PC Meeting Minutes 5-16-23


MAY 16, 2023   7:00 PM



  1. Call to order by Chairperson Lackey / Pledge of Allegiance, 7:01


  1. Approval / Additions to agenda (Smith/Shepler)


  1. Approval of the April 18, 2023 minutes – (Shepler/Hull) passed


  1. Public comment

Commenter: Presented thoughtful information on EGLE to pass along as the board as the landfill.  See the attached submission.  Three copies, one to attach to the minutes, one for the attorney, and one for the board to review.


Commenter: Attn Hitch said last week that we should not spend money to fight the landfill. Commenter disagrees.  He would like the attorney that is here tonight to comment if possible.


  1. New Business – Introduction of Foster Swift Representitive


Foster Swift [FS] stated that the township needs consensus on how they are going to manage the ordinance.


They do feel that we should make some changes to the ordinances, regardless of the direction the PC feels is right for the township.


If the township decides to regulate wind or solar heavily, FS would recommend starting over with ordinances.


Severability clause should be added to any ordinance.  It functions as an element to eliminate part of an ordinance if it is found unlawful.  We should add this to our land use ordinances, in this case solar and wind energy.


The PC has relayed to FS that we would not like to regulate individuals further, but we would like to restrict utility scale project to better align with the Locke Township Master Plan.


FS will work with the planning consultant step by step, and ensure that the ordinances are consistent.


FS suggests that our ordinances be easier to understand for the average citizen.





  1. Unfinished business – none


  1. Public comment/communications

Commenter: Can the drafts be available to the public to comment on and have time to review before the meeting?  If there is an overlay needed in any ordinance, there should be additional weight given to the adjacent property owners.


Commenter:  Would like additional number of print outs available, and copies of the handouts ahead of the meeting.


Commenter:  Glad that we have FS here.  The township attorney said they have never seen the ordinance.  This was surprising.  Tonight, the FS Rep actually acknowledges she has read and understands them. Commentor would also like copies available ahead of a meeting.


Commentor:  We do not want M-13 situation [referencing the solar array].  Commenter stated that recently there was news coverage that the State of MI wanted to take away local control of gravel pits and make it governed by the State.  Citizens coming together has made the state back off. We need to do the same thing with these ordinances.


  1. Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants

Motion to conduct a Special Meeting on June 6 to review the initial draft from FS on the revised Ordinances. (Lackey/Shepler)


FS will have a draft to the Township no later than 5/30.  The public comment has asked that the revision, comments or any other distributed material be available ahead of the meeting for review so the public is prepared to share public comments and listen to the meeting. PC is asking that available materials be digitally available with the agenda publication.


  1. Meeting adjournment – 8:30 Howard/Smith
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Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895