Zoning Board Of Appeals Meeting Minutes 9-28-21


Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes

Sept 28, 2021 7:00 PM – Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road, Williamston


  1. Call to order and reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance: 7:00


  1. ZBA Members Present: David Wheeler, Laurens Montgomeries, Dorothy Hart, Sarah Lackey.


  1. Public Attendance: Bradley Beckwith


  1. Public Hearing, Bradley Beckwith variance application: 4321 W. Jacobs Rd., Perry, 2 acre/parcel 33 04 04 03 200 004.


  • Explanation of Request: Bradley Beckwith
  • Total acreage is 2 acres.
  • Needs a bigger pole barn in order to protect all assets.
  • Moving the barn would conflict with drain field, utilities and existing structures.
  • There are no impacted neighbors
  • Four neighbors were notified, no concerns contacted the township back.
  • No public comment
  • No additional review needed.


ZBA reviewed Section 19.02 Nonconforming Lots and Table 10-4, 6 with Beckwith.


  1. ZBA Reviewed the Locke Township Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Variance Decision Checklist to confirm variance is justified.


  1. Motion to approve variance with no conditions; Lackey, Montgomeries supports, motion passed (3:0)


  1. Meeting Adjourned 7:12
Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895