7-14-20 DRAFT Minutes


July 14, 2020 Approved___________

The Locke Township Board met July 14, 2020 in the Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road.

Present:  Hart, Turner, Fuller, VanDooren.  Also present:  Bob Davis, Dale McGoron, Dean Kitchenmaster, Ron Harris and Dawn Harris, John Roy Castillo, Roxanne Houghton, Suzi Cockerill. 

Absent:  Shepler.

Call to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Hart followed by pledge to flag. 

Additions to agenda/approval of agenda:  VanDooren requested addition of Revenue estimates from the State of Michigan be added to the agenda.

Public Comment.

New Business: 

Website upgrade [Town Web Design and Creative Design].  No action.

Meeting minutes contents [green paper-What the Heck Goes in the Minutes?].  VanDooren indicated, in her opinion, the minutes were lacking in items discussed at meetings and should be included in the minutes.

Copier update-monthly usage.

Fund Balance minimum [manor cpa 17% of annual exp, Wmstown Twp $200,000 or winter tax revenue].  Consensus to add the minimum fund balance when the yearly budget appropriation is considered.

Williamston Area Senior Center Millage proposal.  The board request the following additional documentation for consideration: 1. Marketing Plan, 2. 2 yrs of documented budgets.  Consensus to hold a Special Meeting, July 30, 2020 at 7 PM, for the purpose of considering the Resolution 2020-04 to Adopt the Millage Proposal for the Williamston Area Senior Center.

PA 116 Application, David M Piper, 3181 Haslett Rd [bright yellow paper].  Motion Hart, second VanDooren to approve the PA 116 application submitted by David Piper, 4939 Shaftsburg Rd, Williamston MI (80 acres).  PASSED {4-0}.

Covid-19 Preparedness and Response Plan reviewed.  Revisit in August with additional plan for review.

Revenue Sharing discussion as it pertains to revenue reporting.

Unfinished Business:

Rowley Cemetery driveway quote-[budget $20,000 for Rowley driveway & Bell Oak fencing]

New drive & repair existing One Way-$12,690 TomCo-$12,000

Hall Rental Agreement review [Vevay Township sample-yellow; Greenwood Township sample].  20200527 Decker Agency email review suggested.  Will discuss Hall Rental agreement at August meeting.

ADA auxillary aid request. 

NIESA alternate representative appointment, 4 yr term expiring 6-30-24.  Current representative: 6-30-20 David Carlson [serving partial term]. 

Ingham County Road Dept, 2020 road improvements-

2019 agreement for Sherwood-2.5 mi full cap bet. Morrice & M-52/ 1 mi. skip pave bet Morrice & Herrington

Cost- $80,000 twp & 33,300 County for 2019 work.

2020 budget $150,000 [County will chip seal approx.. 4 mi at no cost to twp.]

Bell Oak Rd, ½ mi E of M-52 & Corey Rd, ½ mi Bell Oak-Hoxie; Cost- $??? $33,300 County.


*Treasurer-June treasurers report distributed.  Motion Fuller, second VanDooren to pay accounts payable checks #4882-#4913 in the amount of $19,611.02.  PASSED {4-0}.

*Clerk- June 9, 2020 meeting minutes.  Motion Hart, second Fuller to approve the minutes of June 9, 2020 regular Board of Trustees meeting.  PASSED {4-0}. June Rev/Exp report distributed.  Federal CARES money $1000 for Election supplies & ballot drop box.  August 4, 2020 Primary Election update.

*Trustee- VanDooren reported the Planning Commission would be meeting on July 21, 2020 and would be discussing Blight and Recording Secretary position.  

*Supervisor- Participated in June 11th & July 9th NIESA ZOOM meetings, audit liaison, June revenue sharing as projected.

 *Zoning Administrator- June report distributed, building permits update. Discussion concerning nonconforming residence and registered voter.

Communications, seminars, etc.

May 29-Aug 5 Seventh-Day Adventist Church door-to-door literature evangelists’ distribution.

20200611 Ingham County Resolution 20-254 Declare Racism as a Public Health Crisis in Ingham County

20200611 Ingham County Trails and Parks Millage Grant Program.

20200615 CADL-Webberville Branch 2019 Annual Report

Jun/Jul ’20 Wmstn Area Senior Center.

Ingham County Sheriff Sgt Chad Doyle June report- 1 warrant arrest and 1 larceny complaint.

Public Comment

Any Other Business:  Clerk Turner request authorization to purchase hand held scanner to use during elections.  Consensus to purchase hand held scanner.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:44 PM by Supervisor Hart.

Glenda S Turner

Locke Township Clerk

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895