Zoning Board of Appeals 8-24-21

Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes/Goss Return from Recess [7/27/2021]

August 24, 2021 7:00 PM Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston
1. Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:02
2. ZBA Members Present: David Wheeler, Laurens Montgomeries, Dorothy Hart,
Sarah Lackey.
3. Motion to come back to order; Wheeler, passed. 4. Joanna Goss variance application: 2655 Rowley Road, 78 acre/parcel 33 04 04 31
100 009.
5. Public Attendance: Joanna Goss, Robert Force, Tracy Goss
A. Explanation of Request: Robert Force
There is an open item on 3+ acres of the survey that add some land variance to
the request once approved/further discovery is made. Force/Goss will
determine how to move forward, prior to meeting for land division.
B. Explanation of duties of Land Division, and ZBA and how ZBA determines
the need to accept changes to the zoning ordinance./Lackey
C. ZBA Board Members read aloud each of the zoning variance requests, along
with the Zoning Board Administrators comments, and voted as follows:
1. Road frontage variance request for 2655 Rowley Rd – 271.18′
No variance needed for minimum road frontage for 2655 Rowley Rd, parcel
measures 389.53′.
If the Title Company does not intend to attach the 3.5 acre parcel in
question a variance could be granted for .47
the minimum 330
Motion to DENY road frontage variance request for 2655 Rowley Road,
with the exception of .47 , if necessary, contingent on 3.5 acre dispute
outcome/Lackey, Wheeler, second. Motion passed. 2. Parcel minimum area variance request for 2655 Rowley Rd – 4.666 acres.
Variance for minimum area variance for 2655 Rowley Rd. Survey could
be adjusted to accommodate a 5 acre minimum parcel.
Motion to DENY minimum area variance for 2655 Rowley Road/ Lackey,
Wheeler, second. Motion passed.
3. Road frontage variance for 2619 Rowley Rd – 329.95′
4. Parcel minimum area variance request for 2619 Rowley Rd – 4.999 acres
Parcel is already established on another survey and a mortgage in
existence with the 5 acre legal description. The survey could be adjusted
to accommodate the 5 acre survey measurements already approved with
previous Land Division. Motion to DENY both the road frontage variance and minimum area
variance request for 2619 Rowley Road, as the address already has an
established 5 acres legal description on record./ Lackey, Wheeler, second.
Motion passed.
5. Variance request to allow the agricultural property to exceed four times
the 142.13′ frontage.
Variance allows the remaining 68.43 acre agricultural parcel to exceed
four times the width.
Motion to GRANT the remaining 68.43 agricultural parcel to remain,
although it exceed four times the width./ Lackey, Wheeler, Second,
motion passed.
6. Variance [not requested, but necessary] to allow 2655 Rowley Rd parcel
with house and barns to deviate from Table 10-4 minimum lot width
dimension shall extend from the front lot line of the lot toward the rear lot
line of the lot for at least the minimum distance necessary to meet the
minimum lot area.
Motion to GRANT the variance not requested, but necessary to allow
2655 Rowley Rd, to deviate from Table 10-4 minimum lot width, as
noted. / Wheeler, Lackey, second. Motion passed.
NOTE: The variance that the remaining 68.54 acre parcel is allowed to
have road frontage of 142.12 tage is allowable under Section
28.08: Frontage, Access and Roads. Subsection A shall not apply to
buildings and activities associated with a farm operation.
D. ZBA Board Member completed the zoning variance checklist. The
complexity of the variance will require and attachment of explanation &
E. Chairman Wheeler opened floor for public question or comment, there was
F. Motion to adjourn meeting/ Wheeler, Lackey, second. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned: August 25, 2021; 7:33 p.m.

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895