10-13-20 DRAFT Minutes


October 13, 2020 Approved___________

The Locke Township Board met October 13, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren.  Also present:  Bob Davis, David Carlson, Josh Rockey (Z Solutions), Sheri Rambo. 

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Webster & Griffes quote for snow removal for October 13, 2020 through June 30, 2021 to be added under New Business.

Public Comment/Presentation:  Josh Rockey from Z Solutions gave a presentation and proposal on Township Website. 

Unfinished Business:

ADA auxiliary aid request:   Discussion of quotes from Z Solutions for a VOCOPRO DIGITAL-CONF 8 Channel Wireless Conference Mic System-$1,274.26 and OSS recommended by IT Right $1054.36 rental per occurrence. Josh Rockey (Z Solutions) stated that he could provide a rental Conference Mic System on an as need basis at a lower cost.  Consensus to contact Z Solutions when the need arises for a Conference Mic System.

Hall Rental Agreement draft review.  Locke Township hall rentals 2014-2020 distributed.

Server battery backup quote- IT Right, $325/ Office Depot, $166- $250/ Quill, $320.  Josh Rockey (Z Solutions) indicated he could provide and install a server battery backup and battery backups for individual computers.

Motion Fuller, second VanDooren to approve the purchase and installation of a server battery backup and 5 individual desktop battery backups from Z Solutions.  Roll call vote; Yes- Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren, Hart, Turner.  No- None. PASSED {5-0}.

New Business: 

Website upgrade- Z Solutions $1062/ Schumaker Technology $1950.  Motion VanDooren, second Fuller to accept the agreement with Z Solutions to build a new Township Website at a cost of $1062.00.  PASSED {5-0}.

03/31/2021 audit quote-Maner Costerisan $5000/Drake CPA $4500 [green].  Motion Hart, second Shepler to enter into audit agreement with Maner Costerisan for 2021 audit.  PASSED {5-0}.

Blight Ordinance [DEFINE BLIGHT] discussion.

Res. 2020-06 Karen VanDooren Appreciation.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to adopt Resolution 2020-06 Karen VanDooren Appreciation.  Roll call vote; Yes- Shepler, VanDooren, Hart, Turner, Fuller.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

2021 Meeting Dates- 2nd Tues of month @ 7 PM.  Consensus to schedule Locke Township Board of Trustee meeting dates for 2021 for the 2nd Tues of each month.

Webster & Griffes quote for snow removal for October 13, 2020 through June 30, 2021.  Motion Turner, second Shepler to accept quote from Webster & Griffes for snow removal.  PASSED {5-0}.


*Treasurer- September treasurers report distributed.  Motion Fuller, second Hart to pay accounts payable checks #4972-#5000 in the amount of $17,516.04.  PASSED {5-0}.  

*Clerk- September 8, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Fuller, to approve the minutes of September 8, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}. September rev/exp report distributed.  Election update.

*Trustee- VanDooren reported on the Planning Commission- Review of Master Plan and Recording Secretary position.  

*Supervisor- webinar attendee Sept 9 MTA ‘Now You Know’; attended Sept 9 NIESA personnel committee meeting; participated Sept. 10 NIESA zoom meeting; Rowley driveway completed; switched to Pinnacle website hosting @ $20 monthly.

 *Zoning Administrator- Sept report distributed, building permits update.

*Cemetery-temporary sexton for winter burials.

  Bell Oak Cemetery farm fence replacement-obtain quote.  Consensus to obtain quote for    

  fence replacement at Bell Oak Cemetery.

  Rowley Cemetery driveway asphalt completed.

  Rowley Cemetery signs-Enter Here exit on Rowley Rd/ Enter Here exit on M-52.  Consensus to  

  obtain quote.

  Gravesite accessibility-funeral home could be helpful, no ADA requirement, twp responsible.

Communications, seminars, etc.

Ingham County Sheriff Sgt Chad Doyle Sept report.

Williamston Area Senior Center, Oct-Nov Activities & Events Guide.

Public Comment

Any Other Business:  None.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895