Agenda 5-11-21

Agenda 5-11-21


TUES  MAY 11, 2021, 7:00 PM

LOCKE TWP HALL- 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN 48895     517 468-3405


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda
  3. 3. Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5151 – #51___ totaling $ ___________
  4. Action on April 13, 2021 meeting minutes


  1. 5. Unfinished Business:


  1. 6. Public Comment [3 minute limitation]


  1. 7. New Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $183,456

Infrastructure funding request form to be submitted by June 1st  [Roads/Broadband?]

Authorize registration cost of $25 ea. for Twp Bd and Plan Comm members to attend MTA

Webinar May 12th noon-1pm What your Board need to Know about Planning and Zoning

[Marcy, Bob, Dean and Sarah registered]

Authorize $60 additional meeting for Trustees Shepler & Davis attending virtual MTA class above

Action on resignation of Ken Cook from Zoning Board of Appeals


  1. 8. Reports:

Treasurer –Apr treas report; 5% tax delinquencies Mar 2021/4% delinquencies Mar 2020;

Attended Apr 19-21 virtual MTA annual conference; attended virtual qtr treas meeting

Clerk –  Apr. rev/exp report; attended Apr 19-21 virtual MTA annual conference; SAM & Duns registrations-ARP pre-award requirement; attended CAMC virtual qtr meeting & Apr 29 Treasury’s Chart Chat webinar; May 4th  Election Day [Fowlerville Schools]

Trustee –  Shepler:


Supervisor –  attended Apr 08  NIESA meeting; attended Apr 19-21 virtual MTA annual conference

Zoning Administrator –Apr. report; building permits update


  1. Communications, seminars, etc.

May 30-Aug 8  10am-9pm Seventh Day Adventist church door-to-door student literature evangelists

Aug 18-20     MI Assoc of Cemeteries Annual Conference, Traverse City $129 plus lodging

Wheatfield Twp possible industrial wind turbine placement[also Ingham, Leroy, Stockbridge, White Oak Twps]

Wheatfield Planning meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month.


  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation]
  2. 11. Any Other Business / Board member comments
  3. 12. Adjournment


The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board meeting upon

3 days notice in writing or by calling the Locke Township Clerk at 517 468-3405.



Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                                      Next meeting – June 8th



June 8th Presentation – Webberville Branch,CADL annual report

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895