Agenda 7-12-22


    LOCKE TWP HALL- 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN 48895     517 468-3405


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda
  3. Action on June 14, 2022 meeting minutes
  4.  Action on Accts Payable Ind. Bank checks #5533 – #55___ totaling $ ___________
  5.  Public Presentation / Public Comment [3 minute limitation]


  1.  Unfinished Business:

*Kitchen faucet repaired.  Bathroom sinks not required by MI Code to have grid strainers instead of pop-up.

    *Review Cemetery Ordinance/veterans right of burial re-purchase info [May-yellow copies]

Twps can’t give burial spaces for free – there must be a value for value paid or exchanged.

*Ordinance #2022-02 Solar Energy Systems [SES] Amendments to Zoning Ordinance

Planning Commission referral of Apr 27, 2022 SES draft amendments to the Zon Ord

Disapprove OR Adopt as printed OR submit written suggestions back to PC for consideration OR adopt with amendment


  1.  New Business:

*ARPA federal funding received $97,626.31 also Mar/Apr 2022 Rev. Sharing $31,667

*Action on Resignation submitted by David Carlson

*Assessor computer purchased Sept 2018, plan to replace in 2023?


  1.  Reports:

Trustee – Davis:


Clerk –  June rev/exp report; 6/15 completed Clerks Election Cycle Certification @ County; 6/22 attended ICC-MTA virtual meeting/broadband update; checked/repaired/replaced veterans flags in cemeteries; completed 2nd qtr tax reports

Treasurer –June treas report; 738 tax bills mailed; continue looking into credit/debit card pmt info -FAQ about AllPaid credit/debit card info; attended MTA webinar “Assessing Your Twps Assessing” & completed webinar survey; attended meeting w/Tom Reif -marihuana; attended Capital Area Treas meeting

Supervisor –  06/09 NIESA meeting; FOIA request Black Knight-2021 tax /2022 assessment completed on 14th communication L; FOIA request Steep Steel-cell tower leases; met w/Tom Reif-marihuana; completed County annual Storm System Maintenance Verification

Zoning Administrator –June report; building permits update


  1. Communications, seminars, etc.

*Ingham County Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle –  ? June calls:

*MI Assoc of Municipal Cemeteries annual conference Aug 17-19, Frankenmuth,

registration $139 by Aug 5th plus $129 per night lodging

*Apr 17-20, 2023 MTA Annual Conference, Traverse City

  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation]
  2. Any Other Business / Board member comments
  3.  Adjournment


The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board meeting upon 3 days notice in writing or by calling the Locke Township Clerk at 517 468-3405.


Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                                      Next meeting – August 09

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895