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2025 March TB agenda and attachments
- Call to order by Supervisor Lott, Welcome everyone, please stand for the Pledge of
- Additions to Agenda/Approval of If Additions proposed-
Motion_____, Second__ Motion ________ , Second
____, to add_____ to the agenda. (designate where to add), to approve agenda.
All in favor say aye , All opposed say nay , Motion passes/fails.
- Action on February 11, 2025 meeting Any corrections? Motion to Approve?
Motion ___, Second _____, to approve February 11, 2025 meeting minutes.
All in favor say aye_______, All opposed say nay ______, Motion passes/fails?
- Public Hearing-General Fund Budget And General Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 4-1-2025 thru 3-31-2026. Supervisor Lott calls the public hearing to order at . Any questions or comments from the Public? If so or not, Supervisor Lott ask for Motion to Adjourn.
Motion , Second ___ , to adjourn the March 11, 2025 Public Budget Hearing. Roll call please Shepler______, Rambo , Coe , Hull , Lott _____ . Motion passes/fails?
- Actions on Accounts payable Independent Bank checks #6582-66 totaling$ ____Any questions or comments? Motions to approve?
Motion , Second ______, to approve Accounts payable checks#6582-66 , totaling$
All in favor say aye , All opposed say nay ____, Motion Passes/fails?
- Presentations/Public comments- 3 minute
- Unfinished
- Ingham County Road Commission sent over the scope of work that they are preforming for the money the board and budget allowed. The work being preformed is exactly what the board discussed at the last The next step is they are going to send a contract over for us to sign.
- Strong’s Lawn service has been notified of us accepting his bid and Nick’s Lawn service has been notified that we are not using him this year.
- Supervisor Lott contacted Sexton Fuller and let him know about the $20 per hour and $550 for burial rates.
- Locke Township Master Plan: Supervisor Lott is proposing that the township board passes the Locke Township Master Plan, which was put together by Williams and Works and accepted by the Locke Township Planning Any Questions or Comments? Motion to approve? Motion Second . Roll call please. Lott , Hull ____, Coe ___ , Rambo ____ , Shepler . Motion passes/fails?
- New Business
- Bank CD- Locke Township CD is coming up in April and we need to discuss what to do with
- We need to order flags for the cemetery for upcoming
- Resolution 2025-03 General Fund Budget/Appropriation Act for fiscal year 4-01-25 thru 3-31-
- Any Questions or comments? Motion , Second to accept Resolution 2025- 03 Appropriation Act. Roll call please Lott , Hull , Shepler , Rambo ,
Coe . Motion Passes/Fails?
- Locke Township Cemetery and Township Hall Signs- Discussion on if we need new signs in 2026 or if we think the ones we have now have some life left. Discussion or comments?
- Supervisor Lott will start checking into our biannual audit
- Reports
Treasurer Rambo-2/31 treasurer report: 1) Collected 97% of 2024 property taxes; 3% turned over delinquent to Ingham County for collection. 2) Attended (by zoom) webinar re: new Earned Sick Time Act. 3) Looking into current CD interest rates. 4) Had zero tax payers on 2/28/2025. S) Entered into settlement process with the county.
Clerk Shepler- February rev/exp Report:
Trustee Hull Trustee Coe Supervisor Lott-
Zoning Administrator Moore- February report summary with building and trade permits updated.
NIESA. February Report
- Public Comments ( 3 minute limitation)
- Communications, seminars,
*SGT Jeremy Doerr, ICSD Report
- Any other Business/ Board member
- Motion , Second ____ to adjourn at _____pm
All in favor say aye , All opposed say nay , Motion Passes/Fails.
Nathan M. Lott, Locke Township Supervisor Next Meeting- April 8, 2025