11-10-20 DRAFT Minutes


November 10, 2020 Approved___________

The Locke Township Board met November 10, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren.  Also, present:  Bob and Deanna Davis, Josh Rocky (Z Solutions), Sheri Rambo. 

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: Addition of Blight definition to be added to unfinished business.  Addition of Agreement for collection of Summer School Property taxes for Fowlerville Community School District and Livingston Educational Service Agency under New Business.

Public Comment/Presentation:  None.

Unfinished Business:

Hall Rental Agreement draft review.  #7 of draft agreement: Check with Insurance company as to amount required.

Blight definition distributed by VanDooren for consideration in effort to draft a Blight Ordinance.

New Business: 

Resolution 2020-05 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Motion Hart, second Fuller to adopt Resolution 2020-05 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment.  Roll call vote; Yes- Fuller, Shepler, VanDooren, Hart, Turner.  No-None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Resolution 2020-07 Luana Fuller Appreciation.  Motion Hart, second VanDooren to adopt Resolution 2020-07 Luana Fuller Appreciation.  Roll call vote; Yes-Shepler, VanDooren, Hart, Turner, Fuller.  No- None.  PASSED {5-0}.

Locke Township Hall bullet proof transaction counter barrier $3938.50 [tssbulletproof.com].  Quote received of $3238.50.  Par Plan Risk Reduction Grant Program info.  Place info on file.

Rowley Cemetery Enter/Exit signs quote:  $292 installed from Signs on the Spot.  Discussion to add wording “Open Dawn to Dusk” and add reflective.  Motion Hart, second Fuller to accept quote from Signs on the Spot with the addition of wording and reflective for Rowley Cemetery up to $400.00.  PASSED {5-0}. 

Bell Oak Cemetery farm fence replacement quote:  $9200 installed- Spartan Fence quote, $12,412 installed, additional $2676.00 to tear out and haul away existing fence- Clery Fence quote.  Motion Hart, second Turner to accept quote from Spartan Fence for Bell Oak cemetery farm fence replacement.  PASSED {5-0}.

Fowlerville Schools and Livingston Educational Service Agency Agreement for Collection of Summer School Property Taxes.  Motion Fuller, second VanDooren to enter into agreement with Fowlerville Community School District and Livingston Educational Service Agency for the collection of Summer School Property Taxes.   PASSED {5-0}.


*Treasurer- October treasurers report and Sept revised treasurers report distributed.  Motion Fuller, second Shepler to pay accounts payable checks #5001-#5020 in the amount of $22,001.41.  PASSED {5-0}.  

*Clerk- October 13, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Fuller, to approve the minutes of October 13, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}. October rev/exp report distributed.  Election update.  Independent Bank accounts signer changes.  Motion Hart, second VanDooren to change the signers on the Independent Bank accounts-delete Luana Fuller and Christine McGoron and add Sheri Rambo and Jennifer Rhodes.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Trustee- VanDooren reported on the Planning Commission- Review of chapter 5 of Master Plan and Recording Secretary position.  

*Supervisor- Attended Oct 8, 2020 NIESA meeting; Sherwood Rd culvert guardrail not likely needed; Senate Fiscal Agency estimated Revenue Sharing FY 2020-21 $154,852 [0.2% increase of $257].

 *Zoning Administrator- October report distributed, building permits update.

Communications, seminars, etc.

Public Comment

Any Other Business:  None.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895