4-16-19 PC Minutes



April 16, 2019         7:00 PM

Present:  Kitchenmaster, Cook, Flint, VanDooren, Davis, Turner, Hart.  Also present, Elizabeth & Kelsey McElroy, Herm Rollin, Steve Rollin, Monty & Ivonne Key, Matthew Key, Dale McGoron, Terry Libera, Kelvin Potter.

Absent:  None.

Corrections/additions to agenda:  None.

Call to Order at 7 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval /Corrections to PC minutes of 3/19/2019:  Motion VanDooren, second Davis to approve the minutes of 3/19/2019 Planning Commission regular meeting.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  None.

Open Public Hearing at 7:02 PM with an explanation of procedure of Public Hearing by Kitchenmaster.  Purpose of public hearing is to hear public comment on a Special Land Use Permit Application received for Table 10-3 for Service and Repair of vehicles and equipment, as set forth in the Locke Township Zoning Ordinance #3 of 2005 as amended for:

Applicant: Steve Rollin

Parcel Number: 33 04 04 09 300 018

Subject Property Address: 5567 M-52, Williamston

[Exhibit 1]

Review of Findings of Fact by Hart [Exhibit 2], dated April 16, 2019.  Also, letter from Ingham County Drain Commission concerning site plan and drainage review [Exhibit 3].  Hart noted that a Maintenance Agreement with ICDC had not been received.  

Comments by Applicant:  Rollins explained that the business is expanding and more help is needed.  Rollins also explained he would be putting more use to his building with the addition of Service and Repair, that there would be no noise as the doors remain shut.  Cook ask what happened to leftover car parts. Rollins stated they were taken to Hunts Body Shop.  Flint ask the number of hoists.  Rollins said there is one now and a potential for 3.

Public Comment:  Elizabeth McElroy commented about semis being parked alongside M-52 and disrupting traffic flow, and the traffic in the business in the middle of the night.  Kelsey McElroy commented on the increase in traffic due to the business and that Rollins was already engaged in activities not allowed in original SLU.  Terry Libera was concerned for same reasons and was concerned if the business sold to someone else and what would be there, and not zoned for business.  Dale McGoron stated he didn’t believe the SLU permit would be in line with the Master Plan.

Public Hearing closed at 7:28 PM.

Deliberation by PC on Application.  Motion VanDooren, second Davis to deny SLU application for Steve Rollin due to future conflict, expressed resident’s concerns, and referencing noncompliance with the following Zoning Ordinance Section 5.06(A)-Approval Standards:

                  1.  5.06(A), #3- “Be of such character to be compatible with adjacent conforming uses of land”.

                  2.  5.06(A), #5- “Not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future uses in the same general vicinity”.

                  3.  5.06(A), #7- “Not involve uses, activities, processes, materials and equipment or conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any person, property or general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise, glare and odors”.  Roll Call vote; Yes- VanDooren, Davis, Kitchenmaster, Flint.  No-Cook.  PASSED.

End Public Hearing 7:38 PM.

Review of SLU Potter, Saw Mill: Review of preliminary site plan from Hart dated 4/16/19 for completeness [Exhibit 4].  Motion Davis, second Flint to receive SLU application for Kelvin Potter- sawmill- Corey Rd-parcel #33 04 04 14 100 015 as complete and schedule a public hearing for May 21, 2019 at 7 PM.  PASSED.

Leave Potter at 7:58 PM.

Open Public Hearing at 8 PM with an explanation of procedure of Public Hearing by Kitchenmaster.  Purpose of public hearing is to hear public comment on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Map of the Locke Township Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance 3 of 2005 as amended for:

Applicant: Matthew and Amber Key

Parcel Number: #33 04 04 16 400 013

Subject Property Address: 4554 M-52 

[Exhibit 5]

Review of Findings of Fact by Hart [Exhibit 6], dated 3/15/2019.  Applicant request a rezoning of existing A-1 Agricultural District classification to the B-1 Business District classification, to have an auto repair facility.  Parcel is within the area identified in the Master Plan as future Commercial/Industrial.

Public Comment:  None.

Public Hearing closed at 8:12 PM.

Deliberation by PC on Application. Motion Davis, second Flint to approve request for rezoning for Matthew and Amber Key, 4554 M-52, of existing A-1 Agricultural District classification, to the Business District classification, referencing Zoning Ordinance Section 7.03- B(2), a(1-3). and recommend to the Township Board for approval. Roll call vote; Yes-Flint, Cook, Kitchenmaster, Davis, VanDooren.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second VanDooren to adjourn meeting.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM.

Glenda Turner Matt Flint

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895