6-9-20 DRAFT Minutes


June 9, 2020 Approved___________

The Locke Township Board met June 9, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren.  Also present:  Bob and Deanna Davis, Dale and Christine McGoron, Sherri Rambo. 

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  None

Public Comment:  Christine McGoron presented information on status of Township website.  Website was started in 2007 and is no longer supported.  Website is working but needs to be updated to a newer website and brought to the Township Hall for ease of use where it can be updated when needed.

Leave Christine McGoron at 7:05 PM.

New Business: Rowley Cemetery and Locke Township Hall driveway /parking lot discussed.  VanDooren expressed concern over expense due to reduction in Revenue Sharing and Budget.

Rowley Cemetery driveway quote.

[budget $20,000 for Rowley driveway & Bell Oak fencing]

One Way new drive & repair existing $12,690

TomCo new drive & repair existing $12000 [resurface remainder 9000 sq $8100]

Locke Township Hall driveway/parking lot quote.

One Way $1175 crackfill/stripe $2295 crackfill/seal/stripe

TomCo $2400 crackfill/stripe $4050 crackfill/seal/stripe

Motion Hart, second Turner to contract with One Way to crackfill/seal/stripe Locke Township Hall driveway/parking lot at a cost of $2295.00.  Roll call vote:  Yes-Fuller, Hart, Turner.  No-VanDooren, Shepler.  PASSED {3-2}.

Motion Hart to contract with One Way for Rowley Cemetery new drive only, at a cost not to exceed $12,690.00.  No second.  Motion failed.

Hall Rental Agreement review.  Samples from Vevay Township and Greenwood Township included for review.  20200527 Decker Agency email review suggested process for pre-walkthrough for Hall Renters.  Will discuss Hall Rental agreement at July meeting.

ADA auxillary aid request, individual use amplifier ordered [cost $215.50}.  Due to the inability for individual to wear headphones, order to be cancelled and other options to be researched.  

NIESA alternate representative appointment, 4 yr term expiring 6-30-24.  Current representative: 6-30-20 David Carlson [serving partial term]. 

Summer 2020 Newsletter distributed for review.

Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Plan reviewed.

Ingham County Sheriff report: Apr-1 harassment call, May-4 calls: fraud, domestic assault, warrant arrest, natural death.

MTA, “MTA Online” cost-effective education-Option 1, 2, 3.

Unfinished Business:

Job posting procedure/Planning Commission Recording Secretary.

Ingham County Road Dept 2020 road improvements.  New contract has not been received for 2020 work.


*Treasurer- May treasurers report distributed.  Motion Fuller, second Hart to pay accounts payable checks #4863-#4881 in the amount of $13,249.86.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Clerk- May 12, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Fuller to approve the minutes of May 12, 2020 regular Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}. May Rev/Exp report distributed.   Presidential Primary expense reimbursement completed.  Risk-Limiting audits for the Presidential Primary completed. June biennial financial audit in process.  VanDooren questioned the Board meeting minutes and stated, in her opinion, are lacking in information.

*Trustee- VanDooren reported the Planning Commission would be meeting on June 16, 2020 and would be discussing language for Blight.  Shepler gave a report of the Sherwood Road bridge demise.  

*Supervisor- FOIA request granted in May.

 *Zoning Administrator- May report distributed, building permits update. 

Communications, seminars, etc.

May 29-Aug 5 Seventh-Day Adventist Church door-to-door literature evangelists’ distribution.

Aug 19-21, MAM Cemeteries Conference, Traverse City-Cancelled.

Dividend from Par Plan received.

Manor-Costerian letter.

Public Comment

Any Other Business:  None.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM by Supervisor Hart.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895