PC Meeting Minutes 11-15-22


NOV. 15, 2022   7:00 PM



  1. Call to order 7:00 p.m. followed by Pledge of Allegiance


Present: Flint, Smith, Lackey, Shepler, Howard


Public Present represented on sign in sheets (attached): Dorothy Hart, Skylar Jabs, Devan Ludwick, Tyler Ospen, Sarah Ospen, Brad Beckwith, Ken Pickney, Cindy Pickney, Lora Williams, Raymond Hunter, Theresa Schafer, Aaron Jorgensen, Jeff Bennett, Kristen Babel, Christine McGoron, Dan Ball, Howard Werner, Rebecca Peclto, Nancy Westmoreland, Rich Westmoreland, Duane Pickney, Vicky Hunt, Larry Hunt, Tom Dean, Eliz McElroy, Rod McElroy, Sheri Rambo, Kathy Coffey, Kelly Coffey, Joe Piper, Zack Evans, Samatha Evans, Kim Fanko, Jeff Prossen


  1. Action to approve agenda changes (Shepler/Smith) passed


  1. Action to approve Oct. 25, 2022 special meeting minutes w/public hearing-CWTG (Shepler/Smith) passed


  1. Public comment:

Dorothy Hart read the email from Landplan Inc. regarding the governance a landfill plan.  See attached.


Public Commenter – Commenter has been trying to look for who bought the farm and for what purpose. She heard  that it was going to be a landfill or development.  Number one concern about the land being developed as a landfill is the quality of ground water, and overall impact on farm land.


Public Commenter  – Commenter found evidence that it is likely Granger that owns the property in question.  Commenter is wondering if there anything the public or township can do to prevent or postpone the possibility of the land being developed until the intent for the property is disclosed.  Suggesting a possible legal block, like a moratorium.  In addition, there are questions an possible loopholes given the language used in the Landplan statement.


Public Commenter – Commenter  questioned if there is a loop hole in the state ordinance.  Commenter had heard that the land in question was outbid far beyond what the local farmers bidding offered and that the property would be for landfill use.


Public Commenter – She is concerned, she just bought her home less than 1 year ago.  Commenter has experience with landfill development in the Detroit area.  Based on her experience, the commenter believes that a landfill in Locke Township or Perry will be detrimental to the local quality of life.


Public Commenter – Commenter is a neighbor of M52 Property.  Commenter has been contacted to purchase his property, too.  Commenter finds this offer suspect.  There is a major concern with big business buying private land in our community.  He also stated that it hard to believe this is the first time that the PC is finding out about this proposed development.  This has been the known use for over a year.


Public Commenter – Commenter lives on Haslett.  With the traffic a proposed landfill would bring to the area, especially 52 near Haslett and north, there are traffic concerns, no to mention the possible impact to the local road conditions and traffic congestion, as well as heavy truck routing.


Public Commenter – the commenter did some investigation and found that the name of the buyer is a Granger Executive. Commenter questioned if there are any environmental groups that can help us fight a landfill coming into the township.


Public Commenter – Commenter would like answers on what the township can do to  keep the land agriculture.  There was also an open question as to what would happen to the wetlands on the extended property.


Public Commenter – Commenter found Jacob Dropper, attorney at law is on the land purchase.  Dropper is part of an LLC.  Dropper is an attorney with Barnum Law Firm.

Public Commenter– Commenter brought research showing that the Barnum Law firm and the specific attorney named as a part of the LCC that purchased the property at auction have a relationship with Granger Company.


Public Commenter– Commenter would like news coverage.  Commenter has been part of big community changes before and believes this is one of the most effective ways to combat changes harmful to the community.  Commenter would like to see a more proactive PC on the topic of landfills and environmental changes.  Commenter believes the landfill has been common knowledge for sometime and the PC should have known about already.


Public Commenter – Commenter posed a question to the PC members to see if the members were in an agreement with keeping the land agricultural.  Commenter suggested the PC review and update the township Master Plan.


Public Commenter – Commenter researched the ramifications of a landfill and shared key findings with the group.  She suggests getting senator and news involved.


Public Commenter – Commenter started a a FB group to stop the Locke Township Landfill.  Information was shared on how to join the social media group.


Public Commenter – Commenter said the community is dependent on the PC, commenter the PC to stop Granger before they start however possible.


Public Commenter – Commenter had knowledge that Granger was at the property tearing down the house.  The Granger employees on site shared with him that the land was going to be a landfill site.


Public Commenter – Commenter stated they find it hard to believe that the PC is just learning about this and is upset the PC let someone in the community to have that much power. Commenter believes that the information printed in the email from LandPlan about the control of landfills put people more on edge and has not helped the situation.


PC Chair, Flint, questioned the possibility of a moratorium on landfills.  Hart will contact LandPlan for guidance on finding more information about moratoriums, ect.


  1. New Business

*Revisit Nov 21, 2023 meeting date [2 days prior to Thanksgiving] change date or not?

The PC meeting date will remain as Nov 21, 2023


*Review Zoning Ordinance Article 10: Zoning Districts, Regulations & Map

In light of the possible project starting as mentioned in public comment, no changes to this ordinance will be considered until the possible project is better understood.  The PC does not feel it is prudent to be in the middle of changing a standing ordinance while there is a question of possible rezoning happening in the very near future.


  1. Public comment/communications

– Review of Nov 8, 2022 email from LandPlan, Mark Eidelson will be retiring June 30, 2023, will not be able to assist with Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance update projects

  • Dorothy will add this to the township board agenda to consider looking for a new consultant for future projects and advisement.


  1. Unfinished business – none


  1. Concern/comments of PC members, Zoning Administrator and Consultants


  1. Public comment –

Suggestions from the public attendees for monthly meetings instead of every other month.


Suggestions of additional avenues of communications – newletters, calls, postings, signs, that better inform the public about what is happening at the township level.


  1. Meeting adjournment – 8:31 p.m. (Flint/Lackey) motion pass


2023 meeting dates:  Jan. 17   Mar 21   May 16   July 18   Sept 19   Nov 21

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895