Agenda 3-8-22

7:00 PM LOCKE TWP HALL- 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN 48895 517 468-3405

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda
  3.  Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5410 – #54___ totaling $ ___________
  4. Action on February 8, 2022 meeting minutes
  5. Public Hearing-General Budget and Millage for Fiscal Year April 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023

[2022-2023 proposed general budget]

  1.  Public Presentation / Public Comment [3 minutes limitation]
  2.  Unfinished Business:

*American Rescue Plan (ARP) federal funding thru Ingham County, Locke to receive $194,474

Received $97,237 Nov. 2021, + additional $391.52 in Jan. 2022

                                Need Policy:  Compliance with Applicable Law and Regulations 

                *Cemetery records software:   1.BS&A  $3960+$365 annual maint.     2.Pontem [Leroy] $4695+ $945 annual maint. OR                                     $11380 w/GIS maps  3.CemSites [Conway] $4230+ $750 annual maint. OR $13400 in Cloud   4.Legacy                                              [Wmstown] not yet received   5. Dreamt-John $6500       6. Plotbox $12,511 [dk pink]

  1.  New Business:

*Res 2022-05 Governmentwide Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace [blue]

*Chase Lawn Care Services quote for mowing 3 cemeteries [$10 more per occurrence]

*Current Zoning Administrator Appointment agreement

*Res 2022-06 Poverty Exemption Income Guidelines & Asset Test [pink]

*Michigan Township Participating Plan:        Any nominations for Board of Director 3 year term?

Res. 2022-07 Appointment of Member Representative [Clerk?]

*Road Improvements 2022:  Horstman-Haslett to Bell Oak                             $82,437.50

Sherwood-Morrice to Herrington                   $82,750

Herrington-Royce to Mohrle                     $23,187.50

Bell Oak-.5 mi east of M-52 to Morrice    $135,250

*Res 2022-08  General Fund Budget &General Appropriation Act for Fiscal Yr 4/1/22-3/31/23

  1.  Reports:

Treasurer –Feb treas report; submitted zoom claim for class action settlement [alleged privacy/security issues]

Clerk –  Feb rev/exp report; 2/10 met w/John Schimmelmann-Dreamt Cemetery Software; 2/16 zoom webinar w/Dept of Treas-Resources for Local Govts; 2/18 zoom meeting w/Joe Witherspoon-Plotbox Cemetery Software; 2/25 completed Civicpulse survey-Community Issues & Zoning

Trustee –  Davis:


Supervisor –  attend 02-10 NIESA meeting/02-09 NIESA personnel meeting/2/28 met w/NIESA director;

2/14 virtual BOR training; 2/15 FOIA-2021 employee info; 2/22 zoom Tri County Hazard Mitigation Plan;

2/23 zoom ICC/MTA County Chapter meeting

Zoning Administrator –Feb report; building permits update


  1. Communications, seminars, etc.

*Ingham County Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle-Fb calls:

*MTA Annual Educational Conference, April 25-28, 2022 in Lansing [$388 in person / $199 virtual]

  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation]
  2.  Any Other Business / Board member comments
  3.  Adjournment


The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board meeting upon

3 days notice in writing or by calling the Locke Township Clerk at 517 468-3405.


Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                                      Next meeting – April 12

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895