1-19-21 PC Minutes


Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

January 19, 2021  7:00 PM- Locke Township Hall, 3805 Bell Oak Road Williamston


  1. Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
  2. Present: Dean Kitchenmaster, David Carlson, Matthew Flint, Marcy Shepler, Dorothy Hart. Absent: Sarah Lackey
  3. Public in Attendance: None
  4. There was one addition to the agenda: Dean Kitchenmaster advised the Jan. 12th Scott Carr letter to amend his special land use permit to include the building of a dry storage building located on the property at 5331 North M-52, will be added to New Business item #5.
  5. Motion to approve November 17, 2020 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes by Flint, supported by Carlson, motion carries: Passed
  6. Election of Officers:
    1. Flint nominated Kitchenmaster for Chair, seconded Carlson, motion carried: Passed
    2. Kitchenmaster nominated Carlson for Vice Chair, seconded Shepler, motion carried: Passed
    3. Kitchenmaster nominated Sarah Lackey for Secretary, seconded Flint, motion carried: Passed
      1. Chair Person: Dean Kitchenmaster
      2. Vice Chair: David Carlson
  • Secretary: Sarah Lackey
  1. Appointment of Recording Secretary: The Commission determined that Sarah Lackey will share both Planning Commission Secretary duties and Recording Secretary duties.
  2. New Business:
    1. Planning Commission Members discussed Scott Carrs’ request to amend the special land use permit located at 5331 N M-52. Members determined the request was a major change to the special land use permit.  After discussion Flint made a motion to approve the site plan changes proposed by Scott Carr to the special land use permit located at 5331 N M-52,  pending the approval of all required permits.  Supported by Shepler, motion carries: Passed unanimously
  3. Old Business:
    1. After reviewing Appendix A of the Master Plan, no changes were made.
  4. Concerns/comments of PC members, ZA, and/or consultants:  None
  5. Public Comment:  None
  6. Adjournment:
    1. Motion to adjourn by Flint at 7:40 PM supported by Carlson motion carries: Passed

Matthew Flint

Planning Commission Secretary

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895