by Bloom Family Farms LLC I.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve Farmland and Open Space preservation program,    2024-01 submitted by Bloom Family Farms LLC I.  PASSED {5-0}. Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve Farmland and Open Space preservation program, 2024-02 submitted by Bloom Family Farms LLC I.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Change Dec 2024 Twp Bd meeting date from Tues Dec 10 to Tues Dec 17.  Consensus to

change the Dec 2024 Twp Bd meeting date.

*Resolution 2024-08 Bob Davis Appreciation.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to adopt Resolution

2024-08, Bob Davis Appreciation.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Hart, Davis, Shepler, Turner, Rambo.  No-

None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Resolution 2024-09 Glenda Turner Appreciation.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2024-09 Glenda Turner Appreciation.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Resolution 2024-10 Dorothy Hart Appreciation.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to adopt  Resolution 2024-10, Dorothy Hart Appreciation.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Davis, Shepler, Rambo, Hart, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Action on MTA half-off online learning webcast in Nov. $375.  No action.

*Foster Swift Atty opportunity to join litigation against MPSC, Nov 8th deadline [2 written request for special meeting received/not a majority of Board].

*Resolution 2024-11 Investment and Depository Designation Policy.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to adopt Resolution 2024-11 Investment and Depository Designation Policy.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Davis, Hart, Turner, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Clerk-Oct rev/exp report distributed and reviewed; 10/15 election training-zoom; 10/12 conducted Preliminary Accuracy Test; 10/17 conducted Public Accuracy Test; 9 days early voting 10/26-11/03-402 early voters cast ballots during early voting; Nov 5 election results-881 election day voters (450 AV ballots).

*Treasurer- Oct Treasurers report distributed;  10/16 MTA webinar ‘In the Transition’; [handout-Election Transitions]; rolled CD over @ Flagstar; qtr census report.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update; 10/10 BS & A user group meeting; 10/16 MTA webinar ‘In the Transition’.

Davis reported on Dietz Rd and Hoxie Rd bridge construction update; Discussed light at Haslett Rd.

*Supervisor- Oct NIESA report; attend 10/10 NIESA meeting; attend 10/30 NIESA personnel meeting; 10/31 zoom meeting-Atty Hitch, AGS-Bert Gale & Nick Keck; 11/04 NIESA finance meeting; Dietz Rd bridge on schedule for Nov 15th bridge completion-may do additional paving

*Zoning Administrator- Oct report distributed, building permits update.

Public Comment.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Sgt Jeremy Doerr, ICSD report:  July-4 calls [warrant arrest, 2 vehicle crash Colby/M 52, car crash Bell Oak/Colby, car/deer crash Morrice/Lovejoy] August-4 calls [civil dispute, vehicle crash/intoxicated/died], Morrice Rd crash-drunk driver, abandoned vehicle towed  Sept-4 calls [breaking/entering, car/tractor crash Bell Oak/Herrington, child abuse complaint, car/deer crash Morrice near Bell Oak].

*Fowlerville Schools, Resolution Opposing Marijuana Dispensaries/Activities

*Fowlerville School, Nov 1 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony/grand opening Elementary School

*December 7th Wmstn Area Senior Center Open House noon-4 pm

*December 12th Fahey Schulz Free Newly Elected Officials Workshop, 11:30-6pm [Shepler]

*Wmstn Depot Museum, fall newsletter.

*Locke Township Agenda Topics.

*ICC/MTA holiday party-Mon Dec 9 5:30-7:30 Buddies Grill, Holt

Any Other Business/Board member comments:

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second  Turner to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:27 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 10-8-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 10-10-2024

October 8, 2024                                                                                                                                Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met on October 8, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present: Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Nate Lott, Jean Coe, Deanna Davis, Fletcher Reed, Spencer Crandall (Z-solutions).

Absent: None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of snow plowing under new business and purchase of a Sidwell map under Treasurer report.

Action on September 10, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of September 10, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #6404- #6435 in the amount of $19304.68.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment.

Unfinished Business:

*Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2018-02, review/update suggestions. Changes made to existing Cemetery Ordinance No. 2018-02 reviewed.  Discussion concerning Section 6: Forfeiture of Vacant Cemetery Lots or Burial Spaces.  Discussion of Section 17(e) removal.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to refer Draft Cemetery Ordinance Section 17 (e) to attorney.  Roll call vote: Yes-Davis, Turner, Rambo, Hart.  No-Shepler.   PASSED {4-1}.

Motion Turner, second Davis to schedule the public hearing for Draft Cemetery Ordinance No. 2024-01 for Nov 12th @ 7 PM.  PASSED {5-0}.

New Business: Discussion of CD 10/21 maturity, rates.  Information from Flagstar and Independent Bank reviewed.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to renew the CD at maturity at Flagstar Bank for 179 days.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Davis, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Office closures for 2025 discussed.  Consensus to close office for the following holidays: Thurs June 19 (Juneteenth), Tues Nov 11 (Veterans Day), Thurs Nov 27 (Thanksgiving), Thurs Dec 25 (Christmas), Thurs Jan 01, 2016 (New Years Day).

*2025 Regular meetings, 2nd Tues of month @ 7 PM  Note: Tues Nov 11 is Veterans Day.  2025 meeting dates to be discussed in November.

*Resolution 2024-07 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to adopt Resolution 2024-07.  Roll call vote: Yes-Davis, Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval of Trustee Shepler extra meeting wage-$35-09/24 PA 116 webinar, $80-09/25 ICC/MTA meeting in Mason, $80-10/10 BS &A User Group, plus mileage.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve extra meeting wages and mileage to Trustee Shepler as stated.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Maner Costerisan audit year ending 03/31/2025, est $8800 [$7700 in ‘23].  Motion Shepler, second Turner to enter into agreement with Maner Costerisan for audit services year ending 03/31/2025.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Non-Statutory Duties Compensation-Rhodes, Trew, Jorgensen, Turner.

Motion Rambo, second Turner to approve compensation for Deputy Clerk Rhodes for non-statutory duties, including: Election inspector, a public office.  Roll call vote: Yes-Hart, Rambo, Turner, Davis, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve compensation for Jalene Trew, Locke Township custodian for non-statutory duties, including: Election inspector, a public office.  Roll call vote: Yes-Turner, Shepler, Davis, Hart, Rambo.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve compensation for Cory Jorgensen, Locke Township Planning Commission member for non-statutory duties, including Board of Review, a public office.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Davis, Turner, Hart, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve compensation for Glenda Turner, Locke Township Clerk for non-statutory duties, including Election Inspector, a public office.  Roll call vote: Yes-Hart, Davis, Turner, Shepler, Rambo.  PASSED {5-0}.

Snowplowing for 2024-25 season.  Snow removal/salting quote for 2024/2025 winter season received and reviewed.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve quote from Webster & Griffes for snow removal/salting for 2024-25 winter season.  PASSED {5-0}.


*Treasurer- Sept Treasurers report distributed; Review of Cemetery Ord; 10/16 MTA webinar ‘In the Transition’; Request to purchase a new Sidwell map for the office-Consensus from board to purchase a new Sidwell map.

*Clerk-Sept rev/exp report distributed and reviewed; 9/12 and 10/03 virtual BOE election training; 9/19 met w/Election Source-tabulator maint/repair; mailed 468 AV ballots; prepare/submit Annual F-65; prepare/submit Annual Qualifying Stmt; prepare/submit Qtrly Emp Filings; 10/08 Election Commission meeting; Submitted payroll for early voting re-imbursement for August 2024 primary.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update; 9/24 PA 116 webinar; attend 09/25 ICC/MTA @ Ing Co Justice Complex.

Davis reported on Dietz Rd and Hoxie Rd bridge construction update; Commented on M-52 and Haslett Rd intersection in need of traffic light due to accidents.

*Supervisor- Sept NIESA report; attend 09/12 NIESA meeting; attend 09/25 ICC/MTA @ Ingham Co Justice complex; update on Key Auto Repair; 10/07 e-mail from Atty Hitch concerning contact from twp. resident.

*Zoning Administrator- Sept report distributed, building permits update.

Public Comment.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Sgt Jeremy Doerr, ICSD report.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024: Dec-Jan-New Officials Training.

*DTE, chance for $5000 Energy Efficiency Makeover.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Rambo commented on mail interference concern.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:49 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 9-10-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 09-12-2024

September 10, 2024                                                                                                                        Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met September 10, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler.  Also present:  Fletcher Reed.

Absent:  Davis.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  None.

Action on August 13, 2024 Meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of, August 13, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6368- #6403 in the amount of $27581.97.  PASSED {4-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment: None


Unfinished Business:

*Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2018-02, review/update suggestions.  Rambo suggested the addition of statutes referenced in the Ordinance, list Locke Township cemeteries, review Sec 11-approval of Markers and Monuments-Clerk or Sexton, Sec 16-Allowing/Disallowing firearms, Davis suggested clarification on Section 5-forfeiture.

New Business:  None.


*Treasurer- Aug treasurers report; CD matures 10/21; 68% of summer taxes have been collected; 09/04 Ing Co Treas Assoc meeting; review of Cemetery Ord.

*Clerk- Aug rev/exp report distributed; 08/08 rec. drop box reimbursement; 08/20 completed BS&A survey; 08/29 rec. Aug Rev Sharing; 09/05 Virtual BOE election training; preparing for November General Election.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update.

*Supervisor- Aug NIESA report; attend 08/08 NIESA meeting; MMPC Correspondence, 09/17 meeting notification.

*Zoning Administrator- Aug report distributed, building permits update.

Public Comment: None.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Sgt Jeremy Doerr, ICSD report: None.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024:  Dec-New Officials Training $149.

*July 2024 MTA township focus, pgs 14-20, Boosting Board Engagement.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None

Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Special Meeting Minutes – Township Board 8-1-24 -DRAFT

August 1, 2024 Approved___________
The Locke Township Board met August 1, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.
Present: Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present: Representatives from Williamston
Senior Center- Julie Rudd, Dawn Harris and Susan Cockerill, Also: Tom Dean, Christine
Absent: None.
Call to order at 4:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.
Action on July 9, 2024 meeting minutes. Motion Shepler, second Davis, to approve the minutes
of July 9, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting. PASSED {5-0}.
Resolution 2024-06 Proposal for Senior Center Millage including [Rescinding Resolution 2024-
05 Williamston Area Senior Center Millage Proposal] distributed/reviewed, followed by
Public Comment: Senior Center Rep. gave a brief explanation of the ballot proposal. Opposition
to the ballot proposal was stated by residents.
Motion Shepler, second Hart to rescind Resolution 2024-05 Williamston Area Senior Center
Millage proposal and adopt Resolution 2024-06 Proposal for Senior Center Millage. Roll call
vote: Yes- Hart, Shepler. No-Rambo, Davis, Turner. Absent-None. Motion failed.
Adjournment- Motion Rambo, second Davis to adjourn. PASSED {5-0}. Meeting adjourned at
4:57 PM.

Glenda S Turner
Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 7-9-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 07-11-2024

July 9, 2024                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metJuly 9, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Deanna Davis, Duane Pinckney.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  Hart added request for sound amplification received/granted provided by Spencer from Z-Solutions.

Action on June 11, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, secondShepler, to approve the minutes of, June 11, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #6305- #6333 in the amount of $19,940.43.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment: Duane Pinckney updated on the Local Control Petition drive, did not receive enough signatures to be placed on the 2024 or 2026 ballot.


Unfinished Business:

*Painting of interior walls [Twp Bd members to bring paint chip samples].  Consensus to

purchase pegasus and fog as colors for the meeting room.

New Business:

*Reply from Ingham County Clerk re: WASC ballot language.  Ingham County Clerks office has sent language to Bureau of Elections.



*Clerk- June rev/exp report distributed; Attended 6/13 BOE 2024 Election Cycle Accreditation in Mason; sent 392 AV ballots for Aug Primary Election (as of July 1st); attend/host 6/26 ICC/MTA meeting at Locke Township Hall; Rec’d $30,019 June 2024 Revenue Sharing; completed/filed 2nd quarter employee tax reports.

*Treasurer-June treasurers report; 6/26 attend ICC/MTA meeting at Locke Township Hall; prepare/mail summer tax bills for 1030 parcels; installed hall name plates on interior doors.

*Trustee- Davis reported that the Road Dept had done striping on roads prior to chip sealing, gave an update on Dietz Rd bridge.

Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update; attend 6/19 MTA Elections Prep meeting in Frankenmuth; attend 6/26 ICC/MTA meeting.

*Supervisor- June NIESA report; attend June 13 NIESA meeting; cemetery signs installed; authored/printed 750 newsletters.

*Zoning Administrator- June report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Sgt Jeremy Doerr, ICSD report: 4/04 car vs deer; 4/09 Susp.; 4/16 car vs deer; 5/07 interfer w/911; 5/07 car vs deer; 5/20 car crash.

*June 10 letter from MI Comm on Law Enforcement Stds, annual in-service training.

*July 11, Wheatfield Twp Hall, Hoxie Rd Bridge Rehabilitation meeting 5:30-6:30.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024: Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100 & Dec-New Officials Training $149.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Discussion of Cemetery Ordinance.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Turner to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:48 pm by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 6-11-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 06-13-2024

June 11, 2024                                                                                                                     Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metJune 11, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Jean Coe, Deanna Davis, Ray Lemmen, Ann Lemmen, Julie Rudd, Dawn Harris, Ty Hull, County Commissioner Monica Schafer.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda

Action on May 14, 2024 meeting minutes.  MotionDavis, secondShepler, to approve the minutes of May 14, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6274- #6304 in the amount of $32,736.61.  PASSED {5-0}.


Presentation/Public Comment.  Williamston Senior Center representative Julie Rudd gave a summary of the proposed millage ballot question for Senior Center Millage to support the operational expenses of the Williamston Senior Center to be placed on the November 5, 2024 election ballot for Webberville and Williamston School District in Locke Township.


Unfinished Business:

*Williamston Senior Center millage proposal information received from Atty Hitch and Aaron Stevens.  Board review and discussion on information received.  The following additional language to be added to Proposal- “to support the operational expenses of the Williamston Senior Center”; “raising an estimated $17,743.26 in the first year of its levy and as provided by law”.Motion Shepler, second Rambo to adopt Resolution 2024-05 Williamston Area Senior Center Millage Proposal.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Davis, Shepler, Hart, Rambo, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Painting Interior walls.  Will re-visit in July.


New Business

*Draft summer newsletter-election information reviewed.

*Action-Trustee $100 registration & mileage to MTA Election Prep workshop-Frankenmuth 6/19.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to pay $100 registration and mileage for Trustee Shepler to attend the MTA Election Prep workshop-Frankenmuth 6/19.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Action-Trustee Shepler $80 extra meeting wage for 5/9 Wmstn Housing Committee meeting.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to pay Trustee Shepler $80 extra meeting wage for 5/9 Wmstn Housing Committee meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

*June 26 ICC/MTA meeting [tour guides] at Locke Township Hall.  Clerk Turner and Trustee Shepler will be in attendance.  Supervisor Bloomquist from Williamstown Township indicated they will be providing snacks.



*Clerk-May rev/exp report; finalized March rev/exp report; 5/16 attend ICRD Dietz Rd bridge public meeting; 5/18 follow up hall renters reported water flood caused from broken outside faucet-faucet has been repaired and correct shut-offs installed; 5/20 completed/mailed MDOS reimbursement claim for ballot drop box video monitoring-$2323.46; 5/23 completed/submitted Presidential Primary election expenses $8649.42 to MDOS for reimbursement; mailed 271 permanent AV apps for Aug/Nov election.

*Treasurer-May 31 treas report; 5/16 attend ICRD Dietz Rd bridge public meeting; new printer installed; preparing summer tax bills.

*Trustee-Davis gave a report on the ICRD Dietz Rd bridge public meeting, Hoxie Rd bridge update.  Shepler reported on the Planning Commission Master Plan update; registered for MTA 2024 Elections Prep June 19th in Frankenmuth.

*Supervisor-May NIESA report; attend May 9 NIESA meeting; hall name plates ordered and installed; Communication received on night testing at the test track in Locke Twp; Hall rental damage discussed-consensus to hold entire deposit for any damage to hall during rentals; Old chair racks of no value to be recycled; Communication from Consumers Energy on relocation of wildlife.

*Zoning Administrator- May report distributed, building permits update.

*Cemetery-new signage ordered and received; complaint regarding removing/not removing artificial flowers.


Public Comment: County Commissioner Schafer updated on issues before the Ingham County Commissioners.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*May 28th Conway Township-Notice of Intent to Update Master Plan

*June 26 ICC/MTA meeting at Locke Township Hall

*MTA educational offerings in 2024; Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100 & Dec-New Officials Training $149.

*MSHDA Incentive Grant Communities map


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 5-14-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 05-16-2024

May 14, 2024                                                                                                                      Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metMay 14, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Nate Lott, Jean Coe, John Fortin, Cheryl Schotter.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda

Action on April 9, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of April 9, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #6237- #6273 in the amount of $31,781.33.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment.  None.


Unfinished Business:

*Bell Oak Cemetery-removal of 2 stumps/clean up. Removal and clean-up has been completed.

*Porta-jon in Cemetery.  A request has been made to have a porta-jon in Rowley cemetery for the grounds workers as well as visitors/gatherings.  Consensus to rent/install a Porta-jon in the Rowley cemetery.

*Social Media Policy sample.  Board discussion with information distributed from Fahey Schultz webinar.  No action at this time.


New Business:

*Williamston Senior Center millage proposal information.  Board discussion.  Board would like a representative from the Senior Center to attend the June Twp Bd meeting to answer questions and provide information.

*HSC Services, Inc, 2 yr extension of Assessor Agreement, $2000 monthly [current $1800].  Motion Turner, second Rambo to enter into agreement with HSC Services for assessing services from 9/30/2024 thru 10/1/2026@ $2000 per month.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Funding Award from MI State Housing Dev Authority, $22,750 for Master Plan update received.

*Discussed Hall rentals [damage/responsibility].  Renters shall be responsible for any visible damage to the hall and deposit to be withheld for cost of damage.  Hall rental agreement wording to be changed on page 1 to “Instead, the Township intends for all rentals to be for occasional and non-occurring recurring use only”.

*Meeting dates/times for 2025 discussed.

*Draft summer newsletter distributed for review.

*Non-statutory duties list distributed and discussed.

*Replacement printer for Treasurer.  Motion Turner, second Davis to authorize the purchase of a replacement printer for the Treasurer at a cost of $437.00 + -.  PASSED {5-0}.

*6’ bulletin board/painting of interior walls discussed.  Consensus to purchase bulletin board for the community room.  Board members to bring paint color ideas to June meeting.



*Clerk- Apr rev/exp report distributed; $30,562 Jan/Feb Revenue Sharing received; 4/23 SAM [System for Award Mngmnt] renewal submitted; 4/24 attend Dept of Treas zoom webinar SLFRF NEU update; 4/25 NEU [non-entitlement units of govt.]  ARPA expenditure annual report submitted; completed Bureau of Elections Early Voting Survey; placed 247 veterans flags in cemeteries.

*Treasurer- April30 Treasurers report distributed; 4/18 attend Fahey Schultz webinar-Avoiding Social Media Liabilility;4-23 Flagstar Bank-$250,000 CD obtained.

*Trustee- Davis reported that DTE is replacing poles and will be in the area for about 6 wks; Telephone company is placing new boxes in Locke Twp.

Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update; 4/23 & 24 MTA Annual Educational Conference overview; 5/09 Wmstn Housing Committee report.

*Supervisor- Apr NIESA report;4/22attend ICRD pre-construction meeting re: Hoxie Rd bridge rehabilitation; ordered 2 free water sensors thru Ins. Co; 5/03 met w/Wmstn Sen Cntr.

*Zoning Administrator- Apr report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment: Comment about condition of residence on Bell Oak Rd and issues with renters.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*ICRD May 16, 5:30 PM at Locke Twp Hall re: Dietz Rd bridge public meeting.

*Twp Board Candidate petitions received: Supervisor-Nathan Lott; Clerk-Marcy Shepler; Treasurer-Sheri Rambo; Trustee-Jean Coe, Duane Pinckney, Ty Hull.

*Par Plan News April 2024 edition.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024:  June-Election Prep/Primer $100

Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100; Dec New Officials Training $149.

*Ing Co Bd of Comm-Materials Management Planning Committee positions available

Any Other Business/Board member comments:

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:43 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 3-12-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 03-14-2024

March 12, 2024                                                                                                                  Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metMarch 12, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Duane Pinckney, John Fortin,

Cheryl Schotter, Julie Rudd and Susan Cockerill (Williamston Senior Center), Bruce and Nancy


Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda.

Action on February 13, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the

minutes of February 13, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Hearing-Appropriation Act.

Public Hearing opened at 7:01 PM by Supervisor Hart.  The purpose of the public hearing is to

hear public comment on the proposed 2024-25 budget.

Public Comment-None.

Public Hearing closed at 7:02 PM.


Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve accounts payable

checks #6176-#6208 in the amount of $21,412.48.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment- Julie Rudd from the Williamston Senior Center gave an update

on the Senior Center activities/events and vision for future-purchase their own facility.  Also

discussed operational millage ballot proposal.

Public Comment- Duane Pinckney commented on PC member opening.

Unfinished Business:

Quotes summary for security cameras for new ballot drop box & installation-ballot drop box.

Review and discussion of quotes received.  Motion Turner, second Davis to purchase security

camera and installation from ADT at a cost up to $2600.  Roll call vote: Yes-Davis, Hart, Turner.

No-Shepler, Rambo.  PASSED {3-2}.

New Business:

Budget Amendment:

101 215 702 clerk salary  $1800 increase/101 262 727  election supplies$200 increase

101 215 860 clerk travel $150 increase/101 262 901  election publishing $1100 increase

101 262 702 election salary $3700 increase/101 247 901 Bd of Review publishing $650 increase

101 262 713 election medicare  $170 increase/101 446 819 streets/bridges        $7770 decrease

Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve the budget amendments as presented.  Roll call

vote: Yes-Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resignation of PC member Sarah Lackey.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to accept the

resignation of PC member Sarah Lackey.  PASSED {5-0}.

Supervisor appointment of Cory Jorgensen as Planning Commission member for remaining term

ending 12-31-26.   Board discussion.

Motion Turner, second Hart to accept Planning Commission appointment of Cory Jorgensen for

remaining term ending 12-31-26.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Hart, Davis, Turner. No-Shepler.

PASSED {4-1}.

CD investment information.  Information from Huntington and Independent discussed.  Motion

Turner, second Rambo to move $100,000.00 from General account to a CD at Huntington Bank

for a term of 215 days. Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Davis, Hart.  No-None.

PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2024-04 General Fund Budget and General Appropriation Act fiscal year 04-01-2024

thru 03-31-2025.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to adopt Resolution 2024-04 General Fund

Budget and General Appropriation Act fiscal year 04-01-2024 thru 03-31-2025.  Roll call vote:

Yes-Davis, Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Declare U.S flag beyond repair-dispose of in Boy Scouts collection receptacle.  Motion Turner,

second Rambo to declare the U. S. flag beyond repair and dispose of in Boy Scouts collection

receptacle.  PASSED {5-0}.

Williamston School Board meeting report given by Trustee Shepler.  Motion Turner, second

Davis to pay additional meeting wage of $70 to trustee Shepler for attending the 03/07 Wmstn

School Board meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Correction on Resolution 2024-03 Poverty Guidelines [pink], page 2, 7) Asset Test, residents

shallresidents may.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to leave 2024-03 as adopted w/word shall.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Clerk- 2024 Presidential Primary election update; Feb rev/exp report distributed; FOIA request processed.

*Treasurer- Feb 29 Treasurers report distributed; looked into CD interest rates; submitted new bank signature cards to include new deputy treas; entered into tax settlement process w/County; will meet 03/14 w/Decker Ins-review renewal policy.


*Supervisor- February NIESA report distributed; 3 FOIA requests processed; 03/05 attend BOR organizational meeting; 3/11 & 3/12 attend BOR.

*Zoning Administrator- Feb report distributed, building permits update, completed MI Assoc of Planning Mar 6 & 7 Zoning Administrators zoom workshop.

Public Comment:  Comments of PC appointment & Ingham County Bd of Comm. Monica Schafer update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Mar 19, Consumers Energy Pipeline project Open House, Peacock Rd Family Farm 5-7 pm.

*MTA 2024 Educational Conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024: May-ABC’s of ZBA’s in Frankenmuth $100, June-Election

Prep/Primer $100, Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100, De-New Officials Training $149.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Davis shared that he will not be seeking re-

election as Township Trustee.  Discussion of Colby & Pringle Rds. condition.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting

adjourned at 9:03 pm by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 4-9-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 04-09-2024

April 9, 2024                                                                                                                       Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metApril 9, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Ty Hull, Duane Pinckney, Susan Cockerill, Ron Harris, Linda Grant.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  2024 Local Rd agreement, Master Plan Grant and Ballot Box placement added to New Business.

Action on March 12, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of March 12, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #6209-#6236 in the amount of $23,667.51.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment.  Update on Williamston Senior Center given by Susan Cockerill.  Comment about Cornerstone Store.


Unfinished Business:

*Bell Oak Cemetery-removal of 2 stumps/clean up.  Supervisor Hart has been in contact with Mr. Robach- removal and clean up tentatively done this week, depending on weather.

*CD Investment info:  Treasurer Rambo received information that Huntington CD interest for Townships is lower than the original information showed.  Has checked into Flagstar Bank CD’s which are higher interest.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to rescind March 12, 2024 motion for Huntington CD.  Roll call vote; Yes- Hart, Davis, Shepler, Turner, Rambo.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to move $250,000 from Independent Bank to Flagstar Bank for a 180-day +/- CD.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Turner, Shepler, Rambo, Hart.  PASSED {5-0}.


New Business:

*Early Voting Agreement for all 2024 & 2025 State & Federal elections [April 15 deadline].

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the Early Voting Agreement for all 2024 & 2025 State & Federal elections.  PASSED {5-0}.

*NEU [non-entitlement units of gov.]  ARPA expenditure report [April 30 deadline].  Clerk will complete and submit report.

*SAM [System for Award Mgmt.] renewal [May 11 deadline] Clerk to renew and submit.

*Action on Trustee MTA Annual Conference registration $415, April 23 & 24, Traverse City.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve registration fee of $415 for Trustee Shepler to attend

The MTA Annual Conference, April 23 & 24 in Traverse City.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Action on Trustee MTA Annual Conference hotel.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve hotel cost, April 22 & 23, for Trustee Shepler to attend the MTA Annual Conference.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Action on Trustee MTA Annual Conference mileage to attend the MTA Annual Conference April 23 & 24 in Traverse City.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve mileage cost for Trustee Shepler to attend the MTA Annual Conference April 23 & 24 in Traverse City.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Action-Bd member $25 MTAwebinar registration, Now You Know-Apr.10, Public Use of Twp Property & Facilities/May 8 Cemetery Services.  No Action.

*Social Media Policy sample.  Will revisit in May.

*2024 Agreement for Local Road Improvements.  Motion Davis, second Turner to enter into 2024 Agreement for Local Road Improvement-Milton Road (Township Line to Locke Rd).  Roll call vote:  Yes-Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Hart, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Housing Readiness Incentive Grant update by Hart.  Application submitted.

*Ballot Box installation.  Motion Hart, second Turner to approve up to $100.00 for the installation of the ballot box.  PASSED {5-0}.




*Clerk- March rev/exp report distributed; Presidential Primary reimbursement update; qtr tax reports submitted; prepared Early Voting Plan.

*Treasurer- March31 Treasurers report distributed; taxsettlement w/County; met 03/14 w/Decker Ins-review renewal policy; informed by Huntington Bank that Gov’t CD rates are lower than quoted; went to Flagstar Bank-inquire about CD interest rates for govt.

*Trustee- Davis commented on the condition of roads at Haslett/Corey and Bell Oak/Corey.  Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update.

*Supervisor- Mar NIESA report & map distributed;attend 3/19 Consumers Energy Pipeline Project Open House, Peacock Rd Family Farm, Laingsburg; met 3/14 w/Decker Ins; registered-MI State Housing Dev. Authority for Master Plan cost Grant.

*Zoning Administrator- Mar report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment: None

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*MTA ‘Who Can Do What for Clerk & Election Duties’ informational handout.

*April 10, MTA Know You Know webinar-Public Use of Twp Property & Facilities $25

*MTA 2024 Educational Conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort.

*May 09, WCS Housing Committee meeting, Wmstn Middle School, 6 PM.

*ICRD May 16, 5:30 PM at Locke Twp Hall re: Dietz Rd bridge.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024: May-ABC’s of ZBAs in Frankenmuth $100

June-Election Prep/Primer $100        Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100

Dec-New Officials Training $149


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 2-14-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 02-14-2024

February 13, 2024                                                                                                                            Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met February 13, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Ty Hull and Duane Pinckney.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda.

Action on January 9, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of January 9, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Hart, second Davis to amend accounts payable checks to add payroll ck# 6142- Bob Davis, for February meeting .  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve amended accounts payable checks #6140-#6175 as amended in the amount of $18000.16.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Comment.  Comment from Duane Pinckney-interest in PC vacancy.

Unfinished Business:

*Quotes summary for security cameras for new ballot drop box & installation of ballot drop box.  MI Twp Part Plan Risk Reduction Program grants opportunity.

The following Questions/concerns from Board members were discussed:

Motion activated
Days of recording
Stand alone unit (Not connected to server)
NDAA compliance.

Twp Board to revisit in April when information on these concerns are available.


New Business:

*2024-25 Wages.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the 2024-25 Locke Township

wages (effective 04/01/2024) as presented.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Resolution #2024-03 Poverty Guidelines and Income/Asset Test.  Motion Turner, second

Shepler to adopt Resolution #2024-03 Poverty Guidelines and income/Asset Test.  Roll call

vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2024 Locke Township Lawn Maintenance.

Cemeteries:  Strongs Lawn Service $850.00 per mow [same company/price as last year].

Motion Davis, second Turner to accept Strongs Lawn Service for cemetery mowing for 2024.

PASSED  {5-0}.

Twp Hall:  Nick’s Lawn Service $80 per mow [same company/price as last year].

Motion Davis, second Rambo to accept Nick’s Lawn Service for Twp Hall mowing for 2024.

PASSED {5-0}.

*Resignation of Deputy Treasurer Julia Keyes 1-15-24.  Motion Turner, second Davis to accept resignation from Deputy Treasurer Julia Keyes effective 1-15-24.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Treasurer appointment of Deputy Treasurer Michelle Soliz on 1-25-24.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept appointment of Deputy Treasurer Michelle Soliz effective 1-25-24.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Authorization of Michelle Soliz to be a signer at Independent Bank.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to authorize Michelle Soliz to be a signer at Independent Bank.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2024 Local Road Program discussed.

*Hall Rentals monthly/annual summary.  Rambo would like to revisit the issue of low humidity at the hall.

*Draft 2024-2025 General Budget Worksheet discussed.

*Schedule Budget Public Hearing.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to schedule the General Budget Public Hearing for March 12, 2024 @ 7 PM.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2024 Local Road Program.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to accept the Milton Road project at project cost of $55,055 and request the remainder Road Dept matching funds to be rolled over to 2025.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Received $107.51 dividend return from our workers compensation insurance-Accident fund Ins Co.

*Renewable Energy discussion, including ballot initiative and options for local government.

*$1000.00 quote from TC Tree Service to remove leaning pine tree in Bell Oak Cemetery.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve removal of leaning pine tree at a cost of $1000, in Bell Oak Cemetery by TC Tree Service.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Volunteer for Bell Oak Cemetery-remove 2 stumps/clean-up.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to authorize the volunteer to remove 2 stumps/clean up.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Clerk- Jan rev/exp report review; mailed 705 postcards notifying households of early voting; received & tested new election equipment; prepare/distribute W-2/1099’s employee tax reports-submit to IRS and State; 01/30 held Election Commission meeting; 02/01 attend Clerks Early Voting training @ Vevay Twp hall-East Lansing Clerk facilitator; 2/02 performed Preliminary Accuracy Test w/Dep Clerk; 02/07 BOE Early Voting  E-Pollbook Training; 2/08 performed Public Accuracy Test w/Spvsr & Treas; 2/12 Election Inspector Training-Ingham County.

*Treasurer- Jan 31 Treasurers report review; attend 01/17 MTA Renewable Energy Siting; What’s next? Webinar; attend 01/30 Election Commission meeting; will meet 03/14 w/Decker Ins-review renewal policy

*Trustee- Shepler Reported the Planning Commission has started the update on the Master Plan; attend 01/17 MTA Renewable Energy Siting; What’s next? Webinar.

*Supervisor-Attended 01/11 NIESA Bd meeting; Jan NIESA report distributed; Sun 01/14 work on back-up generator; 01/18 met w/ICRD re; 2024 road improvements; complete Census Boundary & Annexation Survey; 01/30 attend Election Commission meeting; attend 2/08 NIESA Bd meeting.

*Zoning Administrator- Jan report distributed, building permits update. Registered MI Assoc of Planning Mar 6 & 7 Zoning Administrators zoom workshop.


Public Comment: Comment on camera storage capacity.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*MTA 2024 Educational Conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 1-9-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 01-11-2024

January 9, 2024                                                                                                                 Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met January 9, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler.  Also present:   County Commissioner Monica Schafer.

Absent: Davis.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda.

Action on December 12, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of December 12, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #6112-#6139 in the amount of $19,158.88.  Roll call vote: Yes-Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Hart.  No-None.  Absent-Davis. PASSED {4-0}

Public Comment.  County Commissioner Monica Schafer gave an update on Ingham County Board of Commissioners and current legislation.

Unfinished Business:

*Ordinance 2023-?? Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Township.  Board discussion and review of e-mail from Ingham County sheriffs dept 12/14/23.  Motion Turner to  proceed with adopting ORV Ordinance, no second, motion failed.  Twp Board will not proceed at this time.


New Business:

*Review Foster Swift Agreement and Apr 11, 2023 Twp Bd minutes and 20231214 Homier e-mail.   Board discussion.

*Quotes for security cameras for new ballot drop box & installation of ballot drop box [from last mo.]  Received and reviewed quote from ADT.

MI Twp Part Plan Risk Reduction Program grants opportunity.

*Budget Amendment:

101 000 574 Revenue Sharing                                            increase $12,000 income

101 567 818 Cemetery Contract Grounds Maint       increase $12,000 expense

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the Budget Amendment as stated.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Summary of December 12 workshop attended by Davis reviewed.

*Res 2024-01 Establish Township Officers Salary.

Motion Shepler, second Turner that as of April 1, 2024 the salary of the Township Supervisor for performing the statutory duties shall be $19641 annually, exclusive of assessing duties.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Hart, Rambo, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {4-0}.

Motion Rambo, second Shepler that as of April 1, 2024 the salary of the Township Clerk for performing the statutory duties shall be $33, 302 annually AND Proposal 2022-02 expanded election functions: $600 per each statutory duties election conducted without early voting AND $1800 per each statutory duties election conducted with 9 days early voting-effective 02-01-2024.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Shepler, Hart, Rambo, Turner.  No-None.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {4-0}.

Motion Turner, second Shepler that as of April 1, 2024 the salary of the Township Treasurer for performing the statutory duties shall be $28,987 annually, winter and summer collections.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Turner, Shepler, Hart.  No-Rambo.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {3-1}.

Motion Turner, second Rambo that as of April 1, 2024 the salary of the Township Trustee for performing the statutory duties shall be $170 per Township Board meeting, $80 per additional meeting per day or virtual meeting over 2 hrs. with Bd approval and $35 per additional meeting, less than 2 hours with Board approval.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Hart, Turner, Shepler.  No-None.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {4-0}.

*2024-25 Wages discussed.

*Draft 2024-2025 General Budget Worksheet reviewed.

*Resolution 2024-02 Ingham County Payment Reduction Program.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve Resolution 2024-02 Ingham County Payment Reduction Program.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Turner, Shepler, Hart, Rambo.  No-None.  Absent-Davis.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Approval of $130 registration for Zoning Administrator to attend MI Assoc of Planning Mar 6 & 7 virtual workshop, 2-4 pm.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve $130 registration for Zoning Administrator to attend MI Assoc of Planning Mar 6 & 7 virtual workshop.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Approval of $25 registration fee to Board members and add’l mtg wage to trustees to attend Jan 17, 2024 MTA “Now You Know” webinar.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve $25 registration fee Board members and add’l mtg wage to trustees to attend Jan 17, 2024 MTA “Now you Know” webinar.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Approval of $100 registration fee plus mtg wage & mileage to attend MTA Board of Review training.  Motion Hart, second Turner to approve $100 registration fee plus mtg wage and mileage for Board of review members to attend MTA Board of Review training.  PASSED {4-0}.



*Clerk- Dec rev/exp report distributed; mailed 245 Primary Party Selection Forms to AV’s for Feb 27 Presidential Primary Election ; completed 2022-23 Continuing Education Certification for Election Officials; met w/ADT re: Video monitoring; completed qtrly tax reports; mailed 374 AV applications for Feb 27 Election; Jan 10 attended Broadband information meeting in Mason.

*Treasurer- Dec 31 Treasurers report distributed; 12/07 attend MTA Financial Fundamentals workshop; 12/20 Civic Pulse Re: Hostility & Harassment in Government Office.

*Trustee- Shepler Reported the Planning Commission would be starting the update on the Master Plan.

*Supervisor-Attended December 14 NIESA Bd meeting; December NIESA report distributed; completed MI State Police Forfeiture Report; attend Dec 12 Bd of Review-action on 3 Affidavits;  Jan 4 Corrections Deputy Interview panel @ Ingham County Sheriff Office.

*Zoning Administrator- Dec report distributed, building permits update. Planning Commission Annual report.


Public Comment:


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Christmas cards from: Election Source, Williams & Works, Decker Agency, HSC Services, Independent Bank, Sunburst Memorials.

*Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – Dec calls

*Jan 23 MTA Capital Conference, Lansing, 7:30-5 pm, $85 early bird by Dec 31.

*MTA 2024 Educational Conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort.


Any Other Business/Board member comments

*Pages to insert into Zoning Ordinance-Ord. 2023-04 SES & Ord. 2023-03 WES

*Credit card limit discussed.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to raise the credit card limit from $1,000 to $3,000.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Lawn Care for 2024 discussed.


Adjournment:  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 9:25 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk








Meeting Minutes 12-12-23

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 12-14-2023

December 12, 2023                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met December 12, 2023, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   RaeDeane Pinckney.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda.

Action on November 14, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of November 14, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6087-#6111 in the amount of $270,855.47.  Roll call vote: Yes-Shepler, Davis, Turner, Rambo, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}

Public Comment.

Unfinished Business:

*Ordinance 2023-?? Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Township.  Board discussion and review of Attorney Hitch October 24th memorandum, e-mail from Ingham County sheriffs dept and Ingham County Road dept.  Ingham County sheriffs dept does not enforce any ordinances outside of state law and Ingham County Road dept is not in favor of ORV’s on public roads.  Supervisor Hart to inquire about legality of ORV’s with or without an ordinance allowing them to drive within the Township.

*20231005 MI Twp Part Plan Risk Control Review discussed.  Consensus to revisit in the spring of 2024.


New Business:

*Review Foster Swift Agreement and Apr 11, 2023 Twp Bd minutes language pertaining to FS.  Board discussion.

*Agreement for collection of Summer School Property Taxes, Fowlerville Schools, $3 per parcel.  Motion Turner, second Davis to enter into agreement with Fowlerville School District for collection of 2024 summer taxes @ $3 per parcel.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Summer Tax Collection Agreement, Livingston Educational Service Agency.

Motion Turner, second Rambo to enter into agreement with LESA for the collection of 2024 summer property taxes.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2024 Appointments.  Motion Davis, second Rambo to accept appointment of Sarah Lackey to the Planning Commission expiring 12/31/26.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Hart, second Turner to appoint Sarah Lackey to ZBA/Construction Board of Appeals expiring 12/31/26.   PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Hart, second Shepler to appoint Jean Coe to ZBA/Construction Board of Appeals expiring 12/31/26.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval of $150 registration & mileage for Treas, MTA Financial Fundamentals Dec 7th, Lansing.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve $150 registration and mileage for Treasurer, MTA Financial Fundamentals Dec 7th.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval of mileage and additional meeting wage for Davis to attend the Fahey, Schultz 2023 Elected Officials workshop in Okemos, Dec 12.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve mileage and additional meeting wage for Davis to attend the Fahey, Schultz 2023 Elected Officials workshop in Okemos, Dec 12.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval for Treasurer to move ARPA monies from Huntington Bank to Independent Bank.

Motion Shepler, second Turner to move ARPA monies from Huntington Bank to Independent Bank per ARPA Resolution 2023-06 in the amount est. $196,000.00.  Roll call vote: Yes-Davis, Rambo, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Turner, second Rambo to close Huntington Bank account.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Williams & Works, Master Plan Update quote $22,750 (without optional tasks).  Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve Williams & Works quote of $22,750.00 for Master Plan update without optional tasks.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*MI Assoc of Municipal Clerks, sample Resolution re: compensation for added duties.  Board will address in January 2024.

*Williamston Schools conveyance of urgent need for additional housing inventory.  No action.

*Quotes for security cameras for new ballot drop box & installation of ballot drop box.  Received quote from Z-Solutions and American Video Transfer.  Need more info and possibly another quote.



*Clerk- Nov rev/exp report distributed; removed 246 Veterans flags at 3 cemeteries; rec. $303.03 from St of MI for AV ballots/Apps for 2023 elections; received delivery of new ballot drop box.

*Treasurer- Nov 30 Treasurers report distributed; 750 tax bills/newsletters mailed [approx. 1000 parcels]; Attended Dec 7th MTA Financial fundamentals.

*Trustee- Shepler attended ICC/MTA Christmas party.  Davis reported on 12/12/23 Fahey, Schultz 2023 Elected Officials workshop.

*Supervisor-Attended November 9, 2023 NIESA Bd meeting; November NIESA report distributed; 11/16 civilian panel member for ICSD interviewing Correction Deputy applicants.

*Zoning Administrator- Nov report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Comment on Foster Swift billing and video monitoring system at hall.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – 4 Nov calls- vehicle crashes (likely car/deer).

*Nov 6 letter Williamston Comm Schools re: urgent need for housing inventory in Williamston.

*Jan 23 MTA Capital Conference, Lansing, 7:30-5PM, $85 early bird by Dec 31.

*MTA 2024 Educational conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Hart shared DTE Energy lighting products that were dropped off @ the hall.

Adjournment:  Motion Rambo, second Davis to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:40 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 11-14-23

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 11-16-2023

November 14, 2023                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met November 14, 2023, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Duane and RaeDeane Pinckney, Vikki and Roger Blasey, Penny Dale

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda.

Action on October 10, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, second Shepler, to approve the minutes of October 10, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6052-#6086 in the amount of $26,275.23.  PASSED {5-0}

Public Comment:  Comment concerning State takeover of regulating renewable energy.

Unfinished Business:

*Ordinance 2023-?? Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Township.

Attorney Hitch October 24th memorandum reviewed.  Consensus to proceed with Ordinance.

Hart to contact Road Commission for input.  Revised Ordinance will be available for review at

December Board meeting.

*Consideration of $875.00 quote from Briggs Mechanical for humidifier added to GEO system

discussed.  No motion to proceed with HVAC proposal.

*Meeting dates in 2024.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve the meeting dates for the Locke Township Board of Trustees in 2024 as presented.  PASSED {5-0}.


*Clerk- October rev/exp report distributed; attended 10/18/2023 MTA webinar “Election Update”; completed MPP Survey MI local energy; 10/27/2023 attended Bureau of Elections Proposal 2022-02 Regional Training; submitted MPSC survey-Video Service competition in MI.

*Treasurer- Oct 31 Treasurers report distributed; completed qtr census report; resolved IT troubles w/help from VC3; e-mailed several State Representatives re: keeping renewable energy decision-making at local level.

*Trustee- Shepler Reported on Solar/Wind Ordinance/Public hearing.  Shepler elected Member-at-Large of ICC/MTA.

*Supervisor-Attended October 12 NIESA Bd meeting; October NIESA report distributed; October 5 & 24 e-mail to Rep Brixie and Senator Singh re: retain local control; Oct 16 attend MTA webinar-Renewable Energy; Oct 25 attend ICC/MTA.

*Zoning Administrator- Sept report distributed, building permits update.

*Cemetery-additional work was needed at the Bell Oak Cemetery after the August 24th tornado.  The neighboring tree stump did not allow our new fence installation.  Jorgensen Excavating was called upon to remove stump/haul away at a cost of $900 which our insurance reimbursed.


New Business:

*Recommendation from Planning Commission for Township Board to adopt:

Ordinance 2023-03 Amend Zoning Ordinance to Regulate Wind Energy Systems.


Board discussion.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to adopt Ordinance 2023-03 Amend Zoning

Ordinance to regulate Wind Energy Systems.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Shepler, Turner, Rambo.

No-Hart.  Motion PASSED {4-1}.

*Recommendation from Planning Commission for Township Board to adopt:

Ordinance 2023-04 Amend Zoning Ordinance to Regulate Solar Energy Systems.  Board

Discussion.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to amend Ordinance 2023-04 Amend Zoning

Ordinance to regulate Solar Energy systems with the following Amendments:

Page 5, 4d-replace “by Planning Commission” with “Zoning Board of Appeals”.
Page 6, 4f-replace “by Planning Commission” with “Zoning Administrator”. PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Rambo, second Shepler to adopt Ordinance 2023-04 Amend Zoning Ordinance to

regulate Solar Energy Systems as amended.

Roll call votes; Yes-Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Davis.  No-Hart.  Motion PASSED {4-1}.

*Board approval of $70 additional meeting wage to trustee Shepler for Oct 25, 2023 ICC/MTA

meeting.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to approve $70 additional meeting wage to trustee

Shepler for Oct 25, 2023 ICC/MTA meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approval of temporary sexton, Jim Benjamin, Jan-Apr, while sexton Ed Fuller is in Florida.

Motion Turner, second Davis to approve temporary sexton Jim Benjamin, Jan-Apr 2024.

PASSED {5-0}.

*20231005 MI Twp Part Plan Risk Control Review discussed, will be on future agenda.

*Salary comparison draft.  Input/discussion from Board members.


Public Comment:  Comment on adoption of Wind Energy Systems and Solar Energy Systems Ordinances.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – 9 Oct calls-6 vehicle crashes (primarily car/deer); 2 people arrested on warrants, 1 suspicious situation.

*September 15, 2023 State of Michigan Assessment roll and practices audit results, stated ‘very good review’.

*Dec 6, MTA Twp Bd Roles & Relations/How Bds Make Decisions, Mt Pleasant, $178 by 11/15.

Motion Turner, second Davis to pay mileage and registration for December 6, 2023 MTA

Workshop.  PASSED {5-0}.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Davis shared information of December 12 Fahey & Schultz webinar and December 7 MTA workshop.  Hart commented on article in Twp Focus regarding Twp Manager.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk




Meeting Minutes 10-12-23

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 10-12-2023

October 10, 2023                                                                                                                              Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met October 10, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present approx 5 individuals (see attached).

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of Resolution maintaining local control to New Business.

Action on September 12, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of September 12, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #6021-#6051 totaling $22,392.88.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler, to approve accounts payable checks #6021- #6051 in the amount of $22,392.88.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Comment:  Comment was made in reference to Resolution maintaining local control.


Unfinished Business:

Resolution 2023-09, Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve Resolution 2023-09, Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Davis, Shepler, Turner, Hart.  No-None.   PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2023-??, Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Twp.  Response not yet received from Twp attorney.


New Business:

*Snow removal for Locke Twp Hall. Quotes received from Webster & Griffes and Nicks Lawn Care. Board discussion.  Motion Turner, second Davis to accept quote from Webster & Griffes for snow removal for winter 2023-2024.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Hart, Rambo, Turner, Davis.  No-Shepler.  PASSED {4-1).

*Consideration of verbal $875 quote from Briggs Mech for humidifier added to Geo.  Motion Turner to accept quote of $875 from Briggs Mech for humidifier added to Geo for offices.  No second.  Suggested to obtain a written quote to be placed on agenda in November.

*Cemeteries tornado damage claim $3125-$1000 deductible=$2125 pd to Twp by Decker Ins.

*Meeting dates for 2024.  Table for meeting in November.

*Bus Tour of Wind & Solar Facilities, Thurs. Oct 26th, 9am-5pm, cost $15, RSVP-ASAP.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to pay $15 cost for Bus Tour of Wind & Solar Farms Thurs. Oct 26th.  PASSED {5-0).

*Approval of Clerk $25 registration MTA webinar Now You Know ‘Elections Update 2023’.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve $25 registration fee for October 18, MTA webinar Now You Know ‘Elections Update 2023’.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Resolution 2023-11, Resolution to Maintain Local Control over Local Land Uses for Utility-scale Renewable Facilities, including Solar, Wind and Large-Scale Battery Storage.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve Resolution 2023-11, Resolution to Maintain Local Control over Local Land Uses for Utility-scale Renewable Facilities, including Solar, Wind and Large-Scale Battery Storage.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Davis, Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Clerk- Sept Rev/Exp report distributed; 9-14 attend BS&A user group; rec. $2017.93 Webberville Comm School May election re-imbursement; prepared/submitted annual F-65 report to state; prepard/submitted annual Qualifying stmt to state; prepared/submitted qtr reports.

*Treasurer- Sept 30 Treasurers report; sent e-mails to Julie Brixie and Sam Singh re: keeping decision-making local re: solar/wind, etc.; completed Civic Pulse survey re: bioethicists; completed “Growing Michigan Together” survey; sent letters to residents who may have overlooked a summer tax parcel.

*Trustee- Davis commented on the condition of Herrington Rd.  Shepler gave an update on the Planning Commission.

*Supervisor-Attended 09/14/23 NIESA meeting, Sept NIESA report [pink]; Attend MTA workshop “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services” in Frankenmuth Sept 12.

*Zoning Administrator- Sept report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Ingham County Commissioner Monica Schafer presented an overview of recent legislation affecting twps. as well as various governmental agencies she is involved in.

Comment from resident thanking the Board for passing Resolution 2023-11.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Sept calls- none.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:11 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk






Meeting Minutes 9-12-23


September 12, 2023 Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met September 12, 2023, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Duane and RaeDeane Pinckney, Deanna Davis, Cheryl Schotter, Bruce Jennings, Dane Porter (Maner Costerisan), Rich Witgen, Penny Dale. 

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of Rowley and Bell Oak cemetery repairs to be added to New Business.

Action on August 8, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of August 8, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #5990-#6020 in the amount of $23,939.73.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Presentation-Dane Porter from Maner Costerisan presented Locke Township 2022-23 audit overview.

Public Comment:  Comments concerning rental property on Bell Oak Rd and results of audit.

Leave Dane Porter at 7:25 PM.


Unfinished Business:

  *Resolution 2023-05 Acceptance of Payments by Financial Transaction Device. Twp has been

    surveying residents and a majority of the surveying residents oppose.  No action.


New Business

  *Review of Hall Rental agreement re: reoccurring rentals, price reduction, water testing.  No 


  *Discussion of where PC is at with the Foster Swift solar/wind Ordinances.  PC reviewing 

     Information received from Foster Swift before preparation of Final Draft and Public Hearing.

  *Resolution 2023-09 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Will place on 

    October agenda, need verification of ability to collect penalty and interest on Special 


  *Resolution 2023-10 Poverty Guidelines and Income/Asset Test [clarify Res 2023-01][green].    

    Motion Turner, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2023-10 Poverty Guidelines and 

    Income/Asset Test [Addition/Clarification of Resolution 2023-01].  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, 

    Davis, Rambo, Turner, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

  *Early Voting Plan-includes site option for 9 days of early voting for February 27, 2024 

    Presidential Primary Election only.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve Locke Township 

    Early Voting Plan for the February 27, 2024 Presidential Primary Election only.  PASSED {5-0}.

  *Declare 1 stacking chair/1 folding chair & 3 8’ tables of no value and dispose of thru 

    recycling/trash.  Motion Hart, second Turner to declare stated items of no value and dispose 

    of thru recycling/trash.  PASSED {5-0}.

  *Ordinance 2023-?? Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Township.  

    Suggestion to add “UTV” to definitions, correct Section 4 to read “Township of Locke”, 

    correct Section 8 to read “such a holding shall not be construed”.  Consensus to send to Twp 

    Attorney for written input.

  *Cemetery tree damage in Bell Oak and Rowley cemeteries due to recent storm.  Estimates obtained from TC tree service and Spartan Fence.  Motion Hart, second Davis to authorize $3500 for cemetery tree and fence work.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Hart, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Treasurer- Corrected 7/31 Treasurers report distributed.  Aug 31 Treasurers report distributed. 8/9 attended MTA Now You Know-Spending Public Money. Received May/June Rev Sharing $30,714. 8/24 met w/assessor & Ing Co Drain Commission.  Treasurer has collected 77% of property taxes to date.

*Clerk- Aug Rev/Exp report distributed.  Aug 8 Morrice School Board Election passed, 13% turnout of Locke Twp Morrice School District voters. 8/23 Early voting meeting w/Williamstown & Wheatfield Twp Clerks; 8/31 Clerk meeting @ Aleidon Twp Hall.  9/6 scheduled maintenance completed on election equipment @ County.  9/14 attending BS & A user group.

*Trustee- Davis: Reported on barn fire on Corey Road.

*Shepler: Reported on Solar/Wind Ordinance update.

*Supervisor-Attended 08/10/23 NIESA meeting & Aug 24 special NIESA Bd meeting.  Aug NIESA report distributed.  September 12 attended MTA workshop-Emerging Issues in Emergency Services in Frankenmuth.  Completed MTA survey as State legislation expected to be introduced shortly eliminating ALL local authority over where wind/solar facilities can build and move control to the MI Public Service Comm.

*Zoning Administrator- Aug report distributed, building permits update. 


Public Comment


Communications, seminars, etc.:  

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – Aug calls-2 vehicle crashes; 1 fraud report.

Tiffany Johnson, P.E., Lansing EGLE-“Appreciate the opportunity to speak with the board and citizens of Locke Township.  Please let us know if we can help with anything else in the future”.

Fleis & Vandenbrink, Parks & Recreation Master Plan flyer, 2023 Qtr 3.

MTA Professional Development Retreats, Harbor Springs, Sept and Oct, $365 + housing + mileage. 

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Turner reported that EGLE was offering free water testing for those residents who have a private well.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:26 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 8-8-23 — DRAFT


August 8, 2023 Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met August 8, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present:  Approximately 10 individuals (see attached sign in sheets), Tiffany Johnson, P.E. and Gary Schwerin, P.E. (EGLE Representatives).

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on July 11, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve the minutes of July 11, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5952-#5989 totaling $25,865.71.  PASSED {5-0}.

      Note: Foster Swift pymts to date total $6471.10 [Apr-June 2023].

      J & M Well Drilling-emergency well repair-motor, switch, check valve, chlorination $1846.00.


Presentations:  Informational presentation given by EGLE representatives concerning Materials Management Planning/Approval Process and Landfill Siting and Permitting. 


Public Comment:  Kelly Malone (Infinity Dance Co) introduced business and inquired on Hall Rental.


Unfinished Business:

Resolution 2023-05 Acceptance of Payments by Financial Transaction Device.  No action.

  What are the 12 requirements of PCI DSS Compliance?  [from June] And Point and Pay [from   


Resolution 2023-06 ARPA funds obligation to road improvements.  Motion Turner, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2023-06 ARPA funds obligation to road improvements.  

Roll call vote; Yes-Turner, Shepler, Rambo, Hart, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.


New Business:

Action on approval of Treas registration for MTA ‘Now You Know’ webinar “Spending Public Money” $25, Aug 9th.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve $25 registration fee for Treas to attend Aug 9th  MTA “Now You Know’ webinar.  PASSED {5-0}.  

Action on L-4029 2023 Tax Rate Request [1 mil reduced to .9785 due to “headlee”].  Motion Rambo, second Turner to approve Locke Township L-4029 2023 Tax Rate Request. 

 PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2023-07 Authorize the Acceptance & Adoption of the 2023 Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.  Motion Turner, second Hart to adopt Resolution 2023-07 2023 Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.  Roll call vote; Yes-Rambo, Hart, Davis, Turner.  No-Shepler.  PASSED {4-1}.

Resolution 2023-08 Cemetery Fees.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to adopt Resolution 2023-08 Cemetery Fees.   Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}. 

Action on approval of Sprvsr $125 registration plus mileage to attend MTA workshop “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services”, Sept 12 in Frankenmuth 9am-4:45 pm.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to approve $125 registration plus mileage for Spvsr to attend Sept 12 MTA workshop in Frankenmuth.  PASSED {5-0}.

Discussion of where PC is at with Foster Swift solar/wind ordinances.  Shepler reported PC will be meeting in August and September to finalize drafts of Solar/Wind Ordinances submitted by Foster Swift.



*Treasurer- July 31 treasurers report; 7/12 attend Cap. Area Treas mtg; 7/13 submitted qtr Census report; 7/19 attended CoreLogic webinar; registered for Now You Know: “Spending Public Money”.

*Clerk- July Rev/Exp report distributed; preparing for Aug 8 Morrice School Election-mailed 26 AV ballots to registered voters in Morrice School District; attend 7/27 local Clerks meeting-Vevay Twp Hall; updated MTA database list of contacts.

*Trustee- Davis reported on mail theft.

*Supervisor-July NIESA report [dk pink].

*Zoning Administrator- July report distributed, building permits update. 


Public Comment:  Residents commented on election process/inspectors.


Communications, seminars, etc.:  

Consumers Energy animal relocation update from pipeline replacement work.

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – July calls-No report.

MI Twp Assoc, thank you for membership renewal letter.

MTA workshop “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services”, Frankenmuth Sept 12, $125 early bird reg.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk


Meeting Minutes 6-15-23 –DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 06-15-2023

June 13, 2023                                                                                                                     Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met June 13, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Deanna Davis, Duane and RaeDeane Pinckney, Linda MacKenzie, Leo Sheets, Bruce Jennings, Penny Dale, Tyler and Cindy Prossen.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Supervisor Hart requested ICRD agreement and NIESA Fire Equipment grant be added under New Business.

Action on May 9, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of May 9, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5884-5920 totaling $25,029.66.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5884-5920 in the amount of $25,029.66.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment:  Comments about Township Planner and clarification of comments made.


New Business:

The Fiber Company, franchise agreement for internet service for underserved communities.  No action.

Discussion-selecting Township Planner.  Consensus to invite McKenna and Williams & Works to our July meeting.

Resolution 2023-05 Acceptance of Payments by Financial Transaction device.  No action.  Discussion to investigate other means of accepting electronic payments.  Poll residents to get an idea of interest in offering service.

Schedule EGLE for informational Landfill permitting process/regulations presentation on Aug 8 TB meeting.  Consensus to schedule meeting and invite County Commissioners and

Drain Commissioners to meeting.

ICRD Local Road Improvement agreement.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to enter into 2023 Agreement for Local Road Improvement, Herrington Road (Royce Rd to Mohrle Rd), Moyer Road (M-52 to Webberville Rd) in addition 4 miles of gravel road improvements at an estimated cost of $344,328.42.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Davis, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

NIESA Fire Equipment grant letter of intent in support.  Motion Turner, second Davis to authorize a Letter of Intent in support of NIESA’s application to the State of Michigan for the MI Fire Equipment Grant Program to purchase fire gear for firefighters.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business: None.



*Treasurer- May Treasurers report distributed.  Met w/Independent Bank branch manager & regional manager re: credit card options and recent bank failures; attend 5/10 MTA Meeting Requirements webinar; installed 2023 summer tax database; prepared Resolution 2023-05 Acceptance of Payments.

*Clerk- May Rev/Exp report distributed; placed 243 flags on Veterans graves in 3 cemeteries; held Election Commission meeting for Aug 8 Morrice School Election; received Par Plan ins. Dividend of $184.92.

*Trustee- Davis reported Herrington Road had been completed.  Shepler reported the Planning Commission continuing work on Solar/Wind Ordinances.

*Supervisor-Attended the 05/11 NIESA meeting; May NIESA report [dk pink]; 2024 Rev Sharing est $198,144; road work update-completed Moyer Rd, M-52 to Webberville Rd.

*Zoning Administrator- May report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on accepting card payments, Dietz Rd bridge and hall grounds trimming.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

May 24 MTA dues informational letter.

June 14 MTA noon webinar Who Can Talk to the Twp Atty $25 [treas registered].

Ing Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle: 4 May calls: child abuse complaint, assault complaint, check welfare, and suspicious situation.

Aug 16-18, MI Assoc of Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City, $149 registration by Aug 4.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Draft newsletter distributed for input/approval.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8 PM by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Meeting Minutes 5-9-23 — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 05-11-2023

May 9, 2023                                                                                                                        Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met May 9, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Approx 15 individuals, see attached sign-in sheet.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Motion Rambo, second Hart to approve the agenda.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on April 11, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve the minutes of April 11, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5854-#5883 totaling $15,280.23.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve accounts payable checks #5854- #5883 in the amount of $15,280.23.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on Zoning Ordinance Amendments 2023-01 and 2023-02, comments about Township Planner.

Presentation-Atty Hitch presented an overview of current Solar/Wind Ordinances & Moratorium.


New Business:

Action on Ordinance 2023-01 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Large Solar Energy Systems Moratorium.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to adopt Ordinance 2023-01 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Large Solar Energy Systems Moratorium.  Roll Call vote; Yes-Shepler, Rambo, Turner, Davis.  No-Hart.  PASSED {4-1}.

Action on Ordinance 2023-02 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Commercial Wind Turbine Generators Moratorium.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to adopt Ordinance 2023-02 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Commercial Wind Turbine Generators Moratorium.  Roll Call vote;  Yes-Rambo, Turner, Davis, Shepler.  No-Hart.  PASSED {4-1}.

Process for selecting Township Planner-Consensus to proceed with RFP from Carlisle Wortman Assoc, Griffels Webster, McKenna, William & Works Inc.

Approve Twp Officials to attend MTA Now You Know webinars @ $25 ea.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve registration fee of $25 for Twp Officials to attend MTA Now You Know webinars.

Point & Pay-credit card information distributed.


Unfinished Business: None.



*Treasurer- Apr Treasurers report distributed.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve the Treasurers report as presented.  PASSED {5-0}. Completed qtr Census report.

*Clerk- Apr Rev/Exp report distributed; conducted the May 2, Webberville School District election-voter turnout was 26%, conducted the preliminary & public accuracy test, filed the annual SLFRF/ARPA funds report, renewed annual fed govt System for Award Management [SAM] registration.

*Trustee- No Reports

*Supervisor-Attended the 04/13 NIESA meeting; Apr NIESA report [dk pink]; FOIA request.

*Zoning Administrator- Apr report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on Township Attorney and Planner.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Mar 31 email Fahey, Schultz Attys:  Answer to Seven FAQ about Moratoriums

Apr 20 email Bill Haun-ICHD re: mold [how much mold is too much mold has not been established].

May 10 MTA noon webinar Meeting Requirements $25 [treas registered].

May 18 MTA Breaking the Zoning Code workshop May 15-Frankenmuth or May 18 online [ZBA member Coe registered].

June 14 MTA noon webinar Who Can Talk to the Twp Atty $25 [treas registered].

Ing Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle: Mar calls:    Apr calls: 2 calls.

Aug 16-18, MI Assoc of Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City, $149 registration by Aug 4.

Par Plan News Apr 2023 issue.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Shepler stated Atty Homier representative will be at PC meeting.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

4-11-23 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 04-13-2023s

April 11, 2023                                                                                                                     Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met April 11, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Approx 15 individuals, see attached sign-in sheet.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve the agenda.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on March 14, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, second Turner to approve the minutes of March 14, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5823-#5853 totaling $15,084.19.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5823- #5853 in the amount of $15,084.19.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on retaining attorney Homier.


New Business:

Process for selecting Township Planner-Seven RFQ letters mailed March 31st to the following:  Carlisle Wortman Assoc, Ann Arbor; Mead & Hunt Inc, Lansing; Griffels Webster, Detroit; McKenna, Northville; Mannik Smith Group, Monroe; Wade Trim, Detroit; William & Works Inc, Grand Rapids.

EGLE Twp Hall drinking water lab report reviewed.  Results found water to be good.

Planning Commission request for Twp Attorney to create a moratorium or similar action to pause any movement on landfills to be available for May 16 PC meeting.  See Trustee Sheplers comment in Trustee Reports.

Request Atty Hitch to attend May 9th Twp Bd meeting for Moratorium input.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to request Atty Hitch to be in attendance at May 9, 2023 Board meeting for moratorium input.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action to pay $100 registration & mileage for Plan Comm/Zon Bd of Appeals members to attend MTA workshop May 15 or May 18.  Motion Davis, second Rambo to pay $100 registration & mileage for Plan Comm/Zon Bd of Appeals members to attend MTA Breaking the Zoning Code workshop May 15 Frankenmuth or May 18 online.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business: None.



*Treasurer- Mar Treasurers report distributed; Settlement completed with the County; met w/Duane & Rae Deane Pinckney along w/Sprvsr Hart; attempt contact w/Point & Pay re: credit/debit card set-up.

*Clerk- Mar Rev/Exp report distributed; filed qtr Employee tax reports; conducted Election Commission meeting Apr 6th; issued 128 AV ballots for May 2nd Webberville School Special election [675 registered voters in Webberville School District].

*Trustee- Davis expressed concern about Homier letter of engagement.  Shepler reported on Foster Swift/Atty Homier letter of engagement and agreement.  Shepler also read response from Homier on Landfills indicating regulating Landfills is out of the Township’s Jurisdiction.

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to hire Attorney Homier to review/rewrite Solar/Wind ordinances.  Roll call vote: Yes-Shepler, Rambo.  No-Turner, Davis, Hart.  Motion failed {2-3}.

*Supervisor-Attended 03/09/23 NIESA meeting, Mar NIESA calls report [dk pink]; water sample to EGLE; composed Request for Qualifications for Planner selection; registration for background checks/completed background check.

*Zoning Administrator- Mar report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on Township hiring Attorney Homier.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Apr 3, email from resident Rich Witgen-suggested motion, move forward retaining Atty Homier.

Apr 3, email from resident Rich Witgen-suggested motion, move forward creating landfill ordinance.

Apr 28, Capital Area District Library 25th Anniversary Celebration, Lansing Branch, 6-8 PM.

May 18 MTA Breaking the Zoning Code workshop May 15-Frankenmuth or May 18 online.

Ing Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle: Mar calls: No report.

May 1 deadline for 2023 Ing County Trails/Parks Millage Grant Program application.

Community Project Funding grant.

Aug 16-18, MI Assoc of Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City, $149 registration by Aug 4.

Par Plan News Apr 2023 issue.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Discussion about retaining Homier for Wind/Solar Ordinances.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to enter into relationship agreement with Homier and get any clarifications that need to be addressed pertaining to Board Members concerns.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Shepler, Rambo, Davis.  No-Turner, Hart.  PASSED {3-2}.

Motion Shepler, second Rambo to sign engagement agreement.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Rambo, Shepler, Davis, Turner.  No-Hart.  PASSED {4-1}.

Motion Shepler, second Turner to request Atty Homier to attend May 16, 2023 PC meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.


Adjournment:  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

3-14-23 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 03-16-2023

March 14, 2023                                                                                                                  Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met March 14, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:  Approx 50 individuals, see attached sign-in sheet.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve the agenda.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on February 14, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve the minutes of February 14, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5792-#5822 totaling $22,822.13.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve accounts payable checks #5792- #5822 in the amount of $22,822.13.  PASSED {5-0}.


Open Public Hearing at 7:02 PM.  The purpose of the Public Hearing is to hear public comment on the General Budget and Millage for Fiscal Year April 1, 2023-March 31, 2024.  Explanation on recommended 2023-24 Budget with suggested updates given by Supervisor Hart.

Public Comment:  Kathy Coffey, Haslett Rd questioned amounts/purpose for legal expense, professional fees and amount budgeted for contract grounds.

Public Hearing closed at 7:06 PM.


Public Comment:Individuals commented on results from survey sent to residents, Solar systems and Landfill Ordinance.


New Business:

Selection of Lawn Mowing Contractor.  Review of bids and references.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to enter into agreement with Nicks for Locke Township Hall mowing for 2023 season.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to enter into agreement with Strongs for cemetery mowing for 2023 season.  PASSED {5-0}.

Process for selecting Township Planner-2023 Feb. summary Planner/Attorney Survey discussed.

Action on Trustee $65 additional meeting compensation-Feb 23rd Wind/Solar meeting (Davis and Shepler).  Motion Turner, second Rambo to compensate Davis and Shepler $65 additional meeting and mileage for attending the Feb 23rd presentation on wind/solar.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Dep. Zon. Adm. $200 compensation for SLU reviews for PC-Rollins & Smith.  Motion Davis, second Turner to compensate Dep. Zon. Adm $200 for SLU reviews for PC-Rollins & Smith.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2023-04 General Fund Budget/General Appropriation Act Fiscal Yr 4/1/23-3/31/24.  Motion Shepler, second Hart to adopt Resolution 2023-04 General Fund Budget/General Appropriation Act Fiscal Yr 4/1/23-3/31/24with suggested updates, Estimated Revenues totaling $513,700.00 and Estimated Expenditures totaling $609,000.00.  Roll call vote; Yes-Turner, Shepler, Hart, Rambo, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Ordinance 2023-01 Moratorium-whether to proceed.  Consensus to refer Wind & Solar Moratorium to the PC.


Unfinished Business:

2023 Local Road Program-recommendations/suggestions.  Suggested to include Herrington-Royce to Mohrle and Moyer Rd-52 to Webberville Rd and 3 mi of gravel road improvement to the 2023 Local Road program.  Will submit recommendations to ICRD for an agreement.


Reports:  All elected officials attended the Feb 23rd ICC/MTA Wind and Solar presentation in East Lansing.

*Treasurer- Feb Treasurers report distributed; collected 95% of 2022 taxes; beginning ‘settlement with County; 3/2 met w/Kevin Decker-ins review.

*Clerk- Feb Rev/Exp report distributed; reviewed Marion Twp/Homier video; 3/2 met w/Kevin Decker-ins review; mailed 271 AV ballot applications for May 2, 2023 Webberville Schools election.

*Trustee- Davis reported that he contacted Ingham County Drain Commission-no applications for Landfills have been submitted. Shepler reported she has been in contact with Attorney Homier.

*Supervisor-Attended 02/09/23 NIESA meeting, Feb NIESA calls report [dk pink]; attend 02/23

4 easy steps to hire the best candidate webinar.

*Zoning Administrator- Feb report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment:  Individuals commented on Landfill moratorium, concern with fire issues in reference to Solar panels, concern with property values and selection of a Township Planner.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

20230305 email from resident Witgen-suggested motion retain Atty Homier with Foster Swift    [green].

20230305 email from resident Witgen-suggested motion 6 mo moratorium Landfill/Solar/Wind  [green].

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Feb.- 3 calls: 1 petition for someone w/mental health issues, a family trouble complaint, a vehicle crash.

Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.

May 1 deadline for 2023 Ing County Trails/Parks Millage Grant Program application.

Community Project Funding grant.

Aug 16-18, MI Assoc of Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City, $149 registration by Aug 4.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Davis to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:29 by Supervisor Hart.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

2-14-23 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 02-16-2022

February 14, 2023                                                                                                                            Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met February 14, 2023 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present:  Approx 50 individuals, see attached sign-in sheet.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Remove Budget Amendment from New Business.  Addition of Cemetery mowing contractor to New Business.

Action on January 10, 2023 meeting minutes.  Motion Davis, second Shepler to approve the minutes of January 10, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5760-#5791 totaling $181,687.48.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5760- #5791 in the amount of $181,687.48.  PASSED {5-0}.


New Business:

Action to approve Zon Admin to attend Planning & Zoning workshop.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve Zoning Administrator to attend MI Assoc of Planners Mar 21 & 22 Planning & Zoning Essentials via zoom $115 registration.  PASSED {5-0}.

2023-24 Wages.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve 2023-24 Locke Township wages, effective April 1, 2023, as presented.  PASSED {5-0}, attached.

2023 Local Road program.  Consensus to table until March meeting.

Discussion/action on payment to clerk office furniture movers [3 @ $50 ea.?].  Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve payment of $50 ea to 3 clerk office furniture movers.  PASSED {3-0}.  Abstain:  Hart, Rambo.

Action to dispose of old desk from clerk’s office, typewriter, dehumidifier and coat rack.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to declare old desk, typewriter, dehumidifier and coat rack of no value and dispose of appropriately.  PASSED {5-0}.

Process for selecting Township Planner.  Consensus to invite potential Planners to interview before the Township Board.

Discussion/Appointment of Deputy Zoning Administrator.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to appoint Dorothy Hart as Deputy Zoning Administrator and be compensated for non-statutory duties as needed.  PASSED {5-0}.

Cemetery mowing contract.  Due to the retirement ofChase, mowing contracts will be available to prospective individuals.



*Treasurer- Jan Treasurers report distributed; attended BS & A treas seminar Jan 13 in Mason.

*Clerk- Jan Rev/Exp report distributed; completed qtrly&yr end filings, completed/distributed w-2’s, update on May 2 Webberville school election.

*Trustee- Sheplerreferenced ICC/MTA Solar/Wind presentation info.

*Supervisor-Attended 01/12/23 NIESA meeting, Jan NIESA calls report [dk pink]; Jan 24/27 Atty Homier Communication [pink]; thank you sent to Romkema/ManerCosterisan Accountants for donation of office furniture for Clerk’s office-desk, credenza, 2 four-drawer lateral file cabinets; attend Ing Co Rd Dept meeting for 2023 road improvements; email from Ing Co Health Dept-sanitary code has no regulations regarding mold; met with Bd of Comm Monica Schafer re; Parks & Trails Millage for possibly cleaning out log jams in Red Cedar River and EGLE Maerials Management Plan update [Jan 29th email]; Jan 28 email from /to D. Pinckney re: Atty Homier phone call & Conway Twp newspaper articles [yellow].

*Zoning Administrator- Jan report distributed, building permits update. (green)


Unfinished Business; None.

Public Comment:  Comments from numerous residents concerning request made concerning retaining Legal counsel (Subject Matter Expert), Moritorium and concerns/information on Solar and Wind Zoning.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Jan 10 Ing Co HazMat letter.

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Jan- 5 crashes, 1 abandoned vehicle, 1 CCW


Ingham County Chapter/MI Twp Assoc, Wind,/Solar, Feb 23 5-8:30 pm, E.L Hannah Comm

Center RSVP by Feb 17.

MTA Capital Conference Mar 1st, Lansing Center $55 by Jan 31

Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.

20230201 e-mail from resident Richard Witgen-Suggested Motion:  Move forward retaining

Legal counsel from Michael D Homier with the firm Foster Swift.

20230201 e-mail from resident Richard Witgen-Suggested Motion:  Move forward with a six-

month moratorium for all Landfill, Solar and Wind project applications.


New Business (cont)

Worksheet for multiyear Proposed General Budget distributed and discussed

Schedule Budget Public Hearing.  Motion Turner, second Hart to schedule the Budget Public Hearing for March 14, 2023 @ 7 PM.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment:  Comments about Solar Energy Systems.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

1-10-23 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 01-12-2023

January 10, 2023                                                                                                                               Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metJanuary 10, 2023, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present:  Deanna Davis, Duane &RaeDeane Pinckney, Julie Moore, Jon Fortin, Cheryl Schotter, Rich Witgen, Bonnie Witgen, Kathleen Coffey, Cindy Prossen, Tyler Prossen, Charles Sayles, Bruce and Nanci Jennings, Scott Patterson, Jordan Smith, Ty Hull, Sarah Porter, numerous additional residents.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on December 13, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of December 13, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5732-#5759 totaling $12,332.71.  PASSED {5-0}.

Unfinished Business:

*Review Res. 2012-02 Financial Administration Policy & Procedures. Consensus to drop from agenda until more information is obtained on accepting credit card payments.

Public Presentation/Public Comment: Comments from numerous residents concerning landfills, solar and wind energy, property values, Drain Commission response to inquiries.

New Business:

*Budget Amendment:  Income101 000 667 hall rentals               +$3000=$5500

Expense 101262702 election salary         +$1000=$3500

Expense 101 371 818 contract inspector +$2000=$9000

Motion Hart second Turner to approve the Budget Amendments as stated. Roll call vote; Yes-Hart, Turner, Davis, Rambo, Shepler.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approve mileage payment to Trustee Davis to attend Dec 7 Fahey & Schultz-Elected Officials workshop in Okemos.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve mileage payment for Davis to attend Dec 7 Elected Official Workshop in Okemos.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Res 2023-01 Poverty Guidelines and Income/Asset Test Resolution.  Motion Shepler, second Hart to adopt Resolution 2023-01 Poverty Guidelines and Income/Asset Test Resolution. Roll call vote; Yes-Rambo, Davis, Turner, Hart, Shepler.  No-None. PASSED {5-0}.

*Action on Jordan Smith, Zoning Board of Appeals member resignation [due to appt to Plan Comm].  Motion Rambo, second Davis to accept Jordan Smith resignation as ZBA member.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Appointment of ZBA member for term expiring 12-31-23.  Motion Hart, second Turner to appoint Jean Coe to Zoning Board of Appeals for a term expiring 12/31/23.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Resolution 2023-02 Township Officers Salary [7% increase].

Motion Turner, second Rambo that as of April 1, 2023, the salary of the Township Supervisor shall be $13044 annually, exclusive of assessing duties.  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, Rambo, Davis, Turner, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Hart, second Davis that as of April 1, 2023, the salary of the Township Clerk shall be $18732 annually and $600 per each election conducted.   Roll call vote; Yes-Hart, Davis, Shepler, Rambo, Turner.  No-None. PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Shepler, second Davis that as of April 1, 2023 the salary of the Township Treasurer shall be $18060 annually, winter and summer tax collections.  Roll call vote; Yes-Rambo, Davis, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Hart, second Turner that as of April 1, 2023, the salary of the Township Trustee shall be $164 per township board meeting and $70 per additional in person meeting per day OR virtual meeting over 2 hrs when approved by the Board, $32 per additional virtual meeting, less than 2 hours, when approved by the Board.  Roll call vote; Yes-Turner, Rambo Shepler, Davis, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2022 Planning Commission annual report [green].  Motion Turner, second Davis to accept the 2022 Planning Commission annual report.  PASSED {5-0}.

*2022 Twp Hall rentals, 8 yr summary report distributed.

*Resolution 2023-03 Matt Flint Appreciation.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to adopt Resolution 2023-03 Matt Flint Appreciation.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Treasurer- December Treasurers report distributed.  Information on CD’s distributed, attending Jan 13, 2023 BS&A workshop in Mason, $34,216 Sept/Oct State Revenue Sharing received 12/28/22.

*Clerk- Dec Rev/Exp report distributed.

*Trustee- Davis:  Attended Dec 15 MTA-What Every Board Member Needs to Know about Assessing-should have a BOR alternate and Assessor report.

Shepler: Has been in contact with Monica Schafer concerning Solar Energy Systems.

*Supervisor-Attended 12/08/22 NIESA meeting; December NIESA calls report distributed; attended Dec 13 Bd of Review; attended Dec 13 Ing Co Rd Dept meeting; Canon copier report; contacted MDOT concerning Haslett Rd, M-52 intersection.

*Zoning Administrator- Dec report distributed, building permits update.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – 8 Nov calls-7 vehicle crashes; 1 neighbor dispute.

*MTA Board of Review Training, Feb 10 online, $100 by Feb 26th.

*2023 MTA Capital Conference, March 1, 2023, Lansing Center

*Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.

Public Comment:  Comments from numerous residents concerning landfill, wind & solar zoning and Zoning Ordinance review.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Turner to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

12-13-22 Board Of Review Meeting Minutes

Locke Township Board of Review minutes

December 13, 2022         8:00 AM

Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Rd, Williamston MI


Members Present:          Dean Kitchenmaster, Chairperson

Cory Jorgensen, Member

Mary Shinkle, Member


Members Absent:           None


Others Present:                    Dorothy Hart, Supervisor

John Cunningham, Assessor


The December 2022 Session of the Locke Township Board of Review called to order at 8:00 AM.


Distributed/Reviewed     Form 2022  L4018 for 2023 Equalization, Analysis for Equalized Valuation-

Real Property and Personal Property.


Distributed/Reviewed   Bulletin 17 of 2022, Inflation Rate Multiplier         [7.9% actual / 5% capped]


Distributed/Reviewed   Bulletin 19 of 2022, Procedural Changes for 2023               Highlights included:

Poverty Guidelines
Board of Review is not permitted to deviate from the adopted policy and guidelines set by the local assessing unit.
Equalization study dates
Property Classification
Ingham County audit in 2023. Required training for Board of Review members [once every 2 years].
2023 Small Business Taxpayer Personal Property Tax Exemption Changes [from $80,000 to $180,000].


Distributed/Reviewed   Bulletin 13 of 2022, July and December Boards of Review-overview/authority.


The Board took action on 5 Affidavits:

33 04 04 09 100 009                          granted Veterans Exemption.

33 04 04 10 200 020                          granted Qualified Ag.

33 04 04 15 300 006                          granted Poverty Exemption.

33 04 04 10 200 019                          granted re capping.

33 04 04 12 400 008                          granted uncapping.

See attached copy of 2022 Dec. BOR Change Summary.


Meeting adjourned at 8:15 AM.




Dorothy G Hart

Locke Twp Supervisor

12-13-22 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 12-15-2022

December 13, 2022                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metDecember 13, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present:  Deanna Davis, Duane &RaeDeane Pinckney, Julie Moore, Jon Fortin, Cheryl Schotter, Kristen Babel, Rich Witgen, Kathleen Coffey, Cindy Prossen, Tyler Prossen, Ron Calhoun, Penny Dale, Christine McGoron.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition to appoint temporary Sexton and ZBA resignation to Appointments.

Action on November 1, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve the minutes of November 1, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5686-#5731 totaling $19,152.73.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business:

*Landfill rumor-Nov 17 email from EGLE, process/procedure for starting a landfill distributed.

*Review Res. 2012-02 Financial Administration Policy & Procedures.

Public Presentation/Public Comment: Comments from numerous residents concerning landfills, solar and wind energy.

New Business:

*Appointments.  Planning Commission- Motion Turner, second Rambo to accept appointment of Ty Hall and Jordan Smith to a 3-year term expiring 12-31-25.  PASSED {5-0}.

Board of Review- Motion Hart, second Davis to appoint Cory Jorgensen, Mary Shinkle, and Dean Kitchenmaster to a 2-year term expiring 12-31-24.  PASSED {5-0}.

Construction Board of Appeals- Motion Shepler, second Turner to dissolve the Construction Board of Appeals and authorize the ZBA to also serve as Construction Board of Appeals.  PASSED {5-0}.

ZBA-Appointment tabled.

NIESA alternate representative- Motion Hart, second Rambo to appoint Glenda Turner thru 6-30-2024.  PASSED {5-0}.

Temporary Sexton- Motion Hart, second Turner to appoint Jim Benjamin as temporary sexton Jan-Apr 2023.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Declare nonworking Hoover vacuum of no value and dispose of in curb cart.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to declare non-working Hoover vacuum of no value and dispose of as stated.  PASSED.  {5-0}.

*Action on resignation of Zoning Administrator Steve Hunt.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to accept resignation of Zoning Administrator Steve Hunt effective 10-31-22.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approve extra meeting payments to Trustee Davis.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to approve extra meeting payment @ $65 ea for Davis -Dec 7 Elected Official Workshop & Dec 15 MTA Assessing workshop.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Approve $75 registration & mileage for Treas.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve $75 registration and mileage for Treasurer to attend BS&A training in Mason, Jan 13.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Fowlerville Community Schools & LESA summer tax collection agreement.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to accept the summer tax collection agreement with Fowlerville Community Schools and LESA @ $3 per parcel.  PASSED {5-0}.

*ManerCosterisan audit engagement.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to enter into audit engagement with ManerCosterisan for 3/31/23 @ $7600.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Ordinance 2022-03 Zon Ord Amendment re: Wind Turbine Generators.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to adopt Zoning Ordinance Amendment #2022-03 re: Wind Turbine Generators.  Roll call vote: Yes-Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner, Davis.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Impending retirement of Mark Eidelson-Landplan June 30, 2023.  Consensus to authorize Supervisor to compile a list of possible Township Planners.

*Procedure to appoint Zoning Administrator.  Application received 7/12/2022.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to appoint Julie Moore as Zoning Administrator starting January 1, 2023.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Treasurer- Oct & Nov Treasurers report distributed.Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept the Oct & Nov Treasurers reports.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Clerk- Oct & Nov Rev/Exp report distributed; Nov 8 Election results-68.77% turnout; Removed U.S Veterans flags from cemeteries; attend 11/16 Lexipol webinar-Cybersecurity and Data Protection; attend 11/29 BS&A user group.

*Trustee- Davis: Reported on 12/7/2022 Elected Officials Workshop in Okemos. Attending Dec 15 MTA-What Every Board Member Needs to Know about Assessing.  Contacted Drain Commission on M-52 property.

Shepler: PC completed Wind Ordinance.

*Supervisor-Attended 11/10/22 NIESA meeting; November NIESA calls report distributed.  Met 11-17 w/Keith Granger re: Landfill rumor.

*Zoning Administrator- Nov report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle –3 Sept calls-vehicle crashes; 7 Oct calls-5 vehicle crashes, 1 fraud report, 1 natural death.

*Oct 31 Atty Tim Hitch, Mr. David Revore, Municipal attorney, joining McGinty Hitch Person law firm.

*Nov 21 Decker Agency, $149.55 dividend return from Accident Fund ins [15%].

*Dec 07 Atty Fahey, Elected Officials Workshop, Okemos Conf Center, noon-5:30, Free.

*Dec 15 MTA What Every Bd Member Needs to Know about Assessing, Lansing, $100 by 11/30

*Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.


Public Comment:  Comments from numerous residents concerning wind & solar impact on township and Board representation.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Davis, to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

11-1-22 Meeting Minutes — DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 11-03-2022

November 1, 2022                                                                                                                           Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metNovember 1, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on October 11, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of October 11, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks with addition of Ck # 5685-MTA-$100.00. Motion Hart, second Turner to approve accounts payable checks #5661-#5685 totaling $11,440.23.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business:

*Appoint NIESA alternate representative for remainder of Carlson term ending 06-30-24.  No action.

New Business:

*Review Res. 2012-02 Financial Administration Policy & Procedures.

Public Presentation/Public Comment: None.



*Treasurer- Oct Treasurers report not yet available. Completed qtr census report; Z-Solutions listed a couple local businesses on our website.

*Clerk- Oct Rev/Exp report not yet available; conducted Preliminary and Public Accuracy Test for Nov 8 Gen Election; conducted 2nd Public Accuracy test Oct 31st due to County re-programming election equipment.

*Trustee- Davis: Reported on Herrington Road. Attending Dec 15 MTA-What Every Board Member Needs to Know about Assessing.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to pay $100 registration and mileage for Trustee Davis to attend December 15 MTA-What Every Board Member Needs to Know about Assessing.  PASSED [5-0].

Shepler: Reported on Wind Ordinance update.

*Supervisor-Attended 10/13/22 NIESA meeting; 10/16 met w/DTE for energy assessment [installed 4 bathroom sink aerators; attend 10/26 NIESA personnel meeting; 2023 State Revenue Sharing projected to be $186,610 [decrease of $6027].

*Zoning Administrator- Oct report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle – ? Sept calls

Nov 16 MTA Now you Know webinar-Tax Collection & Your Twp, noon-1 pm, $25.

Dec 07 Atty Fahey, Elected Officials Workshop, Okemos Conf Center, noon-5:30, Free.

Dec 15 MTA What Every Bd Member Needs to Know about Assessing, Lansing, $100 by 11/30

Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.


Public Comment:  None.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:35 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

10-11-22 Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

October 11, 2022 Approved___________
The Locke Township Board met October 11, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak
Present: Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present: John Fortin, Cheryl Schotter, Julie
Absent: None.
Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.
Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Webster & Griffes snow plowing/salting quote for
2022-23 added to New Business.
Action on September 13, 2022 meeting minutes. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve the
minutes of September 13, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting. PASSED {5-0}.
Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5633-#5660 totaling $13,723.04. Motion Shepler,
second Rambo to approve Accounts Payable checks #5633-#5660 in the amount of $13,723.04.
PASSED {5-0}.
Public Presentation/Public Comment: Cheryl Schotter commented on suspicious activity on Bell
Oak Rd. Presentation by candidate Julie Brixie.
Leave Brixie at 7:15.
Unfinished Business: Appoint NIESA alternate representative for remainder of Carlson term
ending 06-30-24.
New Business:
Resolution 2022-11, Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment [pink]. Motion Hart,
second Turner to approve Resolution 2022-11 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special
Assessment. Roll Call vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner. No-None. PASSED {5-0}.
Meeting dates for 2023-2 nd Tues @ 7 PM. Motion Turner, second Davis to approve the
following Township Board meeting dates for 2023-Jan 10, Feb 14, Mar 14, Apr 11, May 09, Jun
13, Jul 11, Aug 08, Sept 12, Oct 10, Nov 14, Dec 12. PASSED {5-0}.
Webster & Griffes 2022-23 quote for snow plowing/salting. Motion Turner, second Rambo to
accept Webster & Griffes quote as presented. PASSED {5-0}.
*Treasurer- Sept Treasurers report distributed. Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept
Treasurers report as written. PASSED {5-0}. Contacted Josh @ Z Solutions re: businesses listed
on website; 92% Summer Taxes collected.
*Clerk- Sept Rev/Exp report distributed; mailed 340 AV ballots for Nov General Election; 9/29
attend BS&A Financial Management user training; 9/30 attend MI Election Clerks webinar-de-
escalation, security & personal safety; completed annual F-65 Local Unit Fiscal Report;
completed Annual Qualifying Statement; completed twp qtr tax reports.
*Trustee- Davis: Reported tree trimming completion on Haslett Rd.
Shepler: Update on PC-continuing wind turbine discussion.
*Supervisor-Attend 09/08 NIESA meeting; 9/12 attend MTA Emerging Issues in Emergency
Services workshop; DTE energy audit completed @ hall.
*Zoning Administrator- Sept report distributed; building permits update.

Communications, seminars, etc.:
Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle- No report received.
Consumers Energy, Mid-Michigan Pipeline Replacement Project [Locke Twp, Phase II, 2024].
Sept 22 email from Alaiedon Twp re: 1 st Amendment video taping.
Oct 12 MTA Know you Know-Election update webinar $25
Oct 18-19 Mt Pleasant, MTA Regional Summit [see Aug Twp Focus magazine].
Oct 26 th -ICC/MTA meeting in Mason, 5:00 pm [tour new Justice Complex]. RSVP
Apr 17-20, 2023, MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.
Public Comment. None.
Any Other Business/Board member comments: Welcome to Stephen Hunt.
Adjournment: Motion Shepler, second Davis to adjourn meeting. PASSED {5-0}. Meeting
adjourned at 7:48 by Supervisor Hart.

Glenda S Turner
Locke Township Clerk

8-9-22 Meeting Minutes DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 08-10-2022

August 9, 2022                                                                                                                   Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metAugust 9, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present: Charles Hauser, Jim Grant, Deanna Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of MTA “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services” registration under New Business.

Action on July 12, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of July 12, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5562-#5594 totaling $16,745.24.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve Accounts Payable checks #5562-#5594 in the amount of $16,745.24.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Presentation/Public Comment:  Jim Grant commented on the Solar Energy Systems Amendments to Zoning Ordinance.


Unfinished Business:

Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance-yellow

Planning Commission referral of July 19, 2022 SES draft amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.  Motion Shepler, second Hart to adopt Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Turner, Hart, Shepler, Rambo.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

New Business:

Action on Resignation submitted by Davis Carlson-Planning Commission & NIESA alt rep.  Motion Turner, second Davis to accept the Resignation submitted by Davis Carlson-Planning Commission & NIESA alt rep.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on paying registration for treas to attend MTA ‘Now you Know’-L4029, $25 registration.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to approve registration of $25 for treasurer to attend MTA “Now you Know’-L4029.  PASSED {5-0}.

Appoint Planning Commission member for remainder of Carlson term ending 12-31-22.  No action.

Appoint NIESA alternate representative for remainder of Carlson term ending 06-30-24.  No action.

Action on MTA registration for Supervisor to attend MTA “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services”- $128 registration plus mileage.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve registration for Supervisor to attend MTA “Emerging Issues in Emergency Services”- $128 registration plus mileage.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Trustee- Davis: Reviewed MTA cemetery manual.

Shepler: Update on PC-will begin wind turbine discussion.

*Clerk- July Rev/Exp report distributed; 7/14 met w/John S.-Dreamt software-software  installed; prepare/train/test/administer Aug 2nd Primary Election.  Election update.

*Treasurer- July Treasurers report distributed. Attend MTA webinar re: Tax Rate Request form L4029; completed qtr census report; attended July 19 PC meeting.

*Supervisor-Attended 07/14/22 NIESA meeting; 07/19/22 July BOR.

*Zoning Administrator- July report distributed; building permits update;deadline for Zon Adm position Aug 9th [4 applications received, appointment at Sept 13th Twp Bd meeting].


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report-6 June calls- 1 threat complaint, 4 vehicle crashes, 1 family trouble. 4 July calls- 2 vehicle crashes, 1 threat report, 1 suspicious situation.

Apr 17-20, 2023, MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.

Public Comment.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Turner to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:32 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

7-12-22 Meeting Minutes DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 07-14-2022

July 12, 2022                                                                                                                       Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met July 12, 2022 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also, present:  Charles Hauser, Leo Sheets.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None..

Action on June 14, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of June 14, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5533-#5561 totaling $121,363.89, (addition of Ck# 5561 to transfer ARPA funds in the amount of $97,626.31 from Independent Bank to Huntington Bank).  Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #5533- #5561 in the amount of $121,363.89.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment/Presentation: Charles Hauser commented on Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance.

Leo Sheets commented on Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance.


Unfinished Business:

Kitchen faucet repaired.  Bathroom sinks not required by MI Code to have grid strainers instead of pop-up.

Hall Rental Damage to wall.  Cost to repair $195.00.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to bill renter $145.00 plus retention of Hall rental deposit of $50.00 to cover cost of damages.  Roll call vote:  Yes- Hart, Shepler, Rambo, Davis, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Review Cemetery Ordinance/veterans right of burial re-purchase info [May-yellow copies].  Twps can’t give burial spaces for free-there must be a value for value paid or exchanged.

Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance.  Planning Commission referral of Apr 27, 2022, SES draft amendments to the Zon Ord.  Consensus to submit written suggestions back to PC for consideration.

concerning the following:

Clarification by Mark Eidelson, LandPlan IncSec. C. 3,7,9&12 – language confusing, private property rights, greenscaping/fencing and 50% maximum lot coverage, glare/visual impact.


New Business:

ARPA federal funding received $97,626.31 also Mar/Apr 2022 Rev Sharing $31,667.00.

Action on Resignation submitted by David Carlson.  No Action.

Assessor computer purchased Sept 2018, possibly replace in 2023.


*Trustee- Davis commented on high-speed internet work being done in Township.  Shepler shared comments form Mark Eidelson (Landplan) on questions ask concerning Solar Energy Systems.

*Clerk- June Rev/Exp report distributed; 6/15 completed Clerks Election Cycle Certification @ County; 6/22 attended ICC-MTA virtual meeting/broadband update; checked/repaired/replaced veterans flags in cemeteries; completed 2ndqtr tax reports.

*Treasurer- June Treasurers report distributed; 738 tax bills mailed; continue looking into credit/debit card pymt info-FAQ about ALLPaid credit/debit card info; attended MTA webinar “Assessing Your Twps Assessing” & completed webinar survey; attended meeting w/Tom Reif-marihuana; attended Capital Area Treas meeting in Mason.

*Supervisor-Attended 06/09 NIESA meeting; FOIA request Black Knight-2021 tax/2022 assessment completed on 14th communication; FOIA request Steep Steel-cell tower leases; met w/Tom Reif-marihuana; completed County annual Storm System Maintenance Verification.

*Zoning Administrator- June report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for June- None received at this time.

MI Assoc of Municipal Cemeteries annual conference Aug 17-19, Frankenmuth, registration $139 by Aug 5th plus $129 per night lodging.

Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City.

07/18/22 Par Plan News-July 2022


Public Comment


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Shepler, second Davis to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

6-14-22 Meeting Minutes

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 06-16-2022

June 14, 2022                                                                                                                     Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metJune 14, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present: JoshRockey (Z-Solutions), Marlene Epley, Leo Sheets, Deanna Davis, AmandaVorce, Brian Baer, Trent Smiley.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on May 10, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve the minutes of May 10, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business:

Both Twp. Hall bathrooms need sink grid strainers instead of pop-up [total of 4] per A.L Lantzer Inc.  Also Twp. Hall kitchen sink needs faucet repair.

Zoning Administrator duties, wages, etc.  Zoning Administrator position opening to be placed in newsletter and on Township website.

Cemetery Ordinance review/veterans right of burial re-purchase info.  Davis discussed some information received from surrounding Townships concerning veteran’s burials.


New Business:

Twp hall air conditioner repaired by Briggs Mechanical-hole in coil located on back of wall, difficult to access.  Estimated cost of repair $5768.35 [3-day repair after parts received].  Briggs was able to repair in one day.  Invoice has not yet been received.

Agreement for 2022 Local Road Improvements [$146,700 twp portion of $180,000 cost]  Motion Shepler, second Turner to accept the ICRD 2022 Local Road Improvement agreement at a cost of $146,700.   Roll call vote; Yes-Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler, Davis.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Kebs proposal for survey of Twp hall west property boundary and authorize Supervisor as contact person, cost $900.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to accept proposal from Kebs for survey of Twp. Hall west property boundary at a cost of $900 and authorize Supervisor as contact person.  Roll call vote; Yes- Rambo, Hart, Turner, Davis, Shepler.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Discussion of fence for west property boundary [between Twp. Hall& former Parts Man parcel].  Consensus against putting up a fence at this time, possibly a post to mark the survey stakes.


Public Presentation/Public Comment: Amanda Vorcefrom Capital Area District Library gave an annual report presentation.


New Business:

Discussion/Written Acceptance of Twp. Hall mowing Agreement to be sublet temporarily from Dan’s Services to Nick’s Lawn Services-Owosso.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to accept subletting of Agreement providing receipt of certificate of Liability Insurance.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Planning Commission referral of Apr 27, 2022, draft amendments to the Zon Ord-Solar Energy Systems [SES] (May 17, 2022 Plan Comm min).  Consensus to consider at the July Twp. Bd meeting.

NIESA representative. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to appoint Dorothy Hart for a 4 yr term expiring 6-30-26 [Current rep: 6-30-22 Dorothy Hart].  PASSED {5-0}.


Action on Accounts Payable checks with addition of Ck # 5530-Kebs-$900, Ck# 5531-USA Today-$202, Ck# 5532- Cummins-$418.81.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5491-#5532 totaling $27,041.81.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment:  Leo Sheets commented on proposed Solar Ordinance.



*Treasurer- May Treasurers report distributed. Completed Civic Pulse survey; Information on potential for implementing card payments; Updating/adding to Twp. Website; drop box policy research.

*Clerk- May Rev/Exp report distributed; ordered August Primary Election Supplies; 5/12 met w/John S.-Dreamt software-software estimated to be installed in July; 5/12 completed US Vote Foundation questionnaire; 5/16 completed SAM annual renewal; 5/17 attended PC meeting; 5/26 completed ballot certification @ Ing County; 5/26 completed voter ID card transfer/mailing; 5/27 checked for damaged/missing flags in cemeteries; 5/28 mailed 574 AV ballot applications.

*Trustee- Davis: attended 5/17 PC meeting.  Commented on County applying chloride to roads.

Shepler: Solar Ordinance Public Hearing May 17th.

*Supervisor-Attended 05/12/22 NIESA meeting; 05/11 ph to Tyler Heating-does not do commercial; 05/12 met w/John-Dreamt cemetery software; FOIA request granted to Black Knight-2021 tax rolls/2022 assessment.

*Zoning Administrator- May report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for May (4 calls/reports)- All vehicle crashes.

NIESA, year ended 12/31/21 financial statements booklet

FLEIS &Vanderbrink, 2022 2Q Newsletter

MTA, Township Focus, June 2022 edition

Handy Twp, Master Plan Public Hearing, June 23rd, 7 PM, Handy Twp Hall, 135 N Grand, Fowlerville.

Public Comment:  None.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:19.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

5-10-22 Meeting Minutes — Draft

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 05-12-2022

May 10, 2022                                                                                                                     Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met May 10, 2022 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis. Also present: Matthew Palazzolo.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on April 12, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of April 12, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5464-#5490 totaling $17,086.49.  Motion Rambo, second Turner to approve accounts payable checks #5464- #5490 in the amount of $17,086.49.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Comment


Unfinished Business:

Ordinance 2022-01 Large Solar Energy System & Commercial Wind Turbine Generator Moratorium.  Planning Commission requested.  Atty Hitch review dated May 4, 2022.  No action.


New Business:

Declare 2 computer towers [clerk & treas], 1 mid form PC and 1 election pollbook laptop to be of no value and dispose of thru I. T. Right.  Motion Hart, second Turner to Declare 2 computer towers [clerk & treas], 1 mid form PC and 1 election pollbook laptop to be of no value and dispose of thru I. T. Right.  PASSED {5-0}.

Declare cloth chair, calculator, 5 keyboards to be of no value and dispose of in curb cart.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to declare cloth chair, calculator, 5 keyboards to be of no value and dispose of in curb cart.  PASSED {5-0}.

Declare flag to be unrepairable and dispose of in Boy Scouts collection box.  Motion Hart, second Davis to declare flag to be unrepairable and dispose of in Boy Scouts collection box.

Both bathrooms need sink grid strainers instead of pop-up [total of 4] per A.L Lantzer Inc.  [urinal repaired again-was running excessively].  Will get quotes on sink grid strainers.

Zoning Administrator duties, wages, etc. [green] discussed.

Res. 2022-10 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan.  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adopt Resolution 2022-10 Hazard Mitigation Action Plan.  Roll Call vote: Yes-Davis, Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Hart.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Furnace repaired by Briggs Mechanical [no heat caused by mouse damage].  Air conditioner not working-hole in coil located on back of wall, difficult to access.  Estimated cost of repair [Briggs] $5768.35 [3 day repair after parts received].  Consensus to receive a 2nd quote and place the Supervisor in charge of deciding who makes the repair.



*Treasurer- Apr Treasurers report distributed; 4/26 Q/A Ind Bank re: Information provided on credit card payments; tested AED; Submit qtr census report.

*Clerk- Apr Rev/Exp report distributed; 4/14 CAMCA Qtly meeting; 4/21 met with John Schimmelmann-Dreamt Cemetery Software update; 4/21 ARPA zoom webinar w/Dept of Treas. Completed ARPA Annual report; placed 268 U.S. flags on veterans’ graves; planted flowers at twp hall/cleaned flower beds.

*Trustee- Davis: review Cemetery Ordinance/veterans right of burial re-purchase info [yellow]. Reported on internet service line installation.

Shepler: 4/19 special PC meeting for Solar; Solar Ordinance Public Hearing May 17th at 7:00 PM [Amendments included with TB Agenda pkt].

*Supervisor-Attended 04-14 NIESA meeting; 04/19 Tri County Hazard Mitigation Plan zoom meeting; 04/14 NIESA reply to Dickerson pond-inaccessible for fire trucks [Cost prohibitive to put in a dry hydrant and build an access road]; 04/14 ICDC reply to broken farm tiles [civil matter between properties, the farmer might take the new landowner to court for the flooding]; letter of support to Williamstown Twp for permanent Recycling center; complete Census Mar 12 payroll survey; met w/John-Dreamt cemetery software update; completed Ing Co Resident Broadband Survey online.

*Zoning Administrator- Apr report distributed, building permits update [pink].

Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report: Mar- 3 calls:  1 fraud report, 2 vehicle crashes.  Apr-5 calls: 1 ea.-bond violation, vehicle crash, OWI arrest, civil dispute, fraud report.

Public Comment

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:    Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:27 P.M.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

4-12-22 Meeting Minutes – Draft

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 04-14-2022

April 12, 2022                                                                                                                    Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met April 12, 2022 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of 2022 Hall mowing quote under New Business.

Action on March 8, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve the minutes of March 8, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5430-#5463 totaling $18,456.93.  Motion Turner, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5430- #5463 in the amount of $18,456.93.  PASSED {5-0}.


Unfinished Business:

Current Zoning Administrator Appointment agreement.  No new information.

New Business:

Action on accepting temporary gas sur charge billing from Chase Lawn Care Services.  Their quote was submitted in February when gas was $3.75 per gallon.  Consensus to accept temporary gas sur charge billing from Chase Lawn Care Services.

Action on re purchase of 6 Rowley Cemetery burial sites [65% of 2100=$1365].  Motion Turner, second Rambo to re purchase 6 burial sites, Lot 94 in Rowley cemetery, at 65% of original purchase price as stated in the Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance. PASSED {4-1}.

Resolution 2022-09 Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations: To Prohibit Discrimination. Motion Shepler, second Hart to adopt Resolution 2022-09 Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations; To Prohibit Discrimination. Roll call vote; Yes- Davis, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Hart.  No-None.  Passed {5-0}.

Ordinance 2022-01 Large Solar Energy System Moratorium.  Consensus to send Solar and Wind Ordinance to attorney for review.

Action on verbal quote of $600 from Parisian Home Improvement for ceramic tile/grout repair replacement @ twp. hall.  Motion Turner, second Davis to accept quote from Parisian as stated.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on HSC, Inc 2 yr. Assessor Agreement extension @ $1800 mo. [current $1660 mo.].  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve HSC, Inc 2 yr Assessor Agreement extension @ $1800 mo.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on 2022 Season Lawn Maintenance Agreement from Dan’s Services.  Motion Davis, second Rambo to accept the 2022 Season Lawn Maintenance Agreement from Dan’s Services as presented.  PASSED {5-0}.


*Treasurer- Mar Treasurers report distributed; Information provided on credit card payment options.

*Clerk- Mar Rev/Exp report distributed; quote from Spectrum Printers for 1511 voter ID cards $1063.88; 2022 Election Security Grant [possible avenue for security camera funding]; 3/16 met with John Schimmelmann-Dreamt Cemetery Software; 3/21 zoom webinar w/Dept of Treas-ARPA Reporting overview; completed qtr tax reports.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on a suspicious vehicle; PC update.  Davis reported on the corner store and expressed concern on land drainage.

*Supervisor-Attended 03-10 NIESA meeting/ 03/?? Met w/NIESA director [NIESA calls graph]; attend 3/08, 3/14 & 15 BOR

*Zoning Administrator- Mar report distributed, building permits update.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Feb- 5 calls: 1 domestic assault/4 vehicle


MTA Annual Educational Conference, April 25-28, 2022 in Lansing [$388 in person/$199 virtual].

Par Plan News, April 2022 edition

Public Comment:  None.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:    Meeting adjourned at 8:04 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

3-8-22 Meeting Minutes – Draft

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 03-10-2022

March 8, 2022                                                                                                                    Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met March 8, 2022 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of IT Right quote under New Business.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5410-#5429 totaling $21,138.06.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5410- #5429 in the amount of $21,138.06.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on February 8, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve the minutes of February 8, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Hearing-General Budget and Millage for Fiscal Year April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023 opened at 7:04 PM.

Explanation of 2022-2023 proposed general budget.

Public Comment: None.

Public Hearing closed at 7:05 PM.


Public Presentation/Comment:  None.

Unfinished Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $194,474.

Received $97,237 Nov. 2021, + additional $391.52 in Jan. 2022.

Need Policy: Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations

Cemetery records software:

BS & A-     $3960/$365 annual maint.

Pontem (Leroy)-   $4695/$945 annual maint. OR $11380 w/GIS maps.

CemSites (Conway)-$4230 + $750 annual maint. Or $13400 in Cloud.

Received & distributed information from Dreamt Software- $1500-$5000.

Received quote from Dreamt Software- $6500

Received quote from PlotBox $12,511.00/annual maint 6,300.00.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept quote from Dreamt software of $6500 pending feedback from current clients of Dreamt software.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Turner, second Davis to add Dreamt software billing of $3250.00 to accounts payable claims.  Passed {5-0}.

New Business:

Resolution 2022-05 Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2022-05 Government Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace.

Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Chase Lawn Care Services quote for mowing 3 cemeteries [$10 more per occurance].

Motion Rambo, second Shepler to accept quote from Chase Lawn Care for 2022 cemetery mowing.  PASSED {5-0}.

Current Zoning Administrator Appointment Agreement distributed and discussed.  Needs updating.

Resolution 2022-06 Poverty Exemptions Income Guidelines & Asset Test.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to adopt Resolution 2022-06 Poverty Exemptions Income Guidelines & Asset Test.  Roll call vote; Yes-Rambo, Davis, Hart, Shepler, Turner.  No-None.  Passed {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-07 Michigan Township Participating Plan-Appointment of Member Representative.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to adopt Resolution 2022-07 and appoint the Clerk as the member representative.  Roll call vote; Yes-Hart, Davis, Rambo, Shepler, Turner.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Road Improvements 2022:  Horstman-Haslett to Bell Oak                                          $82,437.50

Sherwood-Morrice to Herrington                   $82,750.00

Herrington-Royce to Mohrle                                             $23,187.50

Bell Oak-.5 mi east of M-52 to Morrice   $135,250.00

Davis expressed concern about the condition of Herrington Road.

Motion Turner, second Shepler to enter into a contract with ICRD for 2022 Road Improvement Horstman-Haslett to Bell Oak and Sherwood-Morrice to Herrington as stated.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-08 General Fund Budget &General Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 4/1/22-3/31/23.  Motion Turner, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2022-08 General Fund Budget & General Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 4/2/22-3/31/23.  Roll call vote; Yes-Turner, Davis, Shepler, Rambo, Hart.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

I.T. Right quote for computer webcams, microphone, speaker- $193.06.  Motion Rambo, second Shepler to accept quote from I. T Right for the purchase of computer accessories.  PASSED {5-0}.


*Treasurer- Feb Treasurers report distributed; Submitted zoom claim for class action settlement[alleged privacy/security issues].

*Clerk- Feb Rev/Exp report distributed; 2/10 met with John Schimmelmann-Dreamt Cemetery Software; 2/16 zoom webinar w/Dept of Treas-Resources for Local Govts; 2/18 zoom meeting w/Joe Witherspoon-Plotbox Cemetery Software; 2/25 completed Civicpulsesurvey-Community Issues & Zoning.

*Trustee- No Reports.

*Supervisor-Attended 02-10 NIESA meeting/ 02-09 NIESA personnel meeting, 2/28 met with NIESA Director; 2/14 virtual BOR training; 2/15 FOIA-2021 employee info; 2/22 zoom TriCounty Hazard Mitigation Plan; 2/23 zoom ICC/MTA County Chapter meeting.

*Zoning Administrator- Feb report distributed, building permits update.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Feb- No report received.

MTA Annual Educational Conference, April 25-28, 2022 in Lansing [$388 in person/$199 virtual].

Public Comment:  None.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Davis to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:26 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

2-8-2022 Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 02-10-2022

February 8, 2022                                                                                                                               Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met February 8, 2022 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of Scheduling Budget Public Hearing under New Business.  Addition of hall rental deposit refund under Clerk report.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5386-#5409 totaling $18,543.20.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5386- #5409 in the amount of $18,543.20.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on January 11, 2022 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve the minutes of January 11, 2022 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Comment/Presentation: None.


Unfinished Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $194,474.

Received $97,237 Nov. 2021, + additional $391.52 in Jan. 2022 [reallocated from declined non-entitlement units].

Cemetery records software:

BS & A-     $3960/$365 annual maint.

Pontem (Leroy)-   $4695/$945 annual maint. OR $11380 w/GIS maps.

CemSites (Conway)-$4230 + $750 annual maint. Or $13400 in Cloud.

Received & distributed information from Dreamt Software- $1500-$5000.


New Business:

Appointments-ZBA member, Jordan Smith-remainder of Montgomerie 12-31-23 term.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to appoint Jordan Smith to Zoning Board of Appeals for remainder of Laurens Montgomerie term expiring on 12/31/23.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on LandPlan Inc proposal for Wind & Solar Energy Zon Ord Amendments at a cost up to $6500 as stated in Dec. 23, 2021 communication [letter distributed in January].

[Note-Wheatfield Twp retained LandPlan for their Wind/Solar; White Oak retained McKenna Assoc].  Motion Turner, second Shepler to enter into agreement with LandPlan for Wind & Solar Energy Zon Ord Amendments at a cost up to $6500.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-03 Poverty Guidelines.  Motion Turner, second Davis to adopt Resolution 2022-03 Poverty Guidelines.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

2022-23 Wages.  Motion Shepler, second Turner to adopt 2022-23 Locke Township wages as presented.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-04 Township Officers Salary.

Motion Turner, second Rambo that as of April 1, 2022, the salary of the Township Supervisor shall be $12186 annually, exclusive of assessing duties.  Roll call vote; Yes-Rambo, Davis, Turner, Hart, Shepler.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Shepler, second Davis that as of April 1, 2022, the salary of the Township Clerk shall be $17503 annually and $500 per each election conducted.  Roll call vote; Yes-Turner, Davis, Rambo, Shepler, Hart.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Turner, second Davis that as of April 1, 2022 the salary of the Township Treasurer shall be $16879 annually, winter and summer collections.  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, Davis, Hart, Rambo, Turner.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Motion Rambo, second Hart that as of April 1, 2022, the salary of the Township Trustee shall be $153 per township board meeting, $65 per additional in person meeting per day OR virtual meeting over 2 hrs. when approved by the Board, $30 per additional virtual meeting, less than 2 hours, when approved by the Board.  Roll call vote; Yes-Hart, Shepler, Rambo, Davis, Turner.   No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-05 Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace distributed for review.

Worksheet for multiyear Proposed General Budget distributed and discussed.

I.T. Right quote for Clerk & Treasurer computer replacement- $1737.50.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept quote from I. T Right for the purchase of Clerk & Treasurer replacement computers.  Roll call vote; Yes- Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner, Davis.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

I.T. Right quote for e-pollbook replacement laptop-$884.84.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to accept quote from I. T. Right for the purchase of e-pollbook replacement laptop. Roll call vote; Yes- Davis, Hart, Rambo, Turner, Shepler.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

04/01/2021-03/31/2022 Budget Amendments.

101 446 819 Highways/Streets/Bridges Expense       $5310.00 DR

101 000 528 ARPA Grant Funds Income                                     $97237.00 CR

Motion Hart, second Shepler to approve Budget Amendments as stated.

Roll call vote; Yes- Shepler, Turner, Rambo, Hart, Davis.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Schedule Budget Public Hearing.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to schedule the Budget Public Hearing for March 8, 2022 @ 7 PM.  PASSED {5-0}.



*Treasurer- Jan Treasurers report distributed; attended BS & A tax training Jan 13-14 in Mason.

*Clerk- Jan Rev/Exp report distributed; completed qtrly & yr end filings; completed polling place accessibility w/ Sec of State; completed local election survey w/Brennan Law; 2/2/22 zoom mtg with Paul Seddon-Plotbox Cemetery software.  Discussed with Board issue of hall rental deposit re-imbursement.  Recent issue with individual who signed the hall rental agreement and where the check for the deposit was from.  Refund was sent to the information on the check.  Consensus that the deposits should be sent to whomever the check is from.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on PC.  Davis mentioned the bridge on Okemos Rd.

*Supervisor-Attended 01-13 NIESA meeting & 01-26 NIESA personnel meeting; completed Annual Census Boundary/Annexation Survey [no changes].; Attended Jan 27th ICHD proposed Sanitary Code Chapter 2; submitted TriCounty Hazard Mitigation Plan survey of capabilities.

*Zoning Administrator- Jan report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Jan- 4 vehicle crashes, 1 suspicious situation, 1 larceny, 1 attempt home invasion, 1 deceased person/natural death. .

MTA Annual Educational Conference, April 25-28, 2022 in Lansing [$388 in person/$199 virtual].

Public Comment:  None.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:34 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk




1-11-2022 Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 01-13-2022

January 11, 2022                                                                                                                              Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met January 11, 2022, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5355-#5385 totaling $87,820.13.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve accounts payable checks #5355- #5385 in the amount of $87,820.13.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on December 14, 2021 meeting minutes.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve the minutes of December 14, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Public Comment/Presentation: None.


Unfinished Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $194,474.

Received $97,237. Need Policy:  Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace, Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations.

Cemetery records software:

[yellow] BS & A                     $3960/$365 annual maint.

[blue]    Pontem   [Leroy]     $4695/$945 annual maint. OR $11380 w/GIS maps/$1130 one user.

[green] CemSites [Conway] $$4230/$750 annual maint. OR $13400 in Cloud/$2400 three users.

Legacy     [Wmstown] not yet received.


New Business:

Appointments- Motion Davis, second Rambo to approve the appointment of Ben Howard to the Locke Township Planning Commission for a term to expire 12-31-2024.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-01 Seatbelt Use.  Motion Hart, second Turner to approve Resolution 2022-01 Seatbelt Use Policy.  Roll call vote; Yes-Davis, Rambo, Shepler, Hart, Turner.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2022-02 Ban Text Messaging While Driving.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to approve Resolution 2022-02 Ban Text Messaging While Driving.  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, Hart, Turner, Davis, Rambo.  No-None.  Absent-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action to pay $103 in-person/$78 online registration & mileage for Bd of Review members training [Kitchenmaster, Shinkle & Hart registered online].  Motion Shepler, second Rambo to pay $78 registration for Bd of Review members to attend online training.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Trustee $60 additional meeting compensation for the following dates; Shepler-Mar 24, June 8, Sept 23 and Dec 22.  Davis-June 8 and Nov 9 (including mileage).  Motion Hart, second Turner to pay Trustees Shepler and Davis $60 additional meeting compensation (including mileage) for dates as stated.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action to pay $125 registration, lunch, mileage for Treasurer to attend Jan 13-14 BS & A training in Mason.  Motion Turner, second Davis to pay $125 registration, lunch, mileage for Treasurer to attend Jan 13-14 BS & A training in Mason.  PASSED {5-0).

20211223 LandPlan letter regarding Zon Ord amendment for wind/solar energy quote of $5500-$6500 [update proposed by Planning Commission].

Annual Planning Commission Report 2021

Hall Rentals summary

Discussion/Consensus to use some of our ARPA grant for lost rental revenue & hazard pay for non-elected employees.

Discussion of wages and salaries review for next budget year.



*Treasurer- Dec Treasurers report distributed.

*Clerk- Dec Rev/Exp report distributed; attended 12/16 ICC/MTA zoom meeting re: County broadband update; Completed Chart of Accounts change with BS & A; attended 1/07 Dept of Treas SLFRF Final Rule Briefing on ARPA funds.

*Trustee- Shepler: attended 12/22 Fahey Schultz Attys webinar; Top 5 insider tips for twps., buying/selling property.

*Supervisor-Attended 12/09/21 NIESA meeting-Wieland-Davco preparing quote to upgrade Leroy Station; attended 12/16 ICC/MTA zoom meeting re; County broadband update [Ing Co Bd of Comm entered into an agreement w/Merit Network for $56,000 to assess county-wide broadband needs and planning]; attend 12/09 zoom Tri County Hazard Mitigation plan; attend/moderate Dec 14th Bd of Rev meeting.

*Zoning Administrator- Dec report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle report for Dec (5 calls/reports)- 2 vehicle crashes, a natural death, a suspicious situation, and a trespassing complaint.

Holiday cards from; Decker Agency, Jodi Johnson, HSC.

Decker Agency Ins-rec. $99.70 dividend return from Accident Fund Ins (10%).

MTA-Cindy Dodge 12/16 e-mail re; BOR conflict of interest “A family member is not necessarily a conflict unless they are on the deed or part of a trust having financial gain.  A BOR member may choose to abstain from making decisions on family member properties for a public perception reason, but it is not required’.

MTA Annual Educational Conference, April 25-28, 2022 in Lansing [$388 in person/$199 virtual]


Public Comment:  None.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Davis to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

12-16-21 Meeting Minutes – DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 12-16-2021

December 14, 2021                                                                                                                         Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met December 14, 2021 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Shepler, Davis.

Absent:  Rambo.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5320-#5354 totaling $12,232.41.  Motion Hart, second Turner to approve accounts payable checks #5320- #5354 in the amount of $12,232.41.  PASSED {4-0}.

Action on November 9, 2021 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve the minutes of November 9, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.


Public Comment/Presentation: None.


Unfinished Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding, Locke has received $97,237.00.  Funds have been deposited in separate account at Huntington Bank.

Cemetery Software-No new info.


New Business:

Appointments; ZBA member- Motion Hart, second Shepler to appoint David Wheeler for a 3-year term expiring 12-31-2024.  PASSED {4-0}.

NIESA alternate representative- Motion Hart, second Shepler to appoint David Carlson to a term expiring 6-30-2024.  PASSED {4-0}.

Action on appointment of temporary sexton [Jan-Apr]-Jim Benjamin.  Motion Turner, second Davis to appoint Jim Benjamin as temporary sexton January 2022-April 2022.  PASSED {4-0}.

Resolution 2022-01 Seatbelt Use DRAFT [yellow], distributed for review.

Resolution 2022-02 Ban Text Messaging While Driving DRAFT [pink], distributed for review.

Declare used cemetery flags & outdoor flag to be of no value and dispose of properly.  Motion Hart, second Turner to declare used cemetery flags & outdoor flag to be of no value and dispose of properly.  PASSED {4-0}.


*Treasurer- Nov Treasurers report distributed. $97,237 ARPA grant transferred to Huntington Bank.

*Clerk- Nov Rev/Exp report distributed; removed veterans flags from cemeteries; 11/17 attended BS&A Payroll user group webinar; completed BS&A phase 6 Chart of Account change; 11/23 completed required 2020/21 Continuing Education election training; 12/2 attended BS&A financial management user group webinar; received Shiawassee County and Fowlerville Schools November election reimbursements.

*Trustee- Shepler reported the PC is working on Solar and Wind in the Master Plan.

*Supervisor-Attended 11/11/21 NIESA meeting; completed forfeiture of property to MI State Police [none]; participant in new Tri-County Hazard Mitigation Plan.

*Zoning Administrator- Nov report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

Ingham County Reapportionment Plan/District Map

Tri-County ‘No Senior without Christmas’ 2021 referral opportunity.

Ingham County Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle Oct report-6 calls; 3 vehicle crash, 1 harassment

complaint, 1 fire dept assist, 1 family trouble call.  Nov report-11 calls; 1 obscenities complaint,

1 death, 1 domestic assault, 5 vehicle crashes, 1 lost property, 2 criminal sexual conduct



Public Comment:  None.


Any Other Business/Board member comments: Condition of gravel roads comments.


Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED [4-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:41 PM.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk






Planning Commission Minutes

PC Special Meeting Minutes 12-3-24




Members Present:  Cory Jorgensen, Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard.

Also Present:  Brad Kotrba-Planner, Dorothy Hart


Special Meeting Notice posted Nov. 26, 2024 at 10:45 AM.  Purpose of meeting:

Action on 11-19-24 meeting minutes, Review Master Plan draft, Set MP public hearing date.


Call to order at 7:01 PM by Chairperson Smith, Pledge of Allegiance.


Additions to Agenda.  None.

Motion Hull, second Jorgensen to approve agenda.  PASSED.


Action on November 19, 2024 minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Jorgensen to approve minutes.



Public Comment.  None.


New Business.

Master Plan draft distributed.  Discussion of proposed Master Plan led by Kotrba-Williams & Works.

Motion Shepler, second Hull to set Master Plan Public Hearing date for Feb. 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM.


Thank you to Ben, Marcy and Ty for their Planning Commission commitment.


Concerns/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultant.

Solar inquiry.  Explanation by Kotrba regarding wind/solar/battery storage and ordinance CREO,

workable, etc.

Update on Morrison SLU M-52 parcel which is now listed for sale.

Update on Key Dietz Rd parcel.  Attorney Hitch now preparing Cease and Desist letter after input

from Associated Governmental Services.


Meeting adjournment.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to adjourn at 8:50 PM.  PASSED.


Respectfully submitted,



Ben Howard

PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 11-19-24




Members Present:  Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ty Hull, Ben Howard, Cory Jorgensen.

Members Absent:  none.

Planner Absent:  Brad Kotrba [due to computer issue, unable to print Master Plan for review]

Also Present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Dorothy Hart-Supervisor.


Call to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Smith, Pledge of Allegiance.

Additions to Agenda.  None.

Motion Hull , second Jorgensen to approve the agenda.  PASSED.

Motion Shepler, second Hull to approve the October 15, 2024 meeting minutes.  PASSED.


Public comment.  None.


New Business.

*Bradley emailed at 5:45 PM today to inform that he wouldn’t be coming to tonight’s meeting due to the fact that his email would not upload the document to print and bring to the meeting.  Asking if the Planning Commission could reschedule the meeting to Dec. 3rd.  Discussion.

Review of information from October 15th meeting minutes:

Final Master Plan draft not yet prepared.   Planner will email directly to PC members within the

next 3 weeks.  The goal would be to give the PC a week to a week and a half to look it over before

the next meeting.  Nov 19th   final draft of the Master plan.

                    Dec 10th   Twp Bd will release for public review.

                  Feb 18th   Locke Twp PC Master Plan public hearing.

                    Mar 11th  Locke Twp Bd to review and could adopt the Master Plan.

*Discussion by Planning Commission.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to schedule Special Planning Commission meeting on December 3, 2024 at 7:00 PM with Brad to review the Master Plan Draft
and schedule the Public Hearing date for Feb. 18, 2025 at 7:00 PM.  PASSED.  Brad to email Master Plan draft directly to Planning Commission members ASAP.

*Thank you to Ben, Marcy and Ty for their Planning Commission commitment.


Unfinished Business.

Dietz Road violation update – Attorney and Building Dept identifying building violations.

Attorney and Planner have identified zoning violations.


Public Comment.  None.


Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants.  None.


Motion Shepler, second Howard to adjourn at 7:32 PM.  PASSED.


Respectfully submitted,


Ben Howard

PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 10-15-24




Members Present:  Cory Jorgensen, Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard.

Members Absent:  none.

Also Present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Bradley Kotrba-Williams & Works planner,

Fletcher Reed.


Call to order at 7:03 PM by Chairperson Smith, Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion Jorgensen, second Shepler to approve the agenda.  PASSED.

Motion Hull, second Shepler to approve the September 17, 2024 meeting minutes.  PASSED.


Public comment.  None.


New Business.

Proposed 2025 meeting dates.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to adopt 2025 meeting dates:

3rd Tuesday at 7:00 PM

Jan 21   Feb 18   Mar 18   Apr 15   May 20   Jun 17   Jul 15   Aug 19   Sep 16   Oct 21   Nov 18


Final Master Plan draft not yet prepared.   Planner will email directly to PC members within the next 3 weeks.  The goal would be to give the PC a week to a week and a half to look it over before the next meeting.  Nov 19th   final draft of the Master plan.

Dec 10th   Twp Bd will release for public review.

Feb 18th   Locke Twp PC Master Plan public hearing.

Mar 11th  Locke Twp Bd to review and could adopt the Master Plan.


Unfinished Business.

Supervisor and Zoning Administrator met with Matt Keys, listened to input/asked questions.  Meeting

report emailed to Attorney for direction.  Attorney would like to discuss the matter with the Planner.

The Planner has not had this conversation yet.


Motion Shepler, second Hull to adjourn at 7:58 PM.  PASSED.


Respectfully submitted,


Ben Howard

PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 9-17-24


September 17, 2024   7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Jordan Smith, Ben Howard, Cory Jorgensen, Ty Hull, Marcy Shepler.

Members Absent:  none.

Also Present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Bradley Kotrba-Williams & Works planner,

Fletcher Reed.


Call to order at 7 PM by Chairperson Smith, Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion Shepler, second Jorgensen to approve the August 12, 2024 special meeting minutes.  PASSED.

Motion Shepler, second Hull to approve the August 20, 2024 minutes.  PASSED.


Approval/Additions to agenda.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to add Dietz Rd, Scotty’s residence.  PASSED.


Public comment.  None.


New Business

*Bradley Kotrba, continue discussion from meeting 2 months ago, then put everything together, have it ready for Oct to be reviewed.

Discussed future plan with 1 acre lots along Shaftsburg Rd.

Discussed B-1 Commercial future zoning designations.

Discussed Industrial land designations.

Discussed CREO [Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance] or ‘workable’ ordinances and how our current solar and wind ordinances line up.

*Discussion of the land use of an individual operating a business in a district with no approval.  Discussion of next steps and what the township had already put into place.


Unfinished business.  None.

Public comment/communications.  None.

Motion Hull, second Jorgensen to adjourn.  PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ben Howard

PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 8-20-24


August 20, 2024   7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard, Ty Hull

Members Absent:  Cory Jorgensen

Also Present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Dorothy Hart, Bob Davis


Call to order by Chairperson Smith, Pledge of Allegiance.


Approval/Additions to agenda.  Motion Hull, second Shepler to accept current agenda.  PASSED.


Action on August 12, 2024 special meeting minutes.  Minutes not yet ready.  The PC approved the Morrison SLU Application.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to move action on August 12, 2024 PC minutes to Sept. agenda.  PASSED.


Public comment.  None.

New Business

*Continued discussion/hand outs of 1st handful of Master Plan chapters.

*Items to bring up with Planner Brad include:

Solar Disposal same as Wind Ordinance page 12, section 21, 5th line.

Spell out component removal, highlight offsite removal, citing Pinckney email concerns.

Ask Brad for solar rules-state and local for CREO [Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance].

Would like to get through the Master Plan and get to updating the Zoning Ordinance.


Unfinished business.  None.


Public comment/communications [3 minute limitation]

*Question about meeting well and septic requirements for proposed 1 acre lots, as proposed,

on Shaftsburg Road.

*Hart stated that Locke Township is on the 3rd Solar Ordinance, there seems to be items not

in the 3rd Ordinance that are in the other two.  Questioned if the Planning Commission is

willing to do the Zoning Ordinance update after the Master Plan is done.



Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants

*Observation by Howard that Township is changing.  Tree lines removed, soil erosion more

prominent.  Less trees-more housing & more trees-less farming – just an observation.


Meeting adjournment.  Motion Hull, second Shepler to adjourn at 8:05 pm.  PASSED.


Respectfully submitted,


Ben Howard, PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 8-12-24


August 12, 2024     7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Ty Hull, Cory Jorgensen, Jordan Smith.

Members Absent:   Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard.

Also present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Ryan Morrison, Kevin Morrison, Lisa Lockwood.


Call to order by Chairperson Smith at 7:03 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion Jorgensen, second Hull to approve the agenda.  PASSED.

Motion Jorgensen, second Hull to approve the July 16, 2024 Planning Commission minutes.  PASSED.

Public Comment.  None.


Chairperson formally announced the opening of the Public Hearing at 7:04 pm.

Applicant:  Ryan Morrison

Parcel Number:  33 04 04 16 400 013

Subject Property Address:  5200 M-52, Williamston

Special Land Use Permit:  Table 10-3 #7 & #8 Sale of New or Used Vehicles and

Equipment [primary-sale of used pickup tailgates and beds / secondary-installation]


Planning Commission chairperson states:

Purpose of Public Hearing is to hear public comment on proposed Application.

All comments shall be directed to the Chairperson in a courteous manner.

Please stand when recognized, identify name and address.

After all public comments received, Secretary will read back summary of comments offered.

Chairperson formally announces the close of the Public Hearing @ 7:06 pm.


Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultants.  None


New Business

Deliberation/Discussion/possible action – 5200 M-52, Williamston, Special Land Use Permit;

Review Deputy Zoning Administrator report/finding of facts dated 07/25/2024;

Review/Complete Site Plan Standards [Section 4.04] yellow-front page [all YES];

Review/Complete SLU Approval Standards [Section 5.06] yellow-back page [all YES].

Motion Jorgensen, second Hull to approve Special Land Use Permit for Ryan Morrison, parcel 33 04 04 16 400 013, 5200 M-52, Williamston for Locke Township Zoning Ordinance Table 10-3 #7 & #8 Sale of New or Used Vehicles and Equipment [primary-sale of used pickup tailgates and beds / secondary-installation] with details as stated in the report/finding of facts dated 07/25/2024 and the completed Site Plan Standards [Section 4.04] and the completed Special Land Use Approval Standards [Section 5.06].

Roll call vote:  Aye-Jorgensen, Hull, Smith.  Nay-none.  Absent-Shepler, Howard.  PASSED.

Special Land Use Permit is Approved.


Motion Jorgensen, second Hull to adjourn.  PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Ty Hull

acting PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 7-16-24

Members Present: Cory Jorgensen, Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler.
Members Absent: Ben Howard.
Also present: Bradley Kotrba- Williams & Works, Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator, Dorothy Hart-
Supervisor. Shawn & Ryan Morrison.
Call to order by Chairperson Smith. Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion Shepler, second Smith to approve the agenda. PASSED.
Motion Hull, second Shepler to approve the June 18, 2024 Planning Commission minutes. PASSED.
Public Comment. None.
New Business.
*Review Ryan Morrison Special Land Use Permit Application for completeness.
Parcel 33 04 04 16 400 013 5.001 acre vacant parcel Commercial Zoning District
5200 M-52, Williamston SLU primary Use-Sale of used pickup tailgates & beds

Secondary Use-Installation

Site Plan w/ location of 60’x125’ barn; Survey; Land owner permission; Business description.
Motion Smith, second Hull to approve Special Land Use Permit Application for completeness
w/correction of parcel number. PASSED.
Schedule Public Hearing date. Applicant requests Special Meeting for SLU Public Hearing. Motion
Smith, second Shepler to schedule Special Planning Commission meeting on August 12, 2024 at 7 PM.
*Continued discussion/handouts of proposed Master Plan Chapters 1-6.
Planner Brad reviewed handout information with Planning Commission re: farm land value, how
to protect farmland, utilities, set aside area for smaller residential lots.
Unfinished Business. None.
Public Comment. None.
Motion Jorgensen, second Shepler to adjourn. PASSED. Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marcy Shepler
PC vice chair

PC Minutes Meeting 6-18-24


June 18, 2024     7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Cory Jorgensen, Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard.

Also present:  Julie Moore-Zoning Administrator.


Call to order by Chairperson Smith.  Pledge of Allegiance.


Motion Shepler, second Hull to approve the agenda, noting Planner was not able to be at meeting.



Motion Shepler, second Jorgensen to approve the May 21, 2024 Planning Commission minutes.  PASSED.


Public Comment.  None-no public present.


Shepler discussed the Ingham County Materials Management Planning Committee that she applied for.  Her intent is to bring back information to people living in rural areas, namely Locke Township, about what this committee is discussing and be able to represent the people living in rural communities.


Discussed an open seat on the Planning Commission that will be coming up between Shepler and Hull.


Motion Hull, second Shepler to adjourn.  PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Ben Howard

PC secretary

PC Meeting Minutes 5-21-24


May 21, 2024   7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard,.  Members Absent:

Cory Jorgensen.


Call to order by Chairperson Smith @ 7 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance.


Action on April 16, 2024 minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Hull to approve.  PASSED.


Public comment.  None-no public present.


New Business.

Discuss current parcel sizes and how changing this would impact Locke Township.

Discuss ways to keep our Township as it has been in regards to parcel size and current demographics.

Discuss MI Housing Readiness Incentive Grant approval for Master Plan.


Unfinished business.  None.


Meeting adjournment. Motion Howard, second Shepler to adjourn.  PASSED. Meeting adjourned at

8:10 PM.


Next meeting July 16th .




Ben Howard, PC secretary


2024 meeting dates:  Jan 16   Mar 19   Apr 16     May 21   June 18    July 16     Aug 20   Sept 17   Oct 15    Nov 19

Current Planning Commission members/terms:

12/31/2024   Ben Howard                                 11/20/2024   Marcy Shepler-ex official Twp Bd member        12/31/2025   Jordan Smith & Ty Hull                     12/31/2026   Cory Jorgensen


Officers: Chairperson Jordan Smith;  vice chair Marcy Shepler;  secretary Ben Howard

PC Meeting Minutes 4-16-24



Members Present: Jordan Smith, Ty Hull, Cory Jorgensen, Marcy Shepler

Members Absent: Ben Howard

Also present: Julie Moore – Zoning Adm, Bradley Kotrba – Planner Williams & Works, Duane and RaeDeane Pinckney.

Call to order by chairperson Smith @ 7:02PM. Pledge of Allegiance.

Action on March 19, 2024, minutes. Motion Hull, second Shepler

Public comment: Duane Pinckney concerned with possibility of profiting from used solar panels being stored on someone’s property. Unknown hazards or risks?

New Business.

Williams & Works Senior Planner Bradley Kotrba, AICP Discussed SWOT – Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat

Look over existing Master Plan keeping SWOT in mind.

Ml Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program for Master Plan was submitted for Locke Township.

Unfinished Business: Julie Moore asked about Consumers project on Sherwood Rd. Planning Commission members agreed this was resolved and agreed to at a past meeting. No issues from any Planning Commission members.

Public Comment: Duane Pinckney mentioned looking into challenging the State with Solar and Landfill being taken away from the Townships.

Meeting Adjournment: Motion Hull, second Shepler to adjourn. PASSED. Meeting Adjourned at 8:07PM.

Next Meeting May 21 , 2024


Marcy Shepler, Vice Chair

PC Meeting Minutes 3-19-24


March 19, 2024   7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Members Present:  Cory Jorgensen, Jordan Smith, Ben Howard, Marcy Shepler.  Members Absent:

Ty Hull (arrived 7:39 pm).  Also present:  Julie Moore-Zon Adm, Bradley Kotrba-planner Williams & Works, Duane Pinckney.


Call to order by Chairperson Smith @ 7 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance. 


Welcome new Planning Commission member Cory Jorgensen.

Action on January 16, 2024 minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Jorgensen to approve.  PASSED.  


Public comment.  None. 


New Business.

Williams & Works Senior Planner Bradley Kotrba, AICP.  Distributed Master Plan Community Profile Report.  Review.

Unfinished business. 

Discussion about Ingham County Health Dept potential septic inspections.


Public comment/communications.

MI Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program for Master Plans that encourage increasing housing supply and affordability.  $50,000 Grants available.  Brad Kotrba to get with Dorothy Hart-Supervisor and look into this.

Meeting adjournment. Motion Shepler, second Hull to adjourn.  PASSED. Meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM.


Next meeting April 16th.




Ben Howard, PC secretary


2024 meeting dates:  Jan 16   Mar 19   Apr 16     May 21   June 18    July 16     Aug 20   Sept 17   Oct 15    Nov 19                                                                        

Current Planning Commission members/terms:  

12/31/2024   Ben Howard        11/20/2024   Marcy Shepler-ex official Twp Bd member     

  12/31/2025   Jordan Smith & Ty Hull       12/31/2026   Cory Jorgensen


Officers: Chairperson Jordan Smith;  vice chair Marcy Shepler;  secretary Ben Howard

PC Meeting Minutes 1-16-24


JAN. 16, 2024   7:00 PM                  LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Call to order by Vice Chairperson Shepler / Pledge of Allegiance

Present:  Marcy Shepler, Ty Hull, Jordan Smith.  Absent:  Ben Howard [excused], Sarah Lackey.

Also present:  Bradley Kotrba-Senior Planner Williams & Works, Dorothy Hart, Julie Moore,

Vivian Smith, Karoline Smith.

Note-email received from Lackey that she will not be able to be at the meeting and due to

work schedule plans to resign.


Approval / Additions to agenda.  None.  Motion Smith, second Hull to approve agenda.  PASSED.

Action on October 17, 2023 minutes.  Motion Smith, second Hull to approve Oct. 17, 2023 minutes.


Action on November 21, 2023 minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Smith to approve Nov. 21, 2023

minutes.  PASSED.

Public comment.  None.


New Business.

*Williams & Works Senior Planner Bradley Kotrba, AICP;  Master Plan kick off.  Distribute timeline.

Will be Master Plan  PC Workgroup at scheduled meeting dates.

Outline the process.  Letter of Intent to prepare new Master Plan has been mailed by W & W.

[Depart Vivian & Karoline Smith.]

Review timeline – What deliverables will look like for certain meetings; Topics to be discussed at

each meeting.

*Insert Ord 2023-03 Wind Energy Systems into Zoning Ordinance books, add/delete info. Distributed.

*Insert Ord 2024-04 Solar Energy Systems into Zoning Ordinance books, add/delete info.  Distributed.

*Ballot Initiative Committee Jan. 4, 2024 email.  Re:  Restore Local Control of Utility Scale Solar & Wind.

Copy requested to be distributed to PC.

*Election of Officers:

Chairperson [currently Lackey]  Motion Shepler, second Hull to appoint Smith.  PASSED.

Vice Chairperson [currently Shepler]  Motion Hull, second Smith to appoint Shepler.  PASSED.

Secretary [currently Lackey]  Motion Shepler, second Hull to appoint Howard.  PASSED.

[Meeting moderated by Smith at this time.]


Unfinished business.  None.

Public comment/communications.

*11-15-2023 Williamstown Twp Planning Committee, intent to prepare new Twp Master Plan

*11-06-2023 Williamston Comm Schools, urgent need for additional housing inventory

*12-01-2023 Woodhull Twp Plan Comm, intent to prepare new Twp Master Plan

*MI Housing Readiness Incentive Grant Program for Master Plans that encourage increasing

                                Housing supply and affordability.  Copy requested to be distributed to PC.

*The Twp Guide to Planning and Zoning, Building the Future.  Informational guide.

*Consumers Energy inquiry regarding parcel 33 04 04 19 400 002 planned upgrades for:

2nd driveway,  7’ fencing w/1’ barbed wire, add valves, launchers & receivers.  Review

Land Use Permit issued July 5, 2012.  Planning Commission consensus that the planned

upgrades are a minor change as described in Zoning Ordinance Section 4.06 Changes to

Approved Site Plan.

Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants.  None.

Meeting adjournment.  Motion Smith, second Shepler to adjourn.  PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 7:55.




Dorothy G Hart

Locke Twp Sprvsr


2024 meeting dates:  Jan 16   Mar 19   Apr 16     May 21    June 18    July 16     Aug 20    Sept 17    Oct 15     Nov 19


Current Planning Commission members/terms:

12/31/2024   Ben Howard

11/20/2024   Marcy Shepler-ex official Twp Bd member

12/31/2025   Jordan Smith & Ty Hull

12/31/2026   Sarah Lackey

PC Meeting Minutes 10-17-23


OCTOBER 17, 2023   7:00 PM



Call to order by Chairperson Lackey 7:00

Present: Lackey, Shepler, Hull, Howard, Smith


Public Present: Please refer to attached sign in sheets


Approval of agenda (Shepler, Smith)
Motion to approve September 19, 2023 2023 PC minutes (Shepler, Smith)


Chairperson announces the opening of Public Hearing @ 7:04 PM for Solar Energy System [SES] and Wind Energy System [WES] Amendments to the Locke Township Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance #3 of 2005 as amended. 


Lackey opened the floor for public comment.


No public comment.


Chairperson formally announces the close of the Public Hearing @ 7:07 PM.

No public comment


New Business:

The PC deliberated on the Solar Energy System amendment and motioned to send the amendment as written to the board for approval. (Shepler/Smith)


The PC deliberated on the Wind Energy System amendment and motioned to send the amendment as written to the board for approval. (Smith/Hull)


Motion to approve the proposed PC meeting schedule for 2024, of every 3rd Tuesday of the month with the exception of no meeting in February. (Hull/Lackey)


Shepler discussed and shared information on the alternative energy bus tour.


Comments: Smith expressed appreciation for the public’s involvement.  He applauded their commitment and courage.  We are a small township, but a strong one.


Shepler thanked Foster Swift for their service.


No other comment from ZA or consultants.


Move to adjourn 7:18 pm (Lackey/Shepler)

PC Meeting Minutes 9-19-23




Call to order by Vice-Chairperson Shepler / Pledge of Allegiance.  Howard agreed to take minutes.

Members present:  Ty Hull, Jordan Smith, Ben Howard, Marcy Shepler.  Members absent: Sarah Lackey.

Also present:  Atty Leslie Abdoo-Foster Swift, Brad Kotrba-Williams & Works, and approx. 11 public.


Additions to agenda. None.  Motion Smith, second Hull to approve agenda.

Action on August 15, 2023 minutes.  Motion Smith, second Hull to approve Aug 15 min.  PASSED [4-0].


Public comment [3 minute limitation].

Public Commenter: Questioned if local input sought from fire/local enforcement.  Formal complaint procedure-online and/or form suggested.  Hand out of solar and wind ordinance questions.


New Business.  Continue Solar and Wind Ordinances.  Finalize overlay area for wind and solar.  PC discussion about proposed questions or changes from previous meeting to the Wind and Solar Ordinances with guidance from Atty Abdoo.  Proposed additions and corrections will be completed by

Foster Swift firm and PC will be sent updated Ordinances.


Public comment/communications [3 minute limitation].

Public Commenter:  Question of demonstrated need area for wind.  Same overlay district for solar and wind.

Public Commenter:  Discussed private wind turbine height.  Discussed many items from previous handout list.


Continue New Business.  Foster Swift will revise and submit the updated Ordinances.

Motion Shepler, second Smith to hold Public Hearing on Oct. 17, 2023 @ 7 PM to go over the Solar and Wind Ordinances.  PASSED [4-0].  Note – amount paid to Foster Swift Apr-July 2023=$7453.60.


Unfinished business.  None.


Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants.  None.


Meeting adjournment.  Motion Smith, second Hull to adjourn.  Meeting ended at 8:30 PM.




Ben Howard, acting secretary


Note-Kotrba, from planning firm Williams & Works was in the area and sat in on the meeting and introduced himself to the Planning Commission members.

PC Meeting Minutes 6-6-23


JUNE 6, 2023   7:00 PM



Call to order by Chairperson Lackey / Pledge of Allegiance – 7:00 p.m.

PC Present: Shepler, Smith, Hull, Lackey, Atty Homier

Absent: Howard

Public Present: Duane Pickney, Rae Pickney, Bob Davis, Deanna Davis, Bruce Jennings, Nanci Jennings, Richard Allen, Sheri Rambo, Julie Moore, Christine Babcock, Penny Dale


Approval / Additions to agenda, none added (Shepler/Smith)


Action to approve the May 16, 2023 minutes (Shepler/Smith)


New Business

Atty Homier gave a summary of the proposed ordinance changes. The largest change would be adding an overlay to an area the township desires the zoning to be.


The PC will need to determine a proposed layover beginning at the next regular PC meeting.


Action: Homier’s office will help determine the amount of demonstrated need for Locke Township. At the next regular PC meeting, the PC will use that information to propose an overlay area.  After the overlay area is determined and agreed upon, the PC will review the drafts in comparison to the determined overlay area.


Public comment:

Public commentor has a question on natural disasters striking the area and who is responsible to cleaning up the area.


Public commentor on natural disaster and the cost of decommissioning vs. the cost of clean up in the case of the emergency. [answered in page 8 & 9 of current drafts]


Public commentor had remarks related to recycling of the solar panel stands.  He does not want the reinstatement of land to allow bases to remain in ground and yield the land unusable.  Also, the flight plan from DTW/FNT to LAN goes over our township hundreds of times a day.  In addition there are continuous miliary flights from Grand Ledge to Flint that fly very low. It needs to be written in the zoning for FFA compliance.


Public commentor shared information regarding a news story they learned about concerning contamination.


Meeting adjournment – 8:19 (Hull/Smith)

PC Meeting Minutes 5-16-23


MAY 16, 2023   7:00 PM



Call to order by Chairperson Lackey / Pledge of Allegiance, 7:01


Approval / Additions to agenda (Smith/Shepler)


Approval of the April 18, 2023 minutes – (Shepler/Hull) passed


Public comment

Commenter: Presented thoughtful information on EGLE to pass along as the board as the landfill.  See the attached submission.  Three copies, one to attach to the minutes, one for the attorney, and one for the board to review.


Commenter: Attn Hitch said last week that we should not spend money to fight the landfill. Commenter disagrees.  He would like the attorney that is here tonight to comment if possible.


New Business – Introduction of Foster Swift Representitive


Foster Swift [FS] stated that the township needs consensus on how they are going to manage the ordinance.


They do feel that we should make some changes to the ordinances, regardless of the direction the PC feels is right for the township.


If the township decides to regulate wind or solar heavily, FS would recommend starting over with ordinances.


Severability clause should be added to any ordinance.  It functions as an element to eliminate part of an ordinance if it is found unlawful.  We should add this to our land use ordinances, in this case solar and wind energy.


The PC has relayed to FS that we would not like to regulate individuals further, but we would like to restrict utility scale project to better align with the Locke Township Master Plan.


FS will work with the planning consultant step by step, and ensure that the ordinances are consistent.


FS suggests that our ordinances be easier to understand for the average citizen.





Unfinished business – none


Public comment/communications

Commenter: Can the drafts be available to the public to comment on and have time to review before the meeting?  If there is an overlay needed in any ordinance, there should be additional weight given to the adjacent property owners.


Commenter:  Would like additional number of print outs available, and copies of the handouts ahead of the meeting.


Commenter:  Glad that we have FS here.  The township attorney said they have never seen the ordinance.  This was surprising.  Tonight, the FS Rep actually acknowledges she has read and understands them. Commentor would also like copies available ahead of a meeting.


Commentor:  We do not want M-13 situation [referencing the solar array].  Commenter stated that recently there was news coverage that the State of MI wanted to take away local control of gravel pits and make it governed by the State.  Citizens coming together has made the state back off. We need to do the same thing with these ordinances.


Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants

Motion to conduct a Special Meeting on June 6 to review the initial draft from FS on the revised Ordinances. (Lackey/Shepler)


FS will have a draft to the Township no later than 5/30.  The public comment has asked that the revision, comments or any other distributed material be available ahead of the meeting for review so the public is prepared to share public comments and listen to the meeting. PC is asking that available materials be digitally available with the agenda publication.


Meeting adjournment – 8:30 Howard/Smith

PC Special Meeting Minutes 4-18-23



TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 2023 7:00 PM

Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance – 7:00 PM

PC Present: Ben Howard, Marcy Shepler, Sarah Lackey, Ty Hull

PC Absent: Jordan Smith

Public Present: See attached

Motion to approve March 21, 2023 Meeting Minutes – Passed Shepler/Hull

Public Hearing for Ordinance 2023-01 Large Solar Energy Systems Moratorium

Called to Order, 7:01PM

Public Comment:

Cindy Pressen: The proposed area is currently being used for food for animals and people.  As large companies buy up the land it reduces our ability to produce food for our community and state.

In the large arrays there is a concern for noise and environment, does the current ordinance support the community?

Will the current ordinance protect the property value and the citizens?


Kelly Teiber – Supports passing the moratorium because long term impacts are not being taken into consideration. Reducing the amount of the productive land for energy production is a concern.  There is a legal concern if the current ordinance is able to be upheld in a court and should be reviewed by an attorney.


Richard Witgen – Supports the moratorium, our ordinance needs to be reviewed by a specialist to ensure that the ordinances are strong enough to be upheld.


Duane Pickney – He is in favor of both of the ordinance.  The public asked for 6 months unless we need more time.  We should consider the intention of the planners who are helping the township create ordinances.  Planners can come in with an agenda and could convince them to tailor an ordinance to make it easier for solar to come in here.  Homier should be hired to review the ord. to ensure they are written to reflect the views of the township


Kristin Babel – It is painfully obvious that the public is tired.  All the public is asking for is time and Homier.  There are beaten down and just want a nice, safe place to live.

Roger Blasey – He was at the board meeting a couple weeks ago, and believes that it is right to put the moratorium in place.  Roger is not in favor of hiring a planner due to his experience these roles are able to be pushed over.  He is concerned about why the township needs a planner.  In his opinion, the board will not move forward unless the public and PC keep showing up and supporting this in order to keep the momentum going.


Thomas Dean – In support of the PC moving forward.  He is requested a count of public present support the moratorium. [There were 26 public members present, none spoke in opposition.]

Richard Allen – Supports the PC moving in favor of the moratorium.  Allen has researched the company that works as the Locke Township planner and sees similar issues popping up in other communities using that companies service.

Public Hearing closed at 7:24

Public Hearing on Ordinance 2023-02 – Commercial Wind Turbine Generators Moratorium

Called to order, 7:25 PM

Cindy Pressen – Supports the wind moratorium for the same reasons as the solar

Richard Witgen – Supports the wind moratorium for the same reasons as the solar

Tyler Crossen  – Support of moratorium.

Bruce Jennings – Supports the CWTGM moratorium.

Duane Pickney – In favor of moving forward with the moratorium for the same reasons as SES.

Roger Blasey – in favor of the moratorium for the same reasons as stated before.

Public Hearing closed at 7:27 PM


PC Deliberated the Large Solar Energy Moratorium as written.

PC moved to a role call vote to accept the Large Solar Energy Moratorium as written and recommend the Board approve Ordinance 2023-01.  Yes – Howard, Shepler, Hull, Lackey, No – 0, Absent – Smith


PC Deliberated the Commercial Wind Turbine Generators Moratorium as written.

PC moved to a role call vote to accept the Commercial Wind Turbine Generators Moratorium as written and recommend the Board approve Ordinance 2023-01.  Yes – Howard, Shepler, Hull, Lackey, No – 0, Absent – Smith

Meeting Adjorned at 7:32

PC Meeting Minutes 3-21-23


March 21, 2023   7:00 PM     LOCKE TOWNSHIP HALL, 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN


Call to order / Pledge of Allegiance – 7:00

PC Attendance – Sarah Lackey, Ty Hull, Ben Howard, Marcy Shepler

Public Attendance – See attached


Approval of Agenda, no additions – Howard/Shepler


Approval of January 17, 2023 special meeting minutes – Hull/Shepler
Chairperson formally announces the opening of the Public Hearing @  7:03 PM

for Steven Rollin, Special Land Use Permit for Automotive Service and Repair in addition

to used car sales, 5567 S. M-52, Perry MI, parcel 33 04 04 09 300 018


Public Comment:

Tom Dean – Request to deny the project due to possible expansion, and possible pollution, and un

Matthew Shepard – Read a quote – – Matthew Healy



Chairperson formally announced the close of the Rollin SLU Public Hearing @ 7:13 PM

Secretary read back summary of comments offered.


Chairperson formally announces the opening of the Public Hearing @ 7:14 PM

for Jamie Smith, Special Land Use Permit for Child Care Center in addition to religious institution,

2652 Haslett Rd, Williamston MI, parcel 33 04 04 18 100 000


Public Comment:

David Piper – Farm owner has concerns about any chemical or farming activity may impact the daycare facility.


Michael Black – In favor of proposal, the facility has been used for children for generations and it is wonderful that it will continue.  Black returned with a second comment stating that when he held leadership at the same location, the Piper farm owner communicated farming activities very well.


Roger Blasey – Would like something official to document communications between the Pipers and Smiths on the farming activities and communication with the daycare.


Chairperson formally announced the close of the Public Hearing @ 7:21  PM

Secretary read back summary of comments offered.


Public comment [3 minutes limitation] 

Commentor thanked board for consideration -Moratoriums are appreciated would like to move up hearing.  Also, would like an answer on the landfill moratorium.


Commentor would like to discuss the “demonstrated public need” comments.  Read from former case led by Homier as an example of demonstrated public.  Would like to express disappointment that the expectation that the Facebook Group would need to hire their own attorney.


Commentor states, It is shameful that there was even a suggestion that the Facebook Group should pay for an attorney.  The group has invested over $1,000 in private funds to date to help the township.


Commentor says, concerning government and climate change, we need to do our part as a community to contribute to solar.


Commentor has been coming to the committee meeting for 5 months and has not seen any change.


Commentor stated that there is only so much farm land available.  Why can solar not be shouldered by auto plants or existing commercial property


Commentor had questions the public hearings, and how quickly the moratorium can be issued.  He believes that this location is prime area for a landfill and not solar and wind


Commentor stated they had a degree in alternative energy, and has concerns of the 2030 deadline for Michigan.  He does not believe Mid-Michigan is a good fit for wind energy, and Michigan in general is not a good regional location for solar.  Property values will decrease by 13% at a minimum.  Landfill will decrease property values further.  The leakage from a landfill not only affects the neighbors, but the township but surrounding region

Commentor read that government is pushing for the agenda of renewable energy.  The fed government is responsible for reducing the petroleum production in many forms.  Science confirms that the earth has experienced many cooling and warming periods.  In MI in 2021, 11% renewables is 32% coal – 7 years to get 60% renewable using solar and wind.


Commentor believes Special Assessment should be considered for hiring proper legal council to assist the township in fighting the ordinances, especially the Landfill.  Would like to see it at the next public election.


Commentor is from Cohoctah township, they had worked 15 months on ordinances.  The planning commission there had worked with Homier to look at ordinances.  They have been very successful.  In reference to home values, the larger the project the greater the impact.  Lennon, for example, had a 40% home value loss on the very first home sale after the solar array was installed.


Commentor very concerned that we do not have an ordinance for the Landfill.  We have the best drinking water and no known measures can protect it from a landfill.  We do not want this in our area destroying our water.  The drainage fields would also be affected.


Commentor stated Consumer’s has a hold on our township, their property has a high powered gas line going through her property.  Consumer’s is expanding the line.  It is tearing down trees, and destroying property.  It is a fact of life that they are here.


Commentor wondered if the small communities are working together to make themselves stronger against large companies.


Commentor had some questions about the order of operations for SLU permits for solar/wind/landfill.  There is a moratorium discussion tonight on wind and solar.  Can we add landfill?


Commentor stated he had not seen written minutes on the board meeting but believes Dorothy said no to the hiring of the new attorney.


Commentor said, “We do not need an attorney.”


Commentor encourages Locke Township to hire attorney Homier.  It is worth $10,000.  Has concerns on where our attorney and planner are from pro-green energy area, so they can be expected to be pro- solar and pro-solar.  If you look at Locke ordinance it is very week.


Commentor lives in Livingston County, nobody is saying no to small use solar a projects.  They are saying no to industrial size locations.  They are linking the parcels together, creating impact and thousands of acres.


Commentor says, no one is against small scale solar.  We are running out of fossil fuels.  We just do not want solar and wind farms.  She is from metro Detroit, and has seen many landfills.  All signs of location – highways, corner of a county, trunk lines, and Locke Township is the perfect locations.


  New Business

*Call to vote for Rollins SLU – Role call vote –  Howard/Yes; Shepler/Yes; Hull/Yes; Lackey/Yes

*Call to vote for Smith SLU – Role call vote – Howard/Yes; Shepler/Yes; Hull/Yes; Lackey/Yes

*Ordinance 2023-01 Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Large Solar Energy Systems

Moratorium [SES]  Atty Hitch has stated that a moratorium may be imposed to allow good faith reevaluation of the SES Ordinance, please set Public Hearing April 18, 7 PM, Role call vote – Howard/Yes; Shepler/Yes; Hull/Yes; Lackey/Yes

*Ordinance 2023-02 Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Commercial Wind Turbine Generators

[CWTG] Atty Hitch has stated that a moratorium may be imposed to allow good faith reevaluation of the CWTG Ordinance, please set Public Hearing April 18@ 7 PM

Role call vote – Howard/Yes; Shepler/Yes; Hull/Yes; Lackey/Yes


PC requests for Township Attorney to create a moratorium or similar action (since a current ordinance does not exist) to pause any movement on landfills. Wording should not necessarily require an ordinance creation, but should allow the township time to explore their rights and correct actions. This moratorium or similar action is requested to be available for review at the next Planning Commission meeting – May 16 meeting.

Role call vote – Howard/Yes; Shepler/Yes; Hull/Yes; Lackey/Yes


  Unfinished business – None
   Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultants – None
Meeting adjournment – 8:31 p.m.


PC Meeting Minutes 1-17-23


JAN. 17, 2023   7:00 PM



Call to order by vice chairperson Shepler / Pledge of Allegiance 7:00


Present: Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard, Jordan Smith, Ty Hull, Sarah Lackey


Public Present (see attached Sign in Sheets)


Approval / Additions to agenda

Welcome new Planning Commission member Ty Hull

Welcome new Zoning Administrator Julie Moore


Action on Nov. 15, 2022 minutes (Smith/Howard; vote passed 5:0)


Election of Officers for 2023

Chairperson – Lackey (Shepler/Hull; vote passed 5:0)

Vice Chairperson – Shepler (Howard/Smith; vote passed 5:0)

Secretary – Lackey (Shepler/Smith; vote passed 5:0)


Public comment [3 minute limitation]

Public Commenter: Public commenter read excerpt from Locke Township Master Plan re: benefits and contributions of farming.  Stressing the importance of agriculture for the state and our community.  Commenter shared information on the PA 116.


Public Commenter: Commenter Read excerpt from Locke Township Master Plan.  Focused on health and natural resources, as well as farmland.  Also, the commenter quoted the importance of keeping the various segments.


Public Commenter:  Continued the reading of excerpts from the Locke township Master Plan.  Managed growth is important and impacts the future of the township and citizens.  The rural nature is important in shaping the township.  Preservation can be difficult because over time, changes happen slowly.


Public Commenter: Farming community includes harvesting vegetation, trees, underground and above ground.  Harvesting wind and solar is included in harvesting.  We can have all of the produce growing but the long term affects of climate change needs to be addressed.  There is concern about the water levels in our region as well.  Commenter was reminding the group of




New Business

Special Land Use Permit application submitted by Steven Rollin, 5567 S. M52, Auto Repair.

Review application for completeness.  If complete, schedule public hearing 03-21-23 @ 7 pm

PC has requestioned for previous application


Special Land Use Permit application submitted by Jamie Smith, 2652 Haslett Rd, Day Care

Review application for completeness.  If complete, schedule public hearing 03-21-23 @ 7 pm

ZBA meeting is necessary for variation of lot line for green area.


Public comment/communications

Public Commentor: He agrees with the Master Plan.  He has researched nearby ordinances as compared to Locke Township.  Suggested that Locke Township hire an attorney to look at strengthening current ordinances.


Public Commentor: Has concerns about a landfill coming into Locke Township.


Public Commentor:  The biggest threat is a landfill.  The concern is that most land used for Solar and Wind is leased.  The M-52 property has been purchased at over +550 acres.  Would like the township to hire Foster Swift attorneys to review and possibly change ordinances.


Public Commentor: Commentor shared that most owners lease their land because they do not want to sell it.  She has experience farming under solar arrays.  Bees are a big part of solar fields, and this is important to agriculture too.  Would like the community to open up their minds to solar and the current regulations.


Public Commentor:  Commentor is from Atrium Township.  They are inodiated with solar and utilities.  He is working through a solar farm in his neighborhood.  He shared comments on subsidies, and that most solar companies are less than 4 years old.  Granger is not, but also does not have solar track record.


Public Commentor:  Commentor is concerned about landfills and if our ordinances are strong enough to fight against a landfill if it comes.


Public Commentor:  Thanked the PC for their hard work. Tasked the community to buy the land if they want to keep solar panels out.  Commentor would be less offended to wake up and look at windmill or solar panel, than an election sign.  He also stated we have poles anyway, what is the difference if they were windmills.


Unfinished business


Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants

Sarah would like to know how PA116 can allow up to 50% of protected land to be used for solar, if the township requires a large scale project to rezone.  Does the state override the township.


Meeting adjournment: 8:08 (Lackey/Shepler)

PC Meeting Minutes 11-15-22


NOV. 15, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order 7:00 p.m. followed by Pledge of Allegiance


Present: Flint, Smith, Lackey, Shepler, Howard


Public Present represented on sign in sheets (attached): Dorothy Hart, Skylar Jabs, Devan Ludwick, Tyler Ospen, Sarah Ospen, Brad Beckwith, Ken Pickney, Cindy Pickney, Lora Williams, Raymond Hunter, Theresa Schafer, Aaron Jorgensen, Jeff Bennett, Kristen Babel, Christine McGoron, Dan Ball, Howard Werner, Rebecca Peclto, Nancy Westmoreland, Rich Westmoreland, Duane Pickney, Vicky Hunt, Larry Hunt, Tom Dean, Eliz McElroy, Rod McElroy, Sheri Rambo, Kathy Coffey, Kelly Coffey, Joe Piper, Zack Evans, Samatha Evans, Kim Fanko, Jeff Prossen


Action to approve agenda changes (Shepler/Smith) passed


Action to approve Oct. 25, 2022 special meeting minutes w/public hearing-CWTG (Shepler/Smith) passed


Public comment:

Dorothy Hart read the email from Landplan Inc. regarding the governance a landfill plan.  See attached.


Public Commenter – Commenter has been trying to look for who bought the farm and for what purpose. She heard  that it was going to be a landfill or development.  Number one concern about the land being developed as a landfill is the quality of ground water, and overall impact on farm land.


Public Commenter  – Commenter found evidence that it is likely Granger that owns the property in question.  Commenter is wondering if there anything the public or township can do to prevent or postpone the possibility of the land being developed until the intent for the property is disclosed.  Suggesting a possible legal block, like a moratorium.  In addition, there are questions an possible loopholes given the language used in the Landplan statement.


Public Commenter – Commenter  questioned if there is a loop hole in the state ordinance.  Commenter had heard that the land in question was outbid far beyond what the local farmers bidding offered and that the property would be for landfill use.


Public Commenter – She is concerned, she just bought her home less than 1 year ago.  Commenter has experience with landfill development in the Detroit area.  Based on her experience, the commenter believes that a landfill in Locke Township or Perry will be detrimental to the local quality of life.


Public Commenter – Commenter is a neighbor of M52 Property.  Commenter has been contacted to purchase his property, too.  Commenter finds this offer suspect.  There is a major concern with big business buying private land in our community.  He also stated that it hard to believe this is the first time that the PC is finding out about this proposed development.  This has been the known use for over a year.


Public Commenter – Commenter lives on Haslett.  With the traffic a proposed landfill would bring to the area, especially 52 near Haslett and north, there are traffic concerns, no to mention the possible impact to the local road conditions and traffic congestion, as well as heavy truck routing.


Public Commenter – the commenter did some investigation and found that the name of the buyer is a Granger Executive. Commenter questioned if there are any environmental groups that can help us fight a landfill coming into the township.


Public Commenter – Commenter would like answers on what the township can do to  keep the land agriculture.  There was also an open question as to what would happen to the wetlands on the extended property.


Public Commenter – Commenter found Jacob Dropper, attorney at law is on the land purchase.  Dropper is part of an LLC.  Dropper is an attorney with Barnum Law Firm.

Public Commenter– Commenter brought research showing that the Barnum Law firm and the specific attorney named as a part of the LCC that purchased the property at auction have a relationship with Granger Company.


Public Commenter– Commenter would like news coverage.  Commenter has been part of big community changes before and believes this is one of the most effective ways to combat changes harmful to the community.  Commenter would like to see a more proactive PC on the topic of landfills and environmental changes.  Commenter believes the landfill has been common knowledge for sometime and the PC should have known about already.


Public Commenter – Commenter posed a question to the PC members to see if the members were in an agreement with keeping the land agricultural.  Commenter suggested the PC review and update the township Master Plan.


Public Commenter – Commenter researched the ramifications of a landfill and shared key findings with the group.  She suggests getting senator and news involved.


Public Commenter – Commenter started a a FB group to stop the Locke Township Landfill.  Information was shared on how to join the social media group.


Public Commenter – Commenter said the community is dependent on the PC, commenter the PC to stop Granger before they start however possible.


Public Commenter – Commenter had knowledge that Granger was at the property tearing down the house.  The Granger employees on site shared with him that the land was going to be a landfill site.


Public Commenter – Commenter stated they find it hard to believe that the PC is just learning about this and is upset the PC let someone in the community to have that much power. Commenter believes that the information printed in the email from LandPlan about the control of landfills put people more on edge and has not helped the situation.


PC Chair, Flint, questioned the possibility of a moratorium on landfills.  Hart will contact LandPlan for guidance on finding more information about moratoriums, ect.


New Business

*Revisit Nov 21, 2023 meeting date [2 days prior to Thanksgiving] change date or not?

The PC meeting date will remain as Nov 21, 2023


*Review Zoning Ordinance Article 10: Zoning Districts, Regulations & Map

In light of the possible project starting as mentioned in public comment, no changes to this ordinance will be considered until the possible project is better understood.  The PC does not feel it is prudent to be in the middle of changing a standing ordinance while there is a question of possible rezoning happening in the very near future.


Public comment/communications

– Review of Nov 8, 2022 email from LandPlan, Mark Eidelson will be retiring June 30, 2023, will not be able to assist with Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance update projects

Dorothy will add this to the township board agenda to consider looking for a new consultant for future projects and advisement.


Unfinished business – none


Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants


Public comment –

Suggestions from the public attendees for monthly meetings instead of every other month.


Suggestions of additional avenues of communications – newletters, calls, postings, signs, that better inform the public about what is happening at the township level.


Meeting adjournment – 8:31 p.m. (Flint/Lackey) motion pass


2023 meeting dates:  Jan. 17   Mar 21   May 16   July 18   Sept 19   Nov 21

PC Meeting Minutes 10-4-22


OCTOBER  4, 2022 7:00PM



Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m.


Present: Matthew Flint, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Jordan Smith, Ben Howard


Public Attendance: Mark Eidelson, Ty Hall


Flint asked for additional to topics to agenda -No addition suggested


Motion to approve minutes from September 20, 2022 meeting (Shepler; Flint, motion passed)


Public comment: None


Continuation of Wind Ordinance Discussion:

Mark Eidelson from LandPlan Inc was present to continue the discussion on the proposed final draft to the current zoning ordinance for commercial wind turbine generators.  Mark has agreed to make minor changes requested prior to public hearing.


Mark will add subsection 3 to the bottom of page 8:

Submit to the township clerk an email and paper correspondence that identifies what corrective measures are to be taken to minimum the potential for future occurrences.


Motion to approve the current draft of the Wind Ordinance, with proposed amendments for the public hearing. (Shepler/Smith) Passed

Motion for a special meeting for continuation of the Wind Ordinance Public Hearing at a Special Meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. (Smith/Flint) Passed

Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultant – None


10.  Motion for adjournment @7:34 (FIint/Lackey) Passed

PC Meeting Minutes 9-20-22


SEPTEMBER 20, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m.


Present: Matthew Flint, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Jordan Smith


Public Attendance: Mark Eidelson, Dorothy Hart


Flint asked for additional to topics to agenda -No addition suggested


Motion to approve minutes from August 16, 2022 meeting (Shepler; Flint, motion passed)


Planning Commission Election:


Chairperson nomination, replacing David Carlson, former Chair:

Matt Flint was nominated to the role of Chairperson (Shepler, Lackey) Passed


Vice Chairperson nomination, replacing Matt Flint, former Vice Chair:

Marcy Shepler was nominated to the role of Vice Chairperson (Flint/Lackey) Passed


Public comment: None


Continuation of Wind Ordinance Discussion:

Mark Eidelson from LandPlan Inc was present to continue the discussion on the proposed changes to the current zoning ordinance for commercial wind turbine generators.

PC requested changes based on the uniqueness of our township.  The requested changes to the proposed amendment changes discussed at this meeting will be reviewed at the next PC meeting.

Flint motion for a special meeting for continuation of the Wind Ordinance Discussion at a Special Meeting Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. (Flint/Shepler) Passed

The continuation of the discussion will resume at October PC meeting.  The next meeting is Special Meeting Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.

Setting meetings for the 2023 Calendar meeting –

Flint motions to set the PC meeting for 2023 on the third Tuesday of the following months – January 17, 2023; March 21, 2023; May 16, 2023; July 18, 2023; September 19, 2023; November 21, 2023


Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultant – None


Public comment – Minor typographical error were revised in the purposed amendment.

Dorothy Hart provided information folders to the PC on the pipeline project to the PC members.


Motion for adjournment @9:45 (Shepler; Flint, motion passed)

PC Meeting Minutes 8-16-22

AUGUST 16, 2022 7:00 PM

1. Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m.

2. Present: Matthew Flint, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard

3. Public Attendance: Mark Eidelson, Dorothy Hart

4. Flint asked for additional to topics to agenda [Special Meeting Notice] -No addition suggested

5. Motion to approve July 19 minutes with minor typo error corrections (Flint; Shepler, motion passed)

6. Public comment:
Mark Eidelson from LandPlan Inc was present to discuss the proposed changes to the current zoning ordinance for commercial wind turbine generators.
PC requested changes based on the uniqueness of our township. The requested changes to the proposed amendment changes discussed at this meeting will be reviewed at the next PC meeting. The continuation of the discussion will resume at September’s PC meeting. The next meeting is September 20, 2022.
7. Unfinished business – none

8. Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultant – None

9. Public comment – None

10. Motion for adjournment @9:25 (Shepler; Flint, motion passed)

PC Meeting Minutes 7-19-22


JULY  19, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m.


Present: David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard


Public Attendance: Bob Davis, Mike and Sheri Rambo, Charles Hauser, Jim Grant, Karen Histed, Mark Eidelson, Dorothy Hart.


Motion to approval agenda (Carlson, Lackey, motion passes)


Motion to approve May 17 minutes with (Flint; Shepler, motion passes)


Public comment:


Mark Eidelson from LandPlan Inc was present to help clarify public concerns and answer questions on the proposed solar ordinance.


There was public comment concerning the Solar Ordinance Amendment, Sec C.3,7,9&12.  The concern surrounded confusing language, private property rights, green scaping/fencing, and the 50% maximum lot coverage, in addition to glare/visual impact.


Clarification was made that many of the concerns raised on limitation within the proposed amendment were based on existing ordinances for other special use projects. Eidelson addressed the concern on maximum lot coverage by explaining that the lot coverage is calculated by the solar panel array coverage and does not count the vegetative rows.  The lot coverage provision in the proposed amendment is set at 50%.  This is double the lot coverage maximum that all other special use projects are allotted in the zoning ordinance.


The solar amendment has a provision for the distance from the solar facility to the transmission lines.  The statement made in public comment was that this was not a necessary provision given that this is often regulated by the cost of the project.  The comment suggested that if a parcel is attractive, the solar company will likely just build infrastructure to the parcel.


Public concern was raised about flights coming into Lansing, flying over Locke Township and possible future solar arrays, and possible glare affecting the safety of the pilots and passengers.  Glare is addressed in Section 2-6, and again is subsection 11, but it does not reference or recognize air traffic concerns.


Public comment and concern were voiced against allowing solar arrays to move forward in the community due to concerns over drinking water studies, heavy metal studies, overall health affects of solar farms in communities, run off and draining concerns, animal studies – specifically surrounding crane migration, and the impact of solar farms on the smaller farmers in the area.  The overall sentiment of these concerns was summarized with the comment that the overall health of our township should not be affected for the profit on one community member.


The PC believes that many of these concerns are already addressed through both the Special Land Use application process and subsequent due diligence.  However, the PC settled on inserting additional language into the amendment surrounding Environmental Impact.


Public Comment Closed


The PC deliberated and voted to update or leave intact the following areas of the Solar Amendment as drafted:


Flint motions to keep Max Lot Coverage C, General Standard #7 as written in the amendment proposal.  Shepler second, roll call vote, passed.


Flint motions to keep 10-2-foot note 2 as written in the proposed policy, Shepler second, roll call vote, passed.


Flint, motion to updated Section C General Standards #3 add a reference to, Shepler second, roll call vote, passed.


Flint proposes caring over like Section B – 9 from the proposed wind amendments to the solar ordinance for large solar arrays. This section pertains to wildlife studies and impact surrounding special land use projects.  Shepler second, roll call vote, passed.


LandPlan will prepare a Draft revision will be available and sent to David Carlson and Dorothy Hart to review to ensure agreed changes are correct prior to summiting to the township board for approval.


Lackey motion to delay movement of the Wind review and additional agenda topics to 8/19 meeting, Flint second, motion passed.


Public Comment None


Motion to close meeting 8:52, Shepler second.


Unfinished business


Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultants

Due to employment schedule, David Carlson has submitted his resignation.


Public comment


Meeting adjournment

Individuals needing special services to fully participate may contact the Locke Township Clerk

@ 517 468-3405 at least 72 hours in advance to request the necessary assistance.


Next meeting August 16, 2022

PC Minutes 5-17-22



May 17, 2022 7:00 PM


1. Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m

2. Present: David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Ben Howard

3. Public Attendance: Bob Davis, Deanna Davis, Leo Sheets, Glenda Turner, Dorothy Hart, Marlene

4. Motion to approval agenda (Carlson, Lackey, motion passes)

5. Motion to approve April 19 minutes with (Flint; Shepler, motion passes)

6. Chairperson announces the open of the Public Hearing @ 7:02

Public comment was brought forward with a concern on the exclusion of mirror systems.
Public comment was brought forward concerning the height restriction on the solar panels.
Public comment was brought forward concerning the height restriction on roof top solar panels. Public was concerned that the allowed footage above the roof was not sufficient for a roof top solar array.
Public comment was brought forward about the fencing around the largest solar array.
Public Comment was brought forth concerning the front yard screening of a solar array. Public Comment was brought forth concerning the setback; there was concern that the setback was too far, especially with the screening requirements.
Public Comment was brought forth on the screening requirements, as sun provides solar and trees provide shade.

7. Chairperson announces the close of the Public Hearing @ 7:35


8. New Business:

a. Shepler discussed the reasoning of why the Solar & Wind Moratorium Ordinance was not adopted by Township Board. This decision was made with the attorney comments under consideration.

b. Deliberation/Discussion of Solar Amendments; after deliberations the Chairman has decided that the ordinance should be brought to a vote.

c. Motion to move the ordinance to the board for approval —(Carlson, Shepler):

Role call vote: Howard — Yes; Shepler — Yes; Carlson — Yes; Lackey — No; Flint – Yes

d. Discussion of Wind Information website email by LandPlan; the Planning Commission has decided to move forward with exploring possible changes to the Wind Ordinance.

e Shepler motioned to schedule a special meeting August 16, 2022 to continue the discussion of the possible changes to the Wind Ordinance, Flint, second. — Motion Passes

9. Unfinished Business

10. Concern/Comments of PC member, ZA, and Consultants — No comment

11. Public Comment— No comment

12. Meeting adjournment @ 8:19 p.m.

PC Minutes 4-19-22




April 19, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00 p.m.


Present: David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey, Marcy Shepler, Mark Eidelson


Public Attendance: None


Motion to approve March 15, 2022 minutes (Flint; Shepler, motion passes)


Public comment/presentations: None


Continue discussion on Solar Amendments:

Mark Eidelson Presented to the Planning Commission began at 7:04.


Review of correspondence from LandPlan, dated March 24, 2022.  Eidelson discussed changes suggested by the Planning Commission in the previous meetings surrounding the ordinance.


After review of the March 24, 2022 draft of changes, the PC has communicated expected changes to this draft.  We designate the PC Chair to review the revised Solar Amendments that LandPlan will submit before the end of the week.  If the chair reviews and finds the changes acceptable, the PC moves to continue with the plan to schedule a public hearing on May 17, 2022. (Flint; Shepler, motion passes)


If the May 17th Public Hearing is scheduled, based on the chair’s review of the revised draft for complete updates, the public notice will be sent no later than Tuesday, April 26, 2022.


Public comment/communications – None


Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultants – No additional comment at this time


Public comment – None


Meeting adjournment –9:11 p.m. (Lackey; Shepler – motion passes)

PC Minutes 3-15-22



March 15, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:02 p.m.


Present: David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Ben Howard, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey, Mark Eidelson


Public Attendance: None


Motion to approve January 18 minutes with correction of title, date, and Marcy Shepler’s name. (Carlson, motion to approve; Lackey, second) Pass 4:0.


Public comment/presentations: None


New Business

Mark Eidelson Presented to the Planning Commission began at 7:06.


Review of correspondence from LandPlan, dated March 8, 2022.  Eidelson discussed in depth the various outcomes from changes suggested by the Planning Commission in the previous                   meetings surrounding the ordinance.


The Planning Commission purposes to schedule Mark Eidelson for the April 19 PC meeting to continue discussions on Solar Amendments.


The Planning Commission suggests the Locke Township Board pass a moratorium on large solar and wind structures for six months so that the ordinances for both may be updated.


Public comment/communications – None


Unfinished business – None


Concern/comments of PC members, ZA and Consultants – No additional comment at this time


Public comment – None


Meeting adjournment – Howard motion adjourn, 10:22

PC Minutes 1-18-22



1/18/20221 7:00 PM


1. Call to Order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance 7:01

2. Present: David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marsha Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey, Ben Howard

3. Public Attendance: None

4. Motion to approve November 16,2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint supported by Shepler; motion carries: Passed (5:0)

5. Carlson inquired if there are any additions to the agenda. None proposed.

6. Election of Officers:

*Kitchenmaster has completed his term in office. [200I-2021]

Chairperson: Flint nominated Carlson, Shepler, seconds – Motion to vote. Motion passes 5:0

Vice Chairperson: Lackey nominated Flint, Shepler seconds – Motion to vote. Motion passed 5:0

Secretary: Carlson nominated Lackey, Shepler seconds – Motion to vote. Motion passes 5:0

7. Review Zoning Ordinance Article 6 and Article 7.
Section 7.03 – The Planning Commission suggests reducing the burden of 15 copies of the completed application and attachments be reduced to 10 copies needed or the sum total copies equal to the number of Planning Commission member and Township Board Members.

Section 7.03 currently reads: Application, Distribution and Data: A petitioner shall submit fifteen (15) copies of a completed application for ordinance amendment to the Zonng Administrator on a form established for that purpose, which shall include a detailed description of the proposed amendment including the name, address and phone number of the applicant and the desired change(s) and reason(s) for such change(s). Upon receipt of the application forms, the Zoning Administrator shall record the date of their receipt and transmit copies to the Planning Commission, Township Board, and other agencies or individuals selected to review such plans including but not necessarily limited to Township departments and staff, consultants, Ingham County Drain Commissioner and Ingham County Road Department. See Section 3.08 regarding application fees.

8. The PC reviewed Mark Eidelson’s response to the PC’s request to look into updating the township’s solar and wind energy ordinance. The PC would like to move forward with updating the plan. Hart will gather additional quote information. The PC requests that the Locke Township Board further assess the need to update the Locke Township Wind and Solar Energy Ordinances. The PC asks that the cost of the of the ordinance updates be considered in the 2022 budget.

9. No public comment

10. Motion for adjournment made by Carlson at 7:43, supported by Flint, motion passed (5:0).

PC Minutes 11-16-21



11/16/2021 7:00 PM


Call to Order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance 7:00 
Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey 
Public Attendance: None

Kitchenmaster called for any additions: In addition to the agenda, the planning commission will review the White Oak Township Wind Ordinance. 
Approval of minutes-9/21/2021 regular meeting. Motion to accept, Flint; second, Shepler – Motion Passed. 
Public Comment: No Public Comment
By-laws & rules, amend as needed & vote to approve: Kitchmaster/Lackey to make roll call vote. Roll call vote was performed, motion to change wording to the by-laws passed unanimously. 
Notice received from Handy Twp. Re updating their Master Plan, if there are any concerns after review the planning commission will contact Handy Twp. 
In the review Zoning Ordinance articles 4 & 5, no additional topics or changes suggested in addition to those in September, see September minutes. 
The planning commission discussed the solar ordinance, related to wording found in neighboring township, White Oak Township. The planning commission consensus is that a stronger ordinance is needed to manage the solar opportunities that are becoming readily available to the community.

While reviewing the solar variance from the White Oak Township Solar Ordinance the Commission found that many topics should be added to the Locke Township Ordinance Some                suggested changes to the White Oak Solar Ordinance for Locke township are: C) Small Scale Solar Energy System, to D) Solar Farms that ‘Glare’ is not addressed in the Solar Farm, and ‘Noise’ would not be addressed in Small Scale. Both should be addressed/added. Small scale systems should be held accountable to stay below 40dB.

In the decommission wording of the document reviewed, there is no timing listed for the decommission. The Planning Commission would like the planner to suggest reasonable decommission timing to add to the ordinance. 

Dorothy will submit the current Locke Township Solar & Wind Ordinance, the White Oak Township Solar & Wind Ordinance, along with the Planning Commission’s suggestions and concerns to the township planner. 

No concerns, comments of PC members, ZA, and/or consultants were made. 
No public comment. 
Planning Commission adjourned at 7:56 

PC Minutes 9-21-21



9/21/2021 7:00 PM



Call to Order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance 7:02


Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, March Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey


Public Attendance: None


Kitchenmaster inquired if there are any additions to the agenda. None proposed.


Motion to approve July 20, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint supported by Carlson; motion carries: Passed (5:0)


Kitchenmaster declined public comment, no public present.


Old Business- Review By-law & rules: Section D will more greatly clarify the duties of the secretary and recording secretary in conjunction with the clerk’s office.


Old Business – Motion to authorize review of the Master Plan by Kitchenmaster supported by Shepler, motion carries: Passed (5:0)


Old Business – Motion to discontinue special land use permit for Audrey Force by Kitchenmaster, supported by Shepler, motion carries: Passed (5:0)


New Business – Review Zoning Ordinance articles 1, 2 &3.


Suggested changes to the zoning ordinance by the Planning Commission:


The suggestion for this Article is to change the required copies from five (5) copies to one (1) copy. See underlined content below.


Section 3.04 General Land Use Permit Application and Review Procedures, Section B-1:


Application Required: Application for a land use permit for a single family or two-family dwelling, including alterations and accessory structures and buildings thereto, shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator on a form for that purpose and available from the Zoning Administrator. See Section 3.02(B) for exceptions. Five (5) copies of all application materials shall be submitted and shall consist of:



The suggestion for the Articles below is to change the required copies from twelve (12) copies to eight (8) copies. See underlined content below.


Section 4.03 Review Procedures:


Preliminary Site Plan Submittal, Distribution and Data: Twelve (12) copies of a preliminary site plan application shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The application shall consist of a form available from the Zoning Administrator, and the preliminary site plan itself. Upon receipt of the application materials, the Zoning Administrator shall record the date of their receipt and transmit copies to the Planning Commission and other agencies or individuals selected to review such plans including but not necessarily limited to Township departments and staff, consultants, Ingham County Drain Commissioner, and Ingham County Road Department. The Zoning Administrator shall request all reviewing agencies to respond within twenty (20) days of receipt of the materials although the Planning Commission need not delay action on the application if such response has not been received within this time period.


Final Site Plan Application Submittal, Distribution and Data: Twelve (12) copies of a final site plan application shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator. The application shall consist of a Land Use Permit Application form available from the Zoning Administrator, and the final site plan itself. Upon receipt of the application materials, the Zoning Administrator shall record the date of their receipt and transmit copies to the Planning Commission and other agencies or individuals selected to review such plans including but not necessarily limited to Township departments and staff, consultants, Ingham County Drain Commissioner, and Ingham County Road Department. The Zoning Administrator shall request all reviewing agencies to respond within twenty (20) days of receipt of the materials although the Planning Commission need not delay action on the application if such response has not been received within this time period.



Section 5.02 Review Procedure:


Submission and Distribution of Application/Preliminary Site Plan: An application for a land use permit for a special land use shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator on a form for that purpose and available from the Zoning Administrator. Upon receipt of the application materials, the Zoning Administrator shall record the date of receipt and transmit copies to the Planning Commission and agencies or individuals selected to review such plans including but not necessarily limited to Township departments and staff, consultants, Ingham County Drain Commissioner, and Ingham County Road Department. The Zoning Administrator shall request all reviewing agencies to respond within twenty (20) days of receipt of the materials although the Planning Commission need not delay action on an application if such response has not been received within such time period. Twelve (12) copies of the application materials shall be required and shall include the following minimum information:


Hart proposed the 2022 planning meeting schedule remain the same as 2021, the exception being November’s meeting moved to November 15 in order to accommodate the Thanksgiving holiday.  The Planning Commission agreed to continue this schedule for 2022.


No Public Comment


Motion for adjournment made by Kitchenmaster at 7:30, supported by Shepler, motion passed (5:0).





7-20-21 PC Minutes


Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

July 20, 2021 7:00 PM – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston


Call to Order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00p.m.


Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.


Public Attendance: Daren Lackey; Mike Gleason; Christine McGoron


Agenda approved as submitted.


Motion to approve May 18, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint, supported by Shepler; motion carries: Passed (5:0).


Review Master Plan Appendix D. – Review of Appendix Maps.


Current maps are accepted with no changes.


Review Zoning Ordinance 14.13, 28.25.(Medical Marihuana) Regulating Caregivers.


No changes to the current ordinance have been introduced at this time.


New Business: Signs Section 22 “Can we ban that sign”.


No changes to the current ordinance have been introduced at this time.


Concerns/ comments of PC members, ZA, and/or consultants.


No comments or concerns brought at this time.


Public comments: No comments or concerns brought at this time.


Adjournment: 7:39 p.m.


5-18-21 PC Minutes


Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2021 7:00 PM – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston


Call to Order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance:7:01


Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.


Public Attendance: Bob Davis


Agenda approved with additions; additions include webinars to New business; Solar Energy Ordinance; and Medical Marihuana Ordinance


Motion to approve March 16, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint, supported by Carlson; motion carries: Passed.


Old Business: Master Plan Appendix C reviewed with no changes proposed.


New Business: Review of the Wind Turbines webinars. There was a lot of education shared on footprints, environmental hazards, and other areas of concerns to be considered with special land use permits.


MTA: Planning commission webinar was very informative.  Kitchenmaster has asked that we research the availability of this webinar for members as they join the Planning Commission or Zoning Board of Appeals.

For minutes regarding zoning ordinances below, see Locke Township Michigan website to review township ordinances.


Review Zoning Ordinance 14:22 (Commercial Wind Turbo Generators) –

An application for special land use must be submitted for Commercial Wind Turbo Generators to be placed on a parcel.  The application must follow the special use procedure in accordance with the zoning ordinance.  No changes to this ordinance are being made at this time.


Review Zoning Ordinance 14:28 (Solar Energy System) – See Attachment

An application for special land use must be submitted for large solar arrays to be placed on a parcel.  The application must follow the special use procedure in accordance with the zoning ordinance.  No changes to this ordinance are being made at this time.


Review Zoning Ordinance 28.29 (Medical Marihuana) – See Attachment

This topic requires further review of updated state laws, prior to discussing any changes to the zoning ordinance.  This ordinance will be discussed at the July, 2021 meeting.


Concerns/ comments of PC members, ZA, and/or consultants.

No comments or concerns voiced at this time.


Public comments: Concerns on the smell of marihuana have been brought up by public comment at this meeting. This will be researched and discussed as a part of the Zoning Ordinance 28.29 discussion at the July Planning Commission meeting.


Adjournment: 7:54 p.m.



3-16-21 PC Minutes


Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

March 16, 2021 7:00 PM — Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.
Public Attendance: None
Agenda approved as is, no additions.
Motion to approve January 19, 2021 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint, supported by Carlson; motion carries: Passed.
Old Business: Review of Master Plan, Appendix B

After reviewing Appendix B of the Master Plan, no changes were made.

New Business

Hart shared with the planning commission that the virtual Renewable Energy seminar later this month will be attended by Kitchenmaster, Carlson, Shepler, and Lackey.

Concerns/Comments of PC members, ZA and/other consultants.

Trucks have been parked for Alpha and Omega next door. There have been no complaints and the situation will be temporary.
Gilcrest visited the Dietz Road Bridge. Dietz Road is on the federal grant schedule for the 2022 grant cycle.
Concerns from the board meeting on the Blight Ordinance was shared with the Planning Commission.

Public Comment: None
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Carlson at 7:25 p.m. support by Shepler; motion carries: Passed.

Sarah Lackey

Planning Commission Secretary; Recording Secretary

1-19-21 PC Minutes


Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2021  7:00 PM- Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston


Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart. Absent: Sarah Lackey
Public in Attendance: None
There was one addition to the agenda: Dean Kitchenmaster advised the Jan. 12th Scott Carr letter to amend his special land use permit to include the building of a dry storage building located on the property at 5331 North M-52, will be added to New Business item #5.
Motion to approve November 17, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint, supported by Carlson, motion carries: Passed
Election of Officers:

Flint nominated Kitchenmaster for Chair, seconded Carlson, motion carried: Passed
Kitchenmaster nominated Carlson for Vice Chair, seconded Shepler, motion carried: Passed
Kitchenmaster nominated Sarah Lackey for Secretary, seconded Flint, motion carried: Passed

Chair Person: Dean Kitchenmaster
Vice Chair: David Carlson

Secretary: Sarah Lackey

Appointment of Recording Secretary: The Commission determined that Sarah Lackey will share both Planning Commission Secretary duties and Recording Secretary duties.
New Business:

Planning Commission Members discussed Scott Carrs’ request to amend the special land use permit located at 5331 N M-52. Members determined the request was a major change to the special land use permit.  After discussion Flint made a motion to approve the site plan changes proposed by Scott Carr to the special land use permit located at 5331 N M-52,  pending the approval of all required permits.  Supported by Shepler, motion carries: Passed unanimously

Old Business:

After reviewing Appendix A of the Master Plan, no changes were made.

Concerns/comments of PC members, ZA, and/or consultants:  None
Public Comment:  None

Motion to adjourn by Flint at 7:40 PM supported by Carlson motion carries: Passed

Matthew Flint

Planning Commission Secretary

11-17-2020 PC Minutes

Locke Township 

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2020   7:00 P.M. -Locke Township Hall,  3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m Pledge of Allegiance was recited.Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Karen VanDooren, Dorthy Hart.         Absent: Ken CookPublic in attendance:  Bob DavisThere were no additions to the agendaMotion to approve September 15, 2020 Meeting minutes by VanDooren, supported by Kitchenmaster, motion carries:  PassedOld BusinessAppoint a recording secretary: nominee was absent.  Tabled until next meetingReview of Master Plan Ch. 5Hart found a typo in “Other Special Purpose” page 5-3,correction of compliment was made.New Business:  NoneConcerns/comments of PC members, ZA and or or consultants:VanDooren advised that the Locke Township Board has discussed the blight ordinance.VanDooren advised that the old Bell Oak Store has been torn downVanDooren advised the intersection sign at Corey and Bell Oak road was missing.  Hart advised that she will contact the Ingham County Road DepartmentKitchenmaster advised reviewing Appendix A of the Master Plan for next meetingHart requested to place amending Land use Permit application to only one copy.  Kitchenmaster advised he would put it on the Agenda for the next meeting.Public Comment:  None

Adjournment:720 Motion to adjourn by VanDooren, supported by Carlson , motion carries: Passed

Matthew Flint

Planning Commission Secretary 

9-15-2020 PC Minutes

Locke Township

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2020 7:00 P.M – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.Present:  Ken Cook, Dean Kitchenmaster, Karen VanDooren, Dorothy Hart, Matthew Flint

      Absent: David Carlson

Public in attendance: Bob DavisThere were no additions to the agendaMotion to approve July 21, 2020 meeting minutes by Flint, supported by Cook, motion carries: PassedOld Business:Kitchenmaster advised he will be contacting Sarah to see if she is interested in the recording secretary jobReview Master Plan Chapter 4No changes

      7. New Business: none

      8. Concerns/comments of PC members, ZA and or consultants:

    a.  Hart suggested scheduling Planning Commission Meetings for 2021

using the same scheduling pattern as 2020.  All members agreed

 Hart advised there has been reports of vandalism to road signs in the Township.  Hart has contacted the Ingham County Road Authority

      9. Public Comment:  None

    10. Adjournment

  a.   718 Motion to adjourn by Cook, supported by Van Dooren, motion

                     carries:  Passed

Matthew Flint

Planning Commission Secretary   


Election Commission Minutes

Election Commission Minutes 2-25-21 DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP                                                                                                           DRAFT 02-25-2021

ELECTION COMMISSION MINUTES                                                                           APPROVED_________________

February 23, 2021            9:45 AM


The Locke Township Election Commission met February 23, 2020 at 9:45 AM in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Rd, Williamston.

Present:  Clerk Turner, Supervisor Hart, Treasurer Rambo.

Absent:  None

Call to order at 9:56 AM by Clerk Turner.

Public Comment:  None.

Approval of 10/13/2020 meeting minutes:  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve the Election Commission meeting minutes of 10/13/2020.  PASSED.

Action on Consolidation with Conway Township for the May 4, 2021 Fowlerville Community Schools Special Election.  Locke Township has 15 registered voters in the Fowlerville School District.  Clerk Turner will be responsible for notifying the voters of the polling location change.

Motion Turner, second Hart to approve consolidation with Conway Township for the May 4, 2021 Fowlerville Community Schools Special Election.  PASSED.


Adjournment:  Motion Hart, second Turner to adjourn the meeting.  PASSED.  Meeting adjourned at 10:01 AM.


Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk




Election Commission Meeting Minutes 10-12-21 – DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP                                                                                            DRAFT 10-14-2021

ELECTION COMMISSION MINUTES                                                                APPROVED_________________

October 12, 2021           6:45 PM


The Locke Township Election Commission met October 12, 2021 at 6:45 PM in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Rd, Williamston.


Present:  Clerk Turner, Treasurer Rambo, Supervisor Hart.  Also Present, Mike Rambo, Bob Davis, Christine McGoron, Marcy Shepler.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 6:45 PM by Clerk Turner.


Public Comment:  Rambo questioned the integrity of election equipment.


Approval of 02/23/2021 Election Commission Minutes.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve the February 23, 2021 Election Commission minutes.  PASSED.

Appointment of Election Inspectors for the November 2, 2021 Special Election.  Motion Turner, second Hart to appoint the following Election Inspectors for the November 2, 2021 Special Election:  Susan Clinton (Dem), Jenny Rhodes (Rep), Karen Cook (Rep).  PASSED.

Appointment of Receiving Board for the November 2, 2021 Special Election.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to appoint the Sarah Lackey to the Receiving Board for the November 2, 2021 Special Election.  PASSED.

Schedule Preliminary Accuracy Test.  Motion Turner, second Hart to schedule the Preliminary Accuracy test for October 18, 2021 at 7 PM, conducted by Clerk Turner and Deputy Clerk Rhodes.  PASSED.

Schedule Public Accuracy Test.  Motion Turner, second Rambo to schedule the Public Accuracy Test for October 21, 2021 at 4 PM.  PASSED.

Motion Hart, second Turner to allow the Clerk to appoint emergency Election Inspectors as needed.  PASSED.


Having no further business and hearing no objection, meeting adjourned at 7:02 PM.




Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk


Election Commission Meeting Minutes 7-12-22 DRAFT

LOCKE TOWNSHIP                                                                                                           DRAFT 07-14-2022

ELECTION COMMISSION MINUTES                                                                          APPROVED_________________

July 12, 2022       6:30 PM


The Locke Township Election Commission met July 12, 2022 at 6:30 PM in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Rd, Williamston.


Present:  Clerk Turner, Treasurer Rambo, Supervisor Hart.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 6:30 PM by Clerk Turner.


Public Comment:  None.


Approval of 10/12/2021 Election Commission Minutes.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to approve the October 12, 2021 Election Commission minutes.  PASSED.

Appointment of Election Inspectors for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to appoint the following Election Inspectors for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election:  Susan Clinton (Dem), Jenny Rhodes (Rep), Karen Cook (Rep), Brenda O’ Brien (Dem), Marlene Epley (Dem), Sarah Lackey (Rep).  PASSED.

Appointment of Receiving Board for the August 2, 2022Primary Election.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to appoint Sarah Lackey and Marlene Epley to the Receiving Board for the August 2, 2022Primary Election.  PASSED.

Schedule Preliminary Accuracy Test for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.  Motion Hart, second Rambo to schedule the Preliminary Accuracy test for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election for July 14, 2022 at 7 PM, conducted by Clerk Turner and Deputy Clerk Rhodes.  PASSED.

Schedule Public Accuracy Test for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.  Motion Rambo, second Hart to schedule the Public Accuracy Test for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election forJuly 21, 2022 at 4 PM.  PASSED.

Motion Hart, second Rambo to allow the Clerk to appoint emergency Election Inspectors as needed for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.  PASSED.


Having no further business and hearing no objection, meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM.









Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk


Zoning Board of Appeals

Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 12-12-23

Locke Township Board of Review minutes

December 12, 2023         8:00 AM

Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Rd, Williamston MI


Members Present:          Dean Kitchenmaster, Chairperson

Mary Shinkle, Member

Cory Jorgensen, Member


Members Absent:           None

Others Present:                                Dorothy Hart, Supervisor

John Cunningham, Assessor

Virginia Petrovich, resident


The December 2023 Session of the Locke Township Board of Review called to order at 8:00 AM.


Reminder to Board of Review members that Board of Review training requirement classes must

be completed in 2024.  MTA class registration flyer distributed.


Distributed/Reviewed   Bulletin 16 of 2023, Inflation Rate Multiplier         [5.1% actual / 5% capped].

Distributed/Reviewed   Bulletin 19 of 2023, Disabled Veterans Exemption.

Noted that Disabled Veterans Affidavit forms now go to the assessor for processing.

Also, after tax year 2025 filing/granted, exemption remains without annual reapplication.


The Board took action on 3 Affidavits:

33 04 04 20 300 019                          Qualified Error, fixed calculation error-overvalued

33 04 04 11 200 012                          Qualified Error, fixed uncap error on split

33 04 04 15 300 006                          Poverty Exemption, granted


See attached copy of 2023 Dec. BOR Change Summary.


Meeting adjourned at 8:13 AM.




Dorothy G Hart

Locke Twp Supervisor

Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 2-23-23

TUES. FEBRUARY 21, 2023 7:00 PM & 7:30 PM

1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance @ 7PM
Welcome new ZBA member Jean Coe

2. Election of Officers: Chairperson: Nomination of David Wheeler (Lackey/Coe)
Secretary: Nomination of Sarah Lackey (Wheeler/Coe)

3. Public Hearing – Smith variance application
2652 Haslett Road, Williamston, parcel 33-04-04-18-100-007
Explanation of Request – Applicant owns 5.48 acres on Haslett Road with
special land use permit for church and would like to add a day care center
– Jim/Jamie Smith – Jamie summary of variance given on why it is necessary to
remove broken black top, and place green space.
–  Public Comment from Brian and Betty Fancher on concerns of variance
–  ZBA evaluated information from applicant and public
–  ZBA Zoning Variance Checklist completed
–  ZBA approves the application as written
–  Adjourned 7:36 (Lackey/Coe)
Present: Wheeler, Lackey, Coe. Also, Julie Moore-Zon Adm, Dorothy Hart-dep Zon
Adm, Jim & Jamie Smith, Brian/Betty Fancher.

4. Public Hearing – Rockey variance application at 7:38 PM
4856 Dietz Rd, Williamston, 33-04-04-21-100-017
Explanation of Request – Applicant owns 9.16 acres on Dietz Road, in process
of building new house, requests reduced side set back for proposed barn.

– Joshua Rockey gave summary of the variance request to the ZBA
–  Public Comment from Jon Conrad in support of the variance, he felt the
placement of the barn would be mutual beneficial
–  ZBA evaluated information, inquired about variations in drawings verses
–  Rockey clarified request parameters
–  ZBA evaluated information from applicant and public
–  ZBA Zoning Variance Checklist completed
–  ZBA approves the application with a minimum set back of 15’
–  Adjourned 7:36 (Lackey/Coe)
Present: Wheeler, Lackey, Coe. Also, Julie Moore-Zon Adm, Dorothy Hart-dep Zon
Adm, Josh Rockey, Jon Conrad.

5. Adjournment 7:58 pm

Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 8-22-22



MON. AUGUST 22, 2022    7:00 PM



Present:  David Wheeler, Jordan Smith, Shelly Hall, Tara Peplowski, Dorothy Hart.

Absent:  Sarah Lackey.


Call to Order by chair Wheeler at 7:00 pm followed by Pledge of Allegiance.


Public Hearing/ZBA Meeting – Tara Peplowski variance application

4040 Harris Rd, Williamston, 66.7 acre parcel 33 04 04 29 300 008

Explanation of Request – Applicant owns 60+ acres on Harris Rd and has applied for a variance to transfer some of the vacant parcel to the adjacent land owner and keep the

remainder for a building site, therefore the remainder lot depth would exceed 4 times its width.


Comments/explanation by applicant-would like to square up the lots on Parcel A and Parcel B as submitted on the survey.


Questions by Zoning Board of Appeals-verified that this action would be the last of the buildable splits available for this parcel.


Opening of hearing for public comments-7:03 PM.  No public comment.

Close hearing to public comment-7:03 PM.


Consideration of action by Zoning Board of Appeals.

Read through and Completed Zoning Variance Decision Checklist.

Completed Notice of Decision of the ZBA-Noting the irregular parcels, adequate frontage and acreage, deep remaining parcel.  Motion Smith, second Wheeler to approve Variance request to allow the lot depth to exceed 4 times its width.  PASSED.


Adjournment.  Motion Smith, second Wheeler to adjourn at 7:05 PM.  PASSED.



Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor/Zoning Administrator

Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 3-16-22


ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: Howard, 4645 W Jacobs Road, Perry, MI 48872

March 16, 2022   7:00 PM



Call to order at 7:00.


Present: Jordan Smith, David Wheeler, Sarah Lackey, Dorothy Hart, Ben Howard


Wheeler called for any questions from the ZBA on the packet received. – No Comment


Howard presented a summary of the packet he presented issues he is facing with the house’s placement on the property, and the loss of his original porch to foundational issues. In summary, a variance of 7 ft is needed for the porch to be built.


The ZBA opened the floor for discussion. There was no further questions or discussion.


The ZBA Board of Appeals unanimously passed the motion to approval this request for deviation.


Motion to adjourn 7:09

Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 9-28-21


Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes

Sept 28, 2021 7:00 PM – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston


Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00


ZBA Members Present: David Wheeler, Laurens Montgomeries, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.


Public Attendance: Bradley Beckwith


Public Hearing, Bradley Beckwith variance application: 4321 W. Jacobs Rd., Perry, 2 acre/parcel 33 04 04 03 200 004.


Explanation of Request: Bradley Beckwith
Total acreage is 2 acres.
Needs a bigger pole barn in order to protect all assets.
Moving the barn would conflict with drain field, utilities and existing structures.
There are no impacted neighbors
Four neighbors were notified, no concerns contacted the township back.
No public comment
No additional review needed.


ZBA reviewed Section 19.02 Nonconforming Lots and Table 10-4, 6 with Beckwith.


ZBA Reviewed the Locke Township Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Variance Decision Checklist to confirm variance is justified.


Motion to approve variance with no conditions; Lackey, Montgomeries supports, motion passed (3:0)


Meeting Adjourned 7:12

Zoning Board of Appeals 8-24-21

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes/Goss Return from Recess [7/27/2021]

August 24, 2021 7:00 PM Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston
1. Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:02
2. ZBA Members Present: David Wheeler, Laurens Montgomeries, Dorothy Hart,
Sarah Lackey.
3. Motion to come back to order; Wheeler, passed. 4. Joanna Goss variance application: 2655 Rowley Road, 78 acre/parcel 33 04 04 31
100 009.
5. Public Attendance: Joanna Goss, Robert Force, Tracy Goss
A. Explanation of Request: Robert Force
There is an open item on 3+ acres of the survey that add some land variance to
the request once approved/further discovery is made. Force/Goss will
determine how to move forward, prior to meeting for land division.
B. Explanation of duties of Land Division, and ZBA and how ZBA determines
the need to accept changes to the zoning ordinance./Lackey
C. ZBA Board Members read aloud each of the zoning variance requests, along
with the Zoning Board Administrators comments, and voted as follows:
1. Road frontage variance request for 2655 Rowley Rd – 271.18′
No variance needed for minimum road frontage for 2655 Rowley Rd, parcel
measures 389.53′.
If the Title Company does not intend to attach the 3.5 acre parcel in
question a variance could be granted for .47
the minimum 330
Motion to DENY road frontage variance request for 2655 Rowley Road,
with the exception of .47 , if necessary, contingent on 3.5 acre dispute
outcome/Lackey, Wheeler, second. Motion passed. 2. Parcel minimum area variance request for 2655 Rowley Rd – 4.666 acres.
Variance for minimum area variance for 2655 Rowley Rd. Survey could
be adjusted to accommodate a 5 acre minimum parcel.
Motion to DENY minimum area variance for 2655 Rowley Road/ Lackey,
Wheeler, second. Motion passed.
3. Road frontage variance for 2619 Rowley Rd – 329.95′
4. Parcel minimum area variance request for 2619 Rowley Rd – 4.999 acres
Parcel is already established on another survey and a mortgage in
existence with the 5 acre legal description. The survey could be adjusted
to accommodate the 5 acre survey measurements already approved with
previous Land Division. Motion to DENY both the road frontage variance and minimum area
variance request for 2619 Rowley Road, as the address already has an
established 5 acres legal description on record./ Lackey, Wheeler, second.
Motion passed.
5. Variance request to allow the agricultural property to exceed four times
the 142.13′ frontage.
Variance allows the remaining 68.43 acre agricultural parcel to exceed
four times the width.
Motion to GRANT the remaining 68.43 agricultural parcel to remain,
although it exceed four times the width./ Lackey, Wheeler, Second,
motion passed.
6. Variance [not requested, but necessary] to allow 2655 Rowley Rd parcel
with house and barns to deviate from Table 10-4 minimum lot width
dimension shall extend from the front lot line of the lot toward the rear lot
line of the lot for at least the minimum distance necessary to meet the
minimum lot area.
Motion to GRANT the variance not requested, but necessary to allow
2655 Rowley Rd, to deviate from Table 10-4 minimum lot width, as
noted. / Wheeler, Lackey, second. Motion passed.
NOTE: The variance that the remaining 68.54 acre parcel is allowed to
have road frontage of 142.12 tage is allowable under Section
28.08: Frontage, Access and Roads. Subsection A shall not apply to
buildings and activities associated with a farm operation.
D. ZBA Board Member completed the zoning variance checklist. The
complexity of the variance will require and attachment of explanation &
E. Chairman Wheeler opened floor for public question or comment, there was
F. Motion to adjourn meeting/ Wheeler, Lackey, second. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned: August 25, 2021; 7:33 p.m.

Zoning Board of Appeals 7-27-21


Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes

July 27, 2021 7:00 PM – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston


Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:04


ZBA Members Present: David Wheeler, Laurens Montgomeries, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.


Election of officers: Motion by Lackey to elect David Wheeler Chairperson, Montgomeries, second, motion passed. Motion by Montgomeries to elect Sarah Lackey Secretary; Wheeler, second, motion passed.


Public Hearing, 7:34 p.m. Joanna Goss variance application: 2655 Rowley Road, 78 acre/parcel 33 04 04 31 100 009.


Public Attendance: Joanna Goss, Robert Force, Tracy Goss, Curt Baughan, Stephanie Baughan, Cory Jorgensen


Explanation of Request: Robert Force
Goss introduced a letter of support from parcel neighbor, Poland.
In principle, the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), acknowledged and understood the desire and rational of the Goss proposal.
Prior to the hearing, the ZBA had received a copy of the survey the township and Goss received earlier that day.
Lackey, explained that there were several items within the proposal by Goss that needed to be updated since the original submission, and subsequent receipt of the survey.
Other areas of concern, beyond the corrections due to the survey was the proposal to re-zone the larger parcel. The board made Goss aware that if this was their position, they need to redirect the request to the Planning Commission.
Force/Goss voiced that there was no longer a concern over zoning due to the interested buyers proposed parcels would not need a change in zoning.
Due to the number of variances from the survey in comparison to the Goss proposal, the ZBA made a decision to recess the hearing for up to 30 days while the proposal was updated.
Wheeler opened the floor to public comment. There was no public issue to be resolved at this time.


Meeting Recessed: July 27, 2021, 7:53 p.m.


Sarah Lackey

ZBA Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895