July Newsletter

July Newsletter

3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston MI 48895
July 2024 your key to Township news Volume 56

TOWNSHIP OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday and Thursday 10 am – 4 pm.
Assessor hours 2nd & 4th Thurs 10 – noon.
The office will be closed Tuesday July 4th .
Website – www.locketownship.com
Hall rental rate – $100 plus $50 deposit.
Seating capacity is 100. Alcohol is not allowed. For information and / or rental agreement call the hall office, 517 468-3405.

AMONITORED DROP BOX is located at the Township Hall front entrance for documents/tax payments. Cash discouraged.
In addition, an Absentee Ballot Drop Box kiosk, with security camera surveillance, is available during each election cycle for Absentee Applications & Absentee Ballots.

PROPERTY TAXES may be paid by mail or at the Locke Township Hall.
Treasurer’s office hours are:
Tuesday & Thursday 10 am – 4 pm
Monday, September 16 9 am – 5 pm
Bring/mail your tax bill with your payment to ensure proper credit. Paid receipts sent when payment includes stamped, self-addressed envelope. Postmark is NOT
payment date. Debit or credit cards are not accepted. Application for Deferment of Summer 2024 Taxes accepted by September 16th. Forms are available at
the Township Hall and on the website.

MEETING DATES for 2024 at the
Locke Township Hall at 7 pm:
Township Board 2nd Tues of each month.
Planning Commission 3rd Tues of each month [except February and December].
Special meetings scheduled will be posted.

ASSESSOR annual site visits/review in
2024 include Sections 1 and 2.

Aug. 06, 2024 Primary Election
Nov. 05, 2024 General Election

Results from the Feb. Presidential Primary:
1541 registered voters/435 votes cast=28%
[Note: 27 electors cast their ballot during
the mandated 9 days of early voting.]

July 27 – Aug 04 9 am – 5 pm
Oct 26 – Nov 03 9 am – 5 pm

August Primary Election Ballot Proposals:
Ingham County: 2024-2027
Elder Persons Millage
Ingham County: 2024-2027
Basic Health Services Millage
Williamston Community Schools
2025- Bond Proposal
Williamston Community Schools
2024-2035 Operating Millage

THE LOCKE TOWNSHIP CLERK has submitted the $8649.42 reimbursement form to the Michigan Bureau of Elections for expenses attributable to the Feb. 27th Presidential Primary Election.

Michigan has made registering to vote and updating your voter registration a simple process. Visit www.mighigan.gov/vote or stop by the Locke Township Hall, Tuesday or Thursday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.

No Shrubs or Trees without permission.
No Artificial Decorations Apr 1st – Nov 1st.
No Glass Containers.

WELCOME to new appointed officials:
Deputy Treasurer Michelle Soliz and
Planning Commissioner Cory Jorgensen.

REMINDER that you are responsible for a fire you start! Brush/Bonfire Burn Permits are available from [NIESA] Northeast Ingham Emergency Services Authority,1296 W Grand River, Williamston by calling 517 655-3384 OR on their website – niesa.org. NIESA coverage area is 24% of Ingham County including 133 sq. miles in the Townships of Leroy, Locke, Wheatfield and Williamstown, the Village of Webberville and the City of Williamston.

Locke Township has contracted with the Ingham County Road Department for hot mix asphalt overlay on Milton Road from the Township Line to Locke Road.
The 1934 Dietz Road Bridge over the Red Cedar River [closed in 2017] will be rebuilt and road approaches reconstructed in June thru November 2024. Also, the Hoxie Road Bridge over Wolf Creek is scheduled for rehabilitation including deck removal and replacement, substructure patching, cleaning & coating steel beams, guardrail & approach work in August thru November 2024.

Did you know? The term pothole originated in the 15t h/ 16th century when local potters would dig up clay from ruts in the roads created by coach wheels. Now, potholes are the result of weather changes, trapped moisture and heavy vehicle use. The ICRD uses multiple methods to temporarily fix road damage including patching with both cold and hot mixed asphalt, crack sealing and mastic applications.

MICHIGAN was officially admitted as the 26th state in the Union in 1837. A skirmish with Ohio, known as the Toledo War, delayed Michigan’s statehood and led to a trade: Toledo remained in Ohio, while the Upper Peninsula became part of Michigan, making Michigan the only state in the nation comprised of two peninsulas.
Nearly 10 million people reside in our Great Lakes state and we have the nation’s longest freshwater coastline.

Phone 517 468-3405
Fax 517 468-0105
Website: www.locketownship.com
Supervisor/NIESA rep: Dorothy Hart
[email protected]
Clerk/NIESA alt rep: Glenda Turner,
[email protected]
Treasurer: Sheri Rambo [email protected]
Trustee/Plan Comm: Marcy Shepler
[email protected]
Trustee: Bob Davis [email protected]
Zoning Administrator: Julie Moore
[email protected]
Deputy Clerk: Jenny Rhodes
Deputy Treasurer: Michelle Soliz
Assessor: HSC Services 517 282-5356
[email protected]
Bldg Insp: Nick Keck [AGS] 800 627-2801
Elect Insp: Bert Gale [AGS] 800 627-2801
Mech Insp: Kevin Matteson [AGS]800 627-2801
Plumb Insp: Clarence Parks[AGS]800 627-2801
Attorney: Thomas Hitch
Planner: Bradley Kotrba-Williams & Works
Zoning Bd of Appeals: Sarah Lackey, Jean Coe,
and David Wheeler
Planning Commission: Jordan Smith, Ty Hull,
Ben Howard, Cory Jorgensen, Marcy Shepler
Board of Review: Dean Kitchenmaster,
Cory Jorgensen and Mary Shinkle
Hall custodian: Jalene Trew
Cemetery sexton: Ed Fuller
Cemetery mowing: Strong’s Lawn Service
Township hall mowing: Nick’s Lawn Services
Twp Hall snow plowing: Webster & Griffes Inc
Ingham County Sheriff Dept 9-1-1
Sgt Jeremy Doerr [email protected]
Governor: Gretchen Whitmer 517 373-3400
Ing County Comm: Monica Schafer
[email protected]

Contact Supervisor Hart if you would like to be considered for a vacancy or appointment. Contact Clerk Turner if you wish to work as a precinct inspector during an election. Planning Commission/Board Appointments are made at the December Board meeting.

SUSTAINABLE Materials Management
Michigan leads the country in tons of waste in landfills per person. We can better manage trash. Reduce / Reuse / Repurpose / Recycle / Recover / Landfill-as last resort.

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895