4-14-20 DRAFT Minutes


April 14, 2020 Approved___________

(updated from teleconference to onsite)

The Locke Township Board met April 14, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Shepler, VanDooren. 

Absent:  Fuller.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Public Comment/Presentations:  Stay Safe, Stay Home Executive Order-phone questions to Township Hall at 517 468-3405 at 7:10 PM.  None.

New Business:  [All items moved to May agenda]

ADA auxiliary aid request

Williamston Area Senior Center-budget, residents served, Nov. ballot millage request

Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes 3-5-20 Lawful Expenditures in regards to Rowley Cemetery drive

Declare 5’ x 8’ U. S. flag and 50 U. S. cemetery flags beyond repair and dispose of at the Boy Scouts flag recycling box

Non-Statutory Duties Compensation update

Unfinished Business:  [item moved to May agenda]

Job posting procedure/Plan Comm Recording Secretary


*Clerk- Mar 26, 2020 special meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second VanDooren to approve the March 26, 2020 special meeting minutes.  PASSED {4-0}.  Mar Rev/Exp report draft distributed.   Presidential Primary Election update, Pres. Primary Election Expenses Reimbursement update. 

*Trustee-  None.

*Treasurer- Mar Treasurers report distributed.  Motion VanDooren, second Hart to approve accounts payable checks #4818-#4842 in the amount of $13,035.82.  PASSED {4-0}.  

*Supervisor-Attended Mar. 3, 9, & 10 Bd of Review; 03-12 NIESA meeting.

 *Zoning Administrator- Mar report distributed, building permits update. 

Communications, seminars, etc.

June 9- Tri-County Office on Aging/Meals on Wheels Charity Golf Outing, Lansing.

May 29-Aug 5 Seventh-Day Adventist Church door-to-door literature evangelists distribution.

Aug 19-21, MAM Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City $129 by July 19th.

Feb 2020- Sgt Chad Doyle, ICSD 3 calls to service-1 criminal sexual conduct complaint, 1 vehicle accident and 1 civil/family dispute.

Mar 2020-Sgt Chad Doyle, ICSD 4 4 calls to service-2 arrests on warrants, 1 unwanted person at residence call, 1 malicious destruction of property call.

Public Comment/Presentations:  Stay Safe, Stay Home Executive Order-phone questions to Township Hall at 517 468-3405 at 7:10 PM.  None

Any Other Business:  None.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM by Supervisor Hart.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895