Agenda 10-10-23

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2023 October TB agenda and attachments



LOCKE TWP HALL- 3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN 48895  517 468-3405 


  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance 
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda 
  3. Action on Sept. 12, 2023 meeting minutes 
  4. Action on Accts Payable Independent Bank checks #6021 – #60____  totaling $_____________

Note: [Amount paid to Foster Swift Apr-July 2023=$7453.60] 

  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation] 
  2. Unfinished Business

*Res. 2023-09 Glen Dor Street Lighting District Special Assessment [blue] *Ordinance #2023-?? Authorize and Regulate the Operation of ORV’s in Locke Twp 

  1. New Business

*Snow removal for Locke Twp Hall

Webster & Griffes                        Nick’s Lawn Services/Snow Removal 

*Consideration of $875 quote from Briggs Mechanical for humidifier added to GEO system *Cemeteries tornado damage claim $3125-$1000 deductible=$2125 pd to Twp by Decker Ins *Meeting Dates in 2024 

*Bus Tour of Wind & Solar Facilities, Thurs. Oct 26th, 9am-5pm, cost $15, RSVP – ASAP *approval of Clerk $25 registration MTA webinar Now You Know Elections Update 2023′ 

  1. Reports: 

Clerk – Sept rev/exp report; 9-14 attend BS&A user group; rec. $2017.93 Webberville Comm School May election re-imbursement; prepared/submitted annual F-65 report to state; prepared/ submitted annual Qualifying stmt to state; prepared/submitted qtr reports 

Treasurer – Sept 30 treas report; sent emails to Julie Brixie and Sam Singh re: keeping decision- making local re: solar/wind, etc.; completed Civic Pulse survey re: Bioethicists; completed “Growing Michigan Together” survey; sent letters to residents who may have overlooked a summer tax parcel 

Trustee Davis

Trustee Shepler

Supervisor attend Sept 14 NIESA Bd meeting; Sept NIESA report [pink]; attend MTA workshop Emerging Issues in Emergency Services in Frankenmuth Sept 12 

Zoning Administrator -Sept report; building permits update 

  1. Public Comment [3 minute limitation
  2. Communications, seminars, etc. 

*Ing Co Sheriff Dept Sgt Chad Doyle Sept calls: none 

  1. Any Other Business / Board member comments 
  2. Adjournment 

The Township will provide necessary reasonable services to individuals with disabilities at the Board meeting upon 3 days notice in writing or by calling the Locke Township Clerk at 517 468-3405

Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                                   Next meeting – Nov. 14 

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895