9-8-20 DRAFT Minutes


September 8, 2020 Approved___________

The Locke Township Board met September 8, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren.  Also present:  Bob and Deanna Davis, Dean Kitchenmaster, Kyle Shumaker and Jakob Heberling (Shumaker Group), Dane Porter (Maner Costerisan, PC), Sherri Rambo. 

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Public Comment/Presentation:  Dane Porter from Maner Costerisan presented final report of 03/31/2020 Locke Township audit.

Kyle Shumaker and Jakob Heberling from Shumaker Group gave a presentation and proposal on Township Website. 

Unfinished Business:

ADA auxiliary aid request:  Discussion of Harris personal amplifier $215.50, Z Solutions estimate for a VOCOPRO DIGITAL-CONF 8 Channel Wireless Conference Mic System-$1,274.26.  VanDooren suggested checking with IT Right.

Hall Rental Agreement review.  Consensus to use the Vevay Township Hall rental agreement and discuss alterations to fit Locke Township.

Rowley Cemetery driveway quote [budget $20,000 for Rowley Drive & Bell Oak fencing]

New drive -Rowley Rd entrance            One Way-$9690

Motion Hart, second Fuller to enter into agreement with One Way to excavate and remove sod as needed and install 3” of aggregate base rolled and compacted.  Install 2.75” of 1100 wearing course asphalt rolled and compacted, at a cost of $9,690.00 at Rowley cemetery (Rowley Rd. entrance).  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, Hart, Turner, Fuller.  No-VanDooren.  PASSED {4-1}.

New Business: 

Maner Costerisan, 03/31/2021 audit quote $5000 [current year ending quote $4500] discussion.

Motion Hart to enter into agreement with Maner Costerisan for 03/31/2021 audit. No second.  Motion failed. Request additional quotes. Audit to be placed on future agenda.

I T Right, server battery backup quote $325.  No Action.

Revenue Sharing amounts chart distributed.

Website upgrade discussed.  Set up and Design; Z Solutions quote- $1062.  Shumaker Group- $1950.  May schedule a Special Meeting to discuss the website with a presentation from Z Solutions.

Blight Ordinance.  MTA Sample Blight Elimination Ordinance distributed.  Blight Ordinance to be placed on the October agenda.

Temporary Sexton for winter burials discussed.


*Treasurer- Aug treasurers report distributed.  Motion Fuller, second Hart to pay accounts payable checks #4941-#4971 in the amount of $17,646.61.  PASSED {5-0}.  Discussion on limit of spending before needing approval from board.

*Clerk- August 11, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Fuller, to approve the minutes of August 11, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}. 3/31/20 yr. end final rev/exp report-green.  Aug Rev/Exp report distributed.  Turner reported on the federal CARES ACT list of election PPE items received.

*Trustee- VanDooren reported on the Planning Commission.  Shepler gave a report of the Sherwood Road bridge. 

*Planning Commission.  Discussion concerning paying PC member extra for taking minutes. 

*Supervisor- Repaired 20 flags at Rowley Cemetery, participated Aug 13 NIESA zoom meeting; hall maintenance-front door panic bar, front porch delineator post from MDOT, generator. 

 *Zoning Administrator- Aug report distributed, building permits update.  

Communications, seminars, etc.

Ingham County Sheriff Sgt Chad Doyle July/Aug report.

Public Comment

Any Other Business:  None.

Adjournment:  Motion Fuller, second VanDooren to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895