5-21-19 PC Minutes



May 21, 2019         7:00 PM

Present:  Kitchenmaster, Cook, Flint, VanDooren, Davis, Turner, Hart.  Also present, Marcy Shepler,  Monty Key, Matthew, Amber and Allison Key, Lisa Driver, Dale McGoron, Kelvin Potter.

Absent:  None.

Call to Order at 7 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Corrections/additions to agenda:  Addition of Key Auto application under new business.  Addition of future meetings under New Business.

Approval /Corrections to PC minutes of 4/16/2019:  Motion VanDooren, second Cook to approve the minutes of 4/16/2019 Planning Commission regular meeting.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  None.

Open Public Hearing at 7:02 PM with an explanation of procedure of Public Hearing by Kitchenmaster.  Purpose of public hearing is to hear public comment on a Special Land Use Permit Application received for Table 10-2 for Sawmill, as set forth in the Locke Township Zoning Ordinance #3 of 2005 as amended for:

Applicant: Kelvin Potter

Parcel Number: 33 04 04 14 100 015

Subject Property Address: 5317 Corey Rd, Perry MI  48872

[Exhibit 1]

Public Comment:  Lisa Driver, 5364 Corey Rd, spoke in opposition of the sawmill due the noise and traffic.

Arrive Potter at 7:05 PM.

Potter explained that the noise level would meet the levels set forth in the Zoning Ordinance.  Potter also noted that there would be minimal traffic and logs were transported in by means of pickup truck and trailer. 

Public Hearing closed at 7:12 PM.

Deliberation by PC on Application.  Van Dooren voiced concern over the noise levels and how it would affect neighboring properties, and, the affect the sawmill would have on property values.  Kitschenmaster voiced concern over the sawmill being in an established residential district.

Arrive McGoron  at 7:20 PM. 

Flint suggested getting more information on the noise levels, possibly meeting with Potter at his current location and testing the noise levels.

Motion Flint, second VanDooren to call a Special Meeting for June 18, 2019 at 7:00 PM.  PASSED.

Motion Flint, second VanDooren to table SLU for Sawmill until the June 18, 2019 Special Meeting in order to get decibel reading information, traffic report, and property values if available.  PASSED.

Leave Kelvin Potter and Lisa Driver at 8:03 PM.

Review of SLU application submitted by Matthew and Amber Key, 5200 M-52, for Auto Repair Business [Exhibit 2].  Application not complete. The following items need to be addressed on the site plan:

  1.  Hours and days of operation.
  2. Outdoor Lighting-height, size and location & type
  3. Signage-location, size.
  4.  Scrap metal, material disposal and/or storage.
  5. Fencing-location.
  6. Parking spaces & driveway-sizes, location, including handicap, number of spaces, paved or gravel.
  7. Disposal, storage of old engine oils, transmission oil, brake fluid, hydraulic fluid.
  8. Height of building.
  9. Accessory buildings.
  10. Ingress/Egress of traffic.
  11. Number of vehicles on lot.
  12. Target date for building completion.

Concerns/Comments, PC, ZA, Consultants, etc.:  Hart stated the PC would be reviewing a Blight Ordinance and the Township Board would be reviewing Zoning fees at a future meeting.

Public Comment:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second VanDooren to adjourn meeting.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26 PM.

Glenda Turner Matt Flint

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895