6-8-2021 DRAFT Minutes

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 6-10-2021

June 8, 2021                                                                                                                       Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met June 8, 2021 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also, present:  Mike Gleason, Tyler and Cindy Prossen, Amanda Vorce (Capital Area District Library), Sandy Drake (CADL).

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda: None.

Action on Accounts Payable Independent Bank checks #5167-#5190 totaling $15,596.01.  Motion Shepler, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #5167- #5190 in the amount of $15,596.01.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on May 11, 2021 meeting minutes.  Rambo suggested additional language under Trustee-Davis concern over odor coming from nearby parcel.  Motion Rambo, second Davis to add additional language.  Davis withdraws second.  No second.  Motion Shepler, second Hart to approve the minutes of May 11, 2021 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.


Public Comment/Presentation. Webberville branch annual report presented by head librarian Amanda Vorce, Capital Area District Library.


Unfinished Business:  American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $183,456. Infrastructure funding request form submitted May 25th.



New Business:

Form L-4029 Locke Twp 2021 Tax Rate Request [1 mil less Headlee rollback=.0989 mil.  Approval and Authorization for clerk & supervisor to sign.  Move to July agenda.

20210513 Maner Costerisan, CPA letter re: audit [to begin June 21st].

Res. ___ of 2021 Credit Card Use Policy [changes/corrections yellow highlight].  Action on Resolution at July meeting.

Appointment-Zoning Board of Appeals member for remainder of Ken Cook term end 12/31/23.  ZBA member Application received-Laurens Montgomerie [blue].

Motion Turner, second Rambo to accept Laurens Montgomerie’s application and appoint to Zoning Board of Appeals.  PASSED {5-0}.

Authorize employment & compensation of previous treasurer Fuller to help w/tax input.  Motion Hart, second Shepler to employ previous treasurer Luana Fuller up to 4 hours for 2021 summer tax season @ $15/hr as treasurers’ consultant.  PASSED {5-0}.




*Treasurer- May Treasurers report distributed.

*Clerk- May Rev/Exp report distributed; cemetery flags [re]placement; Attended June 3rd MAMC free education day, contacted IT Right on public wi-fi use.


*Trustee-Davis attended MTA zoom meeting, commented on Edison tree trimming.

Shepler commented that residents have expressed turbine concern, attended zoom meeting.

*Supervisor-Attended 05/13/21 NIESA meeting; Attended May 6 American Rescue Plan webinar; May 11 attended MTA Effective Communication Strategies webinar; May 13th replaced hall flag/rope; Draft summer newsletter to be distributed soon for review/input.

*Zoning Administrator- May report distributed, building permits update.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

May 21 email from MTA-Catherine Mullhaupt re: Board members attending Plan Commission meetings.

May 30-Aug 8 10am-9pm Seventh Day Adventist church door-to-door student literature evangelists

Aug 18-20 MI Assoc of Cemeteries Annual Conference, Traverse City $129 plus lodging.


Public Comment.


Any Other Business/Board member comments:  Clerk Turner discussed checking into software programs for our cemetery records.


Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Shepler to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk




Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895