1-15-19 PC Minutes



January 15, 2019 7:00 PM

Present:  Dean Kitchenmaster, Ken Cook, Karen VanDooren, Bob Davis, Glenda Turner, Dorothy Hart, Kyleigh Kitchenmaster, Kelvin Potter, Dale McGoron.

Absent: Matt Flint.

Call to Order at 7:00 PM.  Pledge of Allegiance.

Corrections/Additions to Agenda:  None.

Approval/Corrections to PC Minutes of 11/20/2018:  Motion VanDooren, second Davis to approve 

  minutes of 11/20/2018.  PASSED.

Public Comment:  Kelvin Potter expressed interest in acquiring some property in Locke Township to operate a small sawmill business and ask the Planning Commission for information and process to getting a SLU.

New Business:  Election of Officers.  Motion Davis, second VanDooren to nominate Dean Kitchenmaster as Chairperson.  PASSED

Motion Kitchenmaster, second Davis to nominate Ken Cook as Vice Chairperson.  PASSED.

Motion VanDooren, second Kitchenmaster to nominate Matt Flint as Secretary.  PASSED.

Motion Kitchenmaster, second VanDooren to nominate Glenda Turner as Recording Secretary.  PASSED.

Possible SLU application for auto repair at used car lot.  Application reviewed and discussed {Exhibit 1}.  Discussion of Preliminary Site Plan Application review by Hart dated 01/14/2019 {Exhibit 2}.  Application needs clarification and is deficient in information needed for completeness.  The following items need to be addressed/answered:

              1. Owner of the repair facility- Rollin, as sole proprietor, or lessee?  Should parcel owner or lessee apply for SLU?

              2.   Vehicle Dealer License?  License Number.

  1. Repair Facility License.
  2. Specify Repair Services to be offered, not to be offered.
  3. State Regulation on storage, transport & disposal of auto fluid, including but not limited to gasoline and other fuel, oil and antifreeze.  Floor drainage/fluid and spill containment.
  4. Change existing SLU for auto sales to remove off site repair?
  5. Noise level-air compressor, impact wrench.

Concerns/Comments, PC, ZA, Consultants:  Comment on Junkyards.

Public Comment:  Dale McGoron commented on the Rollins SLU.

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second VanDooren to adjourn meeting.  PASSED.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Glenda Turner Matt Flint

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895