11-19-19 PC Minutes



November 19, 2019         7:00 PM

Present:  Kitchenmaster, Cook, Flint, VanDooren, Davis, Turner, Hart.  Also, present, Dale McGoron Marcy Shepler.

Absent:  None.

Call to Order at 7 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Corrections/additions to agenda:  None.

Approval /Corrections to PC minutes of 9/17/2019:  Motion Flint, second Davis to approve the minutes of 9/17/2019 Planning Commission meeting.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  None.

Discussion on Blight Ordinance.  Example of a Blight Ordinance from Berrien Springs [Exhibit 1], Conway Township [Exhibit 2], Leroy Twp (Calhoun Co][Exhibit 3], Williamstown Twp [Exhibit 4] distributed by Kitchenmaster.  Input from Eidelson [Landplan]; Define Blight, what is exempted, How does it affect farmers.  Suggested to contact MTA for draft Ordinances concerning Blight.

New Business:  Meeting dates for 2020.  Motion Kitchenmaster, second Cook to approve the following meeting dates for 2020; Jan 21st, Mar 17th, May 19th, July 21st, Sept 15th, Nov 17th, all meeting dates at 7 PM at the Locke Township Hall.  PASSED.

Concerns/Comments, PC, ZA, Consultants, etc.:  None.

Public Comment:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second VanDooren to adjourn meeting.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 PM.

Glenda Turner Matt Flint

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895