Assessing Information

Information is Available through BSA Website.

Contact The Township Treasurer

Get information from the Township Treasurer about your Taxes and Assessing information 

Summer Taxes Due September 14th 2023

Property Tax Information

General Tax Information

In order to ensure accurate billing, it is imperative that any change in your information be communicated to Locke Township. Such changes would include: mortgage company, transfer of ownership, principal residence information.

If you pay your property taxes through an escrow account, the property tax bills will be sent directly to that escrow agent. You will receive a courtesy copy of your tax bill for your records.

Payment Options

*Payment can be made in person, by mail, or dropped in our secure drop box (see below).

*Payment can be by cash or check. Make checks payable to Locke Township Treasurer.

*In order to ensure proper credit, please include your parcel number on your check.

*The correct mailing address is:

               Locke Township

                Attn: Treasurer

                3805 Bell Oak Road

                Williamston, MI 48895

*A secure drop box is available, located near the south entrance of the building. The drop box is checked regularly. Using the drop box for cash payments is strongly discouraged.

*If a receipt is desired, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.

Tax Bills

Currently, all properties in Locke Township receive two tax bills per year:

1) A summer tax bill, mailed in late June, payable July 1 through September 14 without interest or penalty

2) A winter tax bill, mailed in late November, payable December 1 through February 14 without interest or penalty

*After September 14, any balance on a summer tax bill is assessed a 1% per month interest fee through the end of February. After February 14, any balance on a winter tax bill is assessed a 1% interest fee. In addition, any property taxes not paid by February 14 are assessed an additional 3% penalty. Any property taxes not paid by the last day of February are turned over to Ingham County for collection where additional fees are applied.

*Any payment after the last day of February must be paid at Ingham County. The phone number for the Ingham County Treasurer’s office is 517-676-7220.


Assessor Contact:

John Cunningham, Assessor

Email : [email protected]

Address : 3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston MI 48895

Phone: (517) 468-3405

Office Hours:  2nd and 4th Thursdays 10am to 12pm

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895