Official Site of Locke Township
Tuesday and Thursdays 10AM - 4PM

Meeting Minutes 5-14-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 05-16-2024

May 14, 2024                                                                                                                      Approved___________


The Locke Township Board metMay 14, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler, Davis.  Also present:   Nate Lott, Jean Coe, John Fortin, Cheryl Schotter.

Absent:  None.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda

Action on April 9, 2024 meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of April 9, 2024 Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Davis to approve accounts payable checks #6237- #6273 in the amount of $31,781.33.  PASSED {5-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment.  None.


Unfinished Business:

*Bell Oak Cemetery-removal of 2 stumps/clean up. Removal and clean-up has been completed.

*Porta-jon in Cemetery.  A request has been made to have a porta-jon in Rowley cemetery for the grounds workers as well as visitors/gatherings.  Consensus to rent/install a Porta-jon in the Rowley cemetery.

*Social Media Policy sample.  Board discussion with information distributed from Fahey Schultz webinar.  No action at this time.


New Business:

*Williamston Senior Center millage proposal information.  Board discussion.  Board would like a representative from the Senior Center to attend the June Twp Bd meeting to answer questions and provide information.

*HSC Services, Inc, 2 yr extension of Assessor Agreement, $2000 monthly [current $1800].  Motion Turner, second Rambo to enter into agreement with HSC Services for assessing services from 9/30/2024 thru 10/1/2026@ $2000 per month.  PASSED {5-0}.

*Funding Award from MI State Housing Dev Authority, $22,750 for Master Plan update received.

*Discussed Hall rentals [damage/responsibility].  Renters shall be responsible for any visible damage to the hall and deposit to be withheld for cost of damage.  Hall rental agreement wording to be changed on page 1 to “Instead, the Township intends for all rentals to be for occasional and non-occurring recurring use only”.

*Meeting dates/times for 2025 discussed.

*Draft summer newsletter distributed for review.

*Non-statutory duties list distributed and discussed.

*Replacement printer for Treasurer.  Motion Turner, second Davis to authorize the purchase of a replacement printer for the Treasurer at a cost of $437.00 + -.  PASSED {5-0}.

*6’ bulletin board/painting of interior walls discussed.  Consensus to purchase bulletin board for the community room.  Board members to bring paint color ideas to June meeting.



*Clerk- Apr rev/exp report distributed; $30,562 Jan/Feb Revenue Sharing received; 4/23 SAM [System for Award Mngmnt] renewal submitted; 4/24 attend Dept of Treas zoom webinar SLFRF NEU update; 4/25 NEU [non-entitlement units of govt.]  ARPA expenditure annual report submitted; completed Bureau of Elections Early Voting Survey; placed 247 veterans flags in cemeteries.

*Treasurer- April30 Treasurers report distributed; 4/18 attend Fahey Schultz webinar-Avoiding Social Media Liabilility;4-23 Flagstar Bank-$250,000 CD obtained.

*Trustee- Davis reported that DTE is replacing poles and will be in the area for about 6 wks; Telephone company is placing new boxes in Locke Twp.

Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update; 4/23 & 24 MTA Annual Educational Conference overview; 5/09 Wmstn Housing Committee report.

*Supervisor- Apr NIESA report;4/22attend ICRD pre-construction meeting re: Hoxie Rd bridge rehabilitation; ordered 2 free water sensors thru Ins. Co; 5/03 met w/Wmstn Sen Cntr.

*Zoning Administrator- Apr report distributed, building permits update.


Public Comment: Comment about condition of residence on Bell Oak Rd and issues with renters.

Communications, seminars, etc.:

*ICRD May 16, 5:30 PM at Locke Twp Hall re: Dietz Rd bridge public meeting.

*Twp Board Candidate petitions received: Supervisor-Nathan Lott; Clerk-Marcy Shepler; Treasurer-Sheri Rambo; Trustee-Jean Coe, Duane Pinckney, Ty Hull.

*Par Plan News April 2024 edition.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024:  June-Election Prep/Primer $100

Aug-Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100; Dec New Officials Training $149.

*Ing Co Bd of Comm-Materials Management Planning Committee positions available

Any Other Business/Board member comments:

Adjournment:  Motion Davis, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {5-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 8:43 by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895