Agenda 3-12-24

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2024 March TB agenda and attachments


LOCKE TWP HALL-3805 BELL OAK RD, WMSTN48895  517468-3405

  1. Call to Order, Welcome, Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Additions to agenda/approval of agenda
  3. 13,2024meetingminutes
  4. Public Hearing—Appropriation Act
  5. Action on Accts Payable Independent Bank checks #6175 -#62 totaling $  [$32,245StateRevenueSharingreceivedforNov/Dec2023]
  6. Presentation/PublicComment-3 minute limitation

Julie Rudd, Director-Williamston Area Senior Center

  1. Unfinished Business:

*Quotessummaryforsecuritycamerasfornewballotdropbox&installation-ballotdropbox MI Twp Part Plan Risk Reduction Program grants opportunity

  1. New Business:

*Budget Amendment:

101215702clerksalary               $1800increase     /101262727electionsupplies              $200increase

101215860clerk travel                 $150increase     /101262901electionpublishing$1100increase

101262702electionsalary          $3700increase     /101247901Bd ofRevpublishing650increase

101262713electionMedicare$170increase          /101446819streets/bridges               $7770decrease

*Resignation of Planning Commissioner Sarah Lackey/Motion to accept resignation

*Supervisor appointment of ???? To Planning Commission for remaining term ending12-31-26 Supervisor considerations: Cory Jorgensen-BOR, Jean Coe-ZBA, Duane Pinckney

*Motion to accept Planning Commission appointment

*CD Investment information:


Independent Bank, up to$250,000, 4.65%, 7-119days

*Res.2024-04GeneralFundBudgetandGeneralAppropriationActfiscalyr4-01-2024thru 3-31-2025

*Volunteer for Bell Oak Cemetery-remove2stumps/c1ean-up

*declare U.S. flag beyond repair and dispose of in Boy Scouts collection receptacle

*action-additional$70wageforTrusteeSheplerattending 3/07WmstnSchoolBdmeeting

*correctiononRes.2024-03Poverty Guidelines[pink],page2,7)Asset Test,

Residents may

  1. Reports:

ClerkSURVIVED 2024PresidentialPrimaryElection;Febrev/expreport;1FOIArequest processed

Treasurer —Feb29treasreport; looked into CD interest rates; submitted new bank signature cards to include new deputy treas; entered into tax settlement process w/County; willmeet03/14 w/Decker Ins-review renewal policy



Supervisor—FebNIESAreport;3 FOIA requests processed; 3/05attendBORorganizational meeting; 3/11&3/12 attend BOR

Zoning Administrator—Feb report; building permits update; completed MI Assoc of Planning Mar6&7ZoningAdministratorszoomworkshop

  1. Public Comment[3minutelimitation]


  1. Communications, seminars, etc.

*Mar19, Consumers Energy Pipeline project Open House, Peacock Rd Family Farm5-7pm

*MTA 2024Educational Conference & Expo, April 22-25, Grand Traverse Resort

*MTA educational offerings in 2024:         May —ABCs of ZBAs in Frankenmuth $100 June—Election Prep/Primer $100Aug—Hot Topics Plan/Zon $100 Dec—New Officials


  1. Any Other Business/Board member comments
  2. Adjournment

TheTownshipwillprovidenecessaryreasonableservicestoindividualswithdisabilities at the Board meetingupon3daysnoticeinwritingorbycallingtheLockeTownship Clerk at 517 468-3405.

Dorothy G Hart, Locke Township Supervisor                                         Next meeting—April 09

Phone: (517) 468-3405
Fax: (517) 468-0105
3805 Bell Oak Rd
Williamston, Mi 48895