Official Site of Locke Township
Tuesday and Thursdays 10AM - 4PM

Meeting Minutes 9-10-24

LOCKE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING MINUTES                                     Draft 09-12-2024

September 10, 2024                                                                                                                        Approved___________


The Locke Township Board met September 10, 2024, in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Rambo, Shepler.  Also present:  Fletcher Reed.

Absent:  Davis.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag.

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  None.

Action on August 13, 2024 Meeting minutes.  Motion Shepler, second Rambo, to approve the minutes of, August 13, 2024 Board of Trustees Meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.

Action on Accounts Payable checks. Motion Rambo, second Shepler to approve accounts payable checks #6368- #6403 in the amount of $27581.97.  PASSED {4-0}.

Presentation/Public Comment: None


Unfinished Business:

*Locke Township Cemetery Ordinance 2018-02, review/update suggestions.  Rambo suggested the addition of statutes referenced in the Ordinance, list Locke Township cemeteries, review Sec 11-approval of Markers and Monuments-Clerk or Sexton, Sec 16-Allowing/Disallowing firearms, Davis suggested clarification on Section 5-forfeiture.

New Business:  None.


*Treasurer- Aug treasurers report; CD matures 10/21; 68% of summer taxes have been collected; 09/04 Ing Co Treas Assoc meeting; review of Cemetery Ord.

*Clerk- Aug rev/exp report distributed; 08/08 rec. drop box reimbursement; 08/20 completed BS&A survey; 08/29 rec. Aug Rev Sharing; 09/05 Virtual BOE election training; preparing for November General Election.

*Trustee- Shepler reported on PC Master Plan update.

*Supervisor- Aug NIESA report; attend 08/08 NIESA meeting; MMPC Correspondence, 09/17 meeting notification.

*Zoning Administrator- Aug report distributed, building permits update.

Public Comment: None.


Communications, seminars, etc.:

*Sgt Jeremy Doerr, ICSD report: None.

*MTA educational offerings in 2024:  Dec-New Officials Training $149.

*July 2024 MTA township focus, pgs 14-20, Boosting Board Engagement.

Any Other Business/Board member comments:  None

Adjournment:  Motion Turner, second Rambo to adjourn meeting.  PASSED {4-0}.  Meeting adjourned at 7:49 pm by Supervisor Hart.



Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895