11-17-2020 PC Minutes

Locke Township 

Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2020   7:00 P.M. -Locke Township Hall,  3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston

  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Karen VanDooren, Dorthy Hart.         Absent: Ken Cook
  3. Public in attendance:  Bob Davis
  4. There were no additions to the agenda
  5. Motion to approve September 15, 2020 Meeting minutes by VanDooren, supported by Kitchenmaster, motion carries:  Passed
  6. Old Business
    1. Appoint a recording secretary: nominee was absent.  Tabled until next meeting
    2. Review of Master Plan Ch. 5
      1. Hart found a typo in “Other Special Purpose” page 5-3,correction of compliment was made.
  7. New Business:  None
  8. Concerns/comments of PC members, ZA and or or consultants:
    1. VanDooren advised that the Locke Township Board has discussed the blight ordinance.
    2. VanDooren advised that the old Bell Oak Store has been torn down
    3. VanDooren advised the intersection sign at Corey and Bell Oak road was missing.  Hart advised that she will contact the Ingham County Road Department
    4. Kitchenmaster advised reviewing Appendix A of the Master Plan for next meeting
    5. Hart requested to place amending Land use Permit application to only one copy.  Kitchenmaster advised he would put it on the Agenda for the next meeting.
  9. Public Comment:  None
  1. Adjournment:
    1. 720 Motion to adjourn by VanDooren, supported by Carlson , motion carries: Passed

Matthew Flint

Planning Commission Secretary 

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895