Official Site of Locke Township
Tuesday and Thursdays 10AM - 4PM

PC Agenda 9-17-24


September 17, 2024   7:00 PM



  1. Call to order by Chairperson Smith / Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval / Additions to agenda


  1. Action on August 12, 2024 special meeting minutes

Action on August 20, 2024 meeting minutes


  1. Public comment [3 minute limitation]


  1. New Business

*Continued discussion/hand outs on Master Plan

Future Land Use info [to be distributed at meeting]

Almost completed goals and objectives [PC must review and approve].

Final Master Plan draft in October.

Master Plan should be ready for Twp Bd adoption in Dec. or Jan.

Will prepare estimate for Zoning Ordinance update.

*CREO [Compatible Renewable Energy Ordinance] sample from MTA [dark pink]

Planner Brad will speak for a few minutes about CREOs.

Note- MTA worked with their legal counsel to create the CREO sample.

                MTA anticipates that additional guidance will be provided after the release of the sample CREO.

                Townships may have a “workable” renewable energy ordinance which developers may

                                choose to work with the Township rather than going through the MPSC process.

                Citizens for Local Choice continues to collect signatures, in hopes of appearing on the Nov. 2026 ballot.


  1. Unfinished business
  2. Public comment/communications [3 minute limitation]

Boosting board engagement article, July 2024 MTA township focus magazine


  1. Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants
  2. Meeting adjournment


Individuals needing special services to fully participate may contact the Locke Township Clerk

@ 517 468-3405 at least 72 hours in advance to request the necessary assistance.

2024 meeting dates:  Jan 16   Mar 19   Apr 16     May 21   June 18    July 16     Aug 20   Sept 17   Oct 15    Nov 19

Current Planning Commission members/terms:

12/31/2024   Ben Howard                                 11/20/2024   Marcy Shepler-ex official Twp Bd member        12/31/2025   Jordan Smith & Ty Hull       12/31/2026   Cory Jorgensen


chairperson-Jordan Smith            vice chair-Marcy Shepler            secretary-Ben Howard

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895