Agenda 6-8-21

Agenda 6-8-21


TUES  JUNE 8, 2021, 7:00 PM

LOCKE TWP HALL- 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN 48895     517 468-3405


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda
  3. Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5167 – #51___ totaling $ ___________
  4. Action on May 11, 2021 meeting minutes


  1. Public Presentation/Comment

Capital Area District Library-Webberville branch annual report

Public Comment [3 minute limitation]


  1. Unfinished Business:

American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $183,456

Infrastructure funding request form submitted May 25th


  1. New Business:
  2. Form L-4029 Locke Twp 2021 Tax Rate Request [1 mil less Headlee rollback=.0989 mil]

Approval and Authorization for clerk & supervisor to sign

  1. 20210513 Maner Costerisan, CPA letter re: audit [to begin June 21st ]
  2. Res. __ of 2021 Credit Card Use Policy [changes/corrections yellow highlight]
  3. Appointment-Zoning Board of Appeals member for remainder of Ken Cook term end 12/31/23

ZBA member Application received – Laurens Montgomerie [blue]

  1. Authorize employment & compensation of previous treasurer Fuller to help w/tax input
  2. Action on Resignation of Board of Review member:
  3. Appointment-BOR member/alternate member term end 12/31/22

BOR member Application received – Mary Shinkle [yellow] and Cory Jorgensen [green]


  1. Reports:

Treasurer –May treas report;

Clerk –  May rev/exp report; cemetery flags [re]placement; attended June 3rd MAMC free education day

Trustee –  Davis:


Supervisor –  attended May 13  NIESA meeting; May 6th attended American Rescue Plan webinar;

May 11 attended MTA Effective Communication Strategies webinar; May 13th replaced hall flag/rope;

Draft summer newsletter to be distributed soon for review/input

Zoning Administrator –May report; building permits update

  1. Communications, seminars, etc.

May 21 email from MTA-Catherine Mullhaupt re: Board members attending Plan Comm

May 30-Aug 8  10am-9pm Seventh Day Adventist church door-to-door student literature evangelists

Aug 18-20     MI Assoc of Cemeteries Annual Conference, Traverse City $129 plus lodging

  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation]
  2. Any Other Business / Board member comments
  3. Adjournment


The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board meeting upon

3 days notice in writing or by calling the Locke Township Clerk at 517 468-3405.


Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                                      Next meeting – July 13


Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895